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A File Chooser for Ruby Processing

Martin Prout edited this page Aug 25, 2013 · 13 revisions

Rather than trying to implement the vanilla processing convenience function "selectInput", which relies on dodgy java reflection nonsense, we provide a more ruby like file chooser (built on JFileChooser). Like the control_panel library, the file_chooser takes a block ( instead of a string reflection method ). On linux using openjdk the default look and feel might be preferred.

load_library :file_chooser
attr_reader :img

# Example file chooser (in this case image file chooser), 
# the image loading and resizing is encapsulated in the block.
# Borrows heavily from control_panel. 

def setup
  size 600, 600
  file_chooser do |fc|
    fc.look_feel "Nimbus"
    fc.set_filter "Image Files",  [".png", ".jpg"]
    my_file = fc.display
    @img = load_image(my_file)
    img.resize(width, height)

def draw
  image img, 0, 0

chooser sketch Gtk+