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A robust data pipeline leveraging Amazon EMR and PySpark, orchestrated seamlessly with Apache Airflow for efficient batch processing

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A robust data pipeline leveraging Amazon EMR and PySpark, orchestrated seamlessly with Apache Airflow for efficient batch processing

Architecture Diagram


Airflow DAG for AWS EMR Automation - Project Summary


This project leverages Apache Airflow to automate Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes on AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR). The primary focus is on creating a transient EMR cluster, performing data ingestion and transformation tasks using Spark, and then terminating the cluster to optimize costs.

Key Components

  1. Transient EMR Cluster:

    • The DAG adopts a transient EMR cluster model, creating clusters on-demand and terminating them after task completion to minimize resource costs.
  2. EMR Cluster Configuration:

    • The DAG dynamically configures EMR clusters with specified instance groups, roles, and applications.
  3. Data Ingestion and Transformation:

    • Two Spark job steps (ingest_layer and transform_layer) are added to the EMR cluster for data ingestion and transformation, respectively.
  4. Polling Mechanism:

    • Polling tasks (poll_step_layer and poll_step_layer2) wait for the completion of Spark job steps, periodically checking the EMR step status.
  5. Termination Task:

    • The DAG includes a task (terminate_emr_cluster) to terminate the EMR cluster, ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Code Explanation

Dataset to S3 with AWS CLI


This simple script downloads the Iris dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository using the wget command and uploads it to an Amazon S3 bucket using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). The dataset is retrieved in CSV format and stored as hello_world.csv in the specified S3 bucket.

How to Use


  1. AWS CLI Installation:

    • Ensure that the AWS CLI is installed on your local machine. If not, you can download it from here.
  2. AWS Credentials:

    • Make sure that you have AWS credentials configured on your machine. You can set up your AWS credentials using the aws configure command.

Running the Script

  1. This will be ran in first step of Airflow as an EMR step

Airflow DAG for EMR Automation


This Airflow DAG automates the process of creating an EMR (Elastic MapReduce) cluster on AWS, running Spark jobs for data ingestion and transformation, and terminating the cluster upon completion. The DAG is designed to perform ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations on data using Spark on an EMR cluster.


  1. AWS Credentials:

    • Ensure that you have AWS credentials configured on your local machine or the environment where Airflow is running.
  2. AWS CLI Installation:

    • Make sure that the AWS CLI is installed on your Airflow environment. If not, you can download it from here.
  3. Boto3 Installation:

    • Install the Boto3 library using pip install boto3.
  4. Airflow DAG Configuration:

    • Configure the boto3 client with your AWS credentials and desired region.

DAG Structure

The DAG consists of the following steps:

  1. Create EMR Cluster (create_emr_cluster):

    • Creates an EMR cluster with specified configurations.
    • The cluster details, including the JobFlowId, are stored in XCom for later use.
  2. Ingest Layer (ingest_layer):

    • Adds a Spark job step to the created EMR cluster for data ingestion.
    • The Spark job runs the script stored in the S3 bucket.
  3. Poll Step (poll_step_layer):

    • Waits for the completion of the data ingestion step before proceeding to the next step.
    • Polls the EMR step status at regular intervals.
  4. Transform Layer (transform_layer):

    • Adds a Spark job step to the EMR cluster for data transformation.
    • The Spark job runs the script stored in the S3 bucket.
  5. Poll Step 2 (poll_step_layer2):

    • Waits for the completion of the data transformation step.
    • Polls the EMR step status at regular intervals.
  6. Terminate EMR Cluster (terminate_emr_cluster):

    • Terminates the EMR cluster to save costs once the ETL process is complete.

How to Use

  1. Configure AWS Credentials:

    • Ensure that your AWS CLI is configured with the necessary credentials.
  2. Update DAG Configuration:

    • Modify the create_emr_cluster and terminate_emr_cluster tasks to suit your EMR cluster requirements.
  3. Upload Scripts to S3:

    • Upload the and scripts to the S3 bucket specified in the DAG.
  4. Run the DAG:

    • Trigger the DAG in the Airflow UI or use the Airflow CLI command to start the DAG run.
  5. Monitor Progress:

    • Check the Airflow UI for the progress of each task. Logs and details are available in the UI.
  6. Verify Results:

    • Verify the data ingestion and transformation steps by inspecting the EMR cluster logs and output.


  • Ensure that the S3 paths, script names, and EMR configurations in the DAG match your setup.


A robust data pipeline leveraging Amazon EMR and PySpark, orchestrated seamlessly with Apache Airflow for efficient batch processing







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