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@FibreFoX FibreFoX released this 05 Feb 22:19

This is kind of a big release, because it contains so much new stuff :) all just for you !!!

There are some changes, maybe you used the features, mostly one important is about the used properties. Please note that using maven-properties is not recommended, please use the tags inside the configuration-blocks as much as possible.


  • added detection of missing main class, wrong configuration now gets detected a bit earlier, to disable scanning, just set <skipMainClassScanning>true</skipMainClassScanning> (might cause the build-time to increase when enabled)
  • nativeReleaseVersion will now get sanitized, anything than numbers and dots are removed, this ensures compatibility with the used bundler toolsets
  • signing jars using jarsigner was introduced some time ago, but it was lacking some custom parameters, this is now fixed by having the new additionalJarsignerParameters-list while using native MOJO (fixes issue #260)
  • generating a keystore has some hardcoded parameters (like keysize or used algorithm), but was missing support for additional parameters, this is now fixed by having the new additionalKeytoolParameters-list while using generate-key-store MOJO
  • added ability to fail the build on errors while bundling, just set <failOnError>true</failOnError>
  • when having not specified any bundler, it now is possible to remove that JNLP-warning regarding "No OutFile Specificed", which makes that bundler being skipped, just set <skipJNLP>true</skipJNLP> inside the <configuration>-block
  • added property to skip nativeReleaseVersion rewriting, just set <skipNativeVersionNumberSanitizing>true</skipNativeVersionNumberSanitizing> inside the <configuration>-block
  • added skipCopyingDependencies to make it possible to NOT copying dependencies, but they are added to the classpath inside the manifest like normal
  • added <fixedManifestClasspath> for setting the classpath-entry inside the generated manifest-file in the main jfx-jar, this is already possible for secondary launchers by setting <classpath> within the configuration-block of the secondary launcher
  • added <useLibFolderContentForManifestClasspath> for creating the manifest-entriy for the classpath, depending on the content of the lib-folder, makes it possible to have files not being inside dependencies being present there (which got copied beforehand)


  • added warning when no classes were generated for -jfx.jar-generation, fixes issue #233 (no real FIX, as this is no real BUG ... IMHO)
  • added warning about slow performance (even on SSD) when having ext4/btrfs filesystems using "deb"-bundler (fixes issue #41)
  • added warning about missing "jnlp.outfile"-property inside bundleArguments when using JNLP-bundler (from issue #42)
  • added ability to change name of the lib-folder by setting libFolderName


  • reimplemented <additionalBundlerResources>, now searching for folders with the name of the used bundler, makes it possible to adjust nearly all bundlers now
  • all parameters are now accessible via jfx.-prefixed properties, please adjust your properties accordingly (I hope this does not break much for you)