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Adds support for ember-i18n in ember-cp-validations

Using ember-intl? See: jasonmit/ember-intl-cp-validations


  • ember install ember-i18n-cp-validations

Breaking changes between 2.x and 3.x for ember-i18n-cp-validations

  1. If your application implements it's own app/validators/messages.js you'll want to change the import reference from: ember-cp-validations/validators/messages to ember-i18n-cp-validations/validators/message
  2. Instantiating the initializer is no longer necessary for testing


Implement the following validation messages across your translations:

// app/locales/en/translations.js

export default {
  errors: {
    description: "This field",
    inclusion: "{{description}} is not included in the list",
    exclusion: "{{description}} is reserved",
    invalid: "{{description}} is invalid",
    confirmation: "{{description}} doesn't match {{on}}",
    accepted: "{{description}} must be accepted",
    empty: "{{description}} can't be empty",
    blank: "{{description}} can't be blank",
    present: "{{description}} must be blank",
    collection: "{{description}} must be a collection",
    singular: "{{description}} can't be a collection",
    tooLong: "{{description}} is too long (maximum is {{max}} characters)",
    tooShort: "{{description}} is too short (minimum is {{min}} characters)",
    before: "{{description}} must be before {{before}}",
    after: "{{description}} must be after {{after}}",
    wrongDateFormat: "{{description}} must be in the format of {{format}}",
    wrongLength: "{{description}} is the wrong length (should be {{is}} characters)",
    notANumber: "{{description}} must be a number",
    notAnInteger: "{{description}} must be an integer",
    greaterThan: "{{description}} must be greater than {{gt}}",
    greaterThanOrEqualTo: "{{description}} must be greater than or equal to {{gte}}",
    equalTo: "{{description}} must be equal to {{is}}",
    lessThan: "{{description}} must be less than {{lt}}",
    lessThanOrEqualTo: "{{description}} must be less than or equal to {{lte}}",
    otherThan: "{{description}} must be other than {{value}}",
    odd: "{{description}} must be odd",
    even: "{{description}} must be even",
    positive: "{{description}} must be positive",
    date: "{{description}} must be a valid date",
    onOrAfter: '{{description}} must be on or after {{onOrAfter}}',
    onOrBefore: '{{description}} must be on or before {{onOrBefore}}',
    email: "{{description}} must be a valid email address",
    phone: "{{description}} must be a valid phone number",
    url: "{{description}} must be a valid url"

Customizing the prefix

To change the errors prefix key from errors to any other key, such as validationErrors you simply add the following to app/validators/messages.js. Now just amend your translation files to be nested under the validationErrors object instead of errors.

// app/validators/messages.js

import ValidatorsMessages from 'ember-i18n-cp-validations/validators/messages';

export default ValidatorsMessages.extend({
  prefix: 'validationErrors'

Translating Validator description

To translate the description of a Validator specify the descriptionKey to match a key in your translations.

// app/models/user.js

import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';

const Validations = buildValidations({
  username: validator('presence', {
    presence: true,
    descriptionKey: 'key.for.username'
// app/locales/en/translations.js

export default {
  key: {
    for: {
      username: 'Username'

// app/locales/sv/translations.js

export default {
  key: {
    for: {
      username: 'Användarnamn'

Overriding default translation key

By default, translations will be resolved to validatorPrefix.validatorType. If you need to override this functionality entirely and specify your own message key, you can do so with messageKey on the validator object.

// app/models/user.js

import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';

const Validations = buildValidations({
  username: validator('presence', {
    presence: true,
    messageKey: 'username.missing'

Passing attributes into translation

Passing attributes into your translation is supported.

Similar to passing attributes via through to the t method: i.e., i18n.t('errors.blank', { placeholder: i18n.t('age') }) you can also do this with your validator definition.

validator('presence', {
  presence: true,
  placeholder: Ember.computed('model.age', 'model.i18n.locale', {
    // inject i18n into your model, optional..
    return get(model, 'i18n').t('age');
errors: {
  blank: '{{placeholder}} cannot be blank!'

Disabling Missing Translation Warnings

To suppress console warnings for missing translations, you can do so by setting i18n.suppressWarnings in config/environment;

// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
  const ENV = {};

  if (environment === 'test') {
    ENV.i18n = ENV.i18n || {};
    ENV.i18n.suppressWarnings = true;

  return ENV;


Please open a GitHub an issue.


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

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