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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 30, 2019. It is now read-only.


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Project Archived

No Maintenance Intended

@jaryncolbert built the World of Recurse Map, which is now running at! I will be putting my energy towards that project instead of this one.

I'll leave the Heroku app running, but I don't intend to make any changes, and if it breaks at some point then I'll take it offline rather than fix it.

World of Recursers

A world map of where Recurse Center alumni live.

Local Set Up

Prepare the database

We use PostgreSQL as our database. Follow the installation instructions for your platform to set up the database server.

First, choose or create a database:

$ createdb --owner=$(whoami) recurseworld

Depending on your platform, you may need to run that command as the operating system user which owns the database server:

$ sudo -u postgres createdb --owner=$(whoami) recurseworld

Then, create the schema:

$ psql recurseworld < schema.sql

Add your database connection URL to the .env file: DATABASE_URL=postgres:///recurseworld/

Note: the DATABASE_URL can be any libpq connection string. An alternate database URL you might try is postgres://localhost/recurseworld to connect over TCP/IP to the database named recurseworld.

Python Virtual Environment

You'll first need to install the Python dependencies. First, set up a virtual environment:

$ python3 -m venv venv


$ python3 -m virtualenv --python=python3 venv

Then, activate the virtual environment and install the app's dependencies into it:

$ . venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To populate the database, the scripts must be run in this virtual environment (venv). The virtual environment can be reactivated at any time with the command:

$ . venv/bin/activate

Create a .env File

The app needs some configuration, which it takes through environment variables. For convenience, this project uses a .env file to store these variables.

First, copy the env.template file to a new file named .env:

$ cp env.template .env

The next few sections will describe how to set and add to this initial set of variables.

Note: The .env file should not be placed under version control and is included in the .gitignore file.

There is a script to get the data the application needs from the Recurse Center API and from the GeoNames API and store it in the database.

To connect to the RC API, the script needs a personal access token, which you can create in the Apps page in your RC Settings. The personal access token will only be shown once, so copy it to a safe place and add it to the .env file: RC_API_ACCESS_TOKEN=<personal_access_token>

To connect to the GeoNames API, the script needs a GeoNames username. Create a new user account, and then enable web services on the account management page. Add your username to the .env file: GEONAMES_USER=<your_username>

To show map data from Mapbox, the front end needs a Mapbox public access token. Create a new user account, and then add the default public token from your account page to the .env file: MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN=<public_access_token>.

Run the script to populate the database in your Python Virtual Environment:

(venv)$ ./

It should print out how many people were added.

Build the front end

The HTML and JavaScript that the Flask app will serve needs to be built.

First, install the dependencies:

$ npm install

Then, make sure you've sourced your .env file, so that the build can bundle in your Mapbox token:

$ source .env

Finally, run the build:

$ npm run build

Start the Flask App

When running in development mode, the app does not require authentication.

If you are working on the RC OAuth integration, you will need to create an OAuth app in your RC Settings. Then, update the .env to include the generated client ID and the client secret: CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id> and CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret>. Otherwise, those variables can remain set to the placeholder values (but must still be present and non-empty).

The CLIENT_CALLBACK URL variable must include the port number the Flask instance will be running on, which defaults to port 5000. Update this URL in your .env file if using a different port.

Start the Flask API in your Python Virtual Environment:

(venv)$ flask run

Now, your local instance of Recurse World with live data from the RC API will be available at .

Heroku Set Up

This is app is deployed on Heroku:

$ heroku apps:create

To set up your Heroku app, add both the Python and Node buildpacks:

$ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/python
$ heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs

You will also need to set several environment variables.

Three relate to the Recurse Center OAuth API. When you create your OAuth app in your RC account settings, you will need to set the callback to be https://<your_url>/auth/recurse/callback. Once you create it, you will get a CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. You will also need to set a randomly chosen password for Flask to encrypt sessions with.

$ heroku config:set \
    CLIENT_CALLBACK=https://<your_url>/auth/recurse/callback \
    CLIENT_ID=<your_client_id> \
    CLIENT_SECRET=<your_client_secret> \
    FLASK_SECRET_KEY=$(makepasswd --chars=64) \
    GEONAMES_USER=<your_geonames_username> \
    RC_API_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_rc_api_token> \

You will also need to create a database:

$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

and populate it:

$ heroku pg:psql < schema.sql

And you'll probably want logs of some sort. I'm using Papertrail:

$ heroku addons:create papertrail:choklad

Then, in theory, it should be a simple git push heroku master!

Licensed under the AGPL, version 3