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Textify is a simple scanlation editor–a CRUD with cloud ML hooks–inspired by my growing enchantment with international comics corpora, particularly Indonesia's unofficial (and still largely uncharted) branching of the Marvel and DC Universes in the late 1960s and '70s.

The Cloud ML functions

The CRUD functions

New Libraries I Tried

Medium Explainers I Wrote

  • The Multiverse Next Door (Feb 2021): Digging the global comics underground with cloud APIs & JavaScript

    This project thus has dual goals: to introduce some crazy new archaeology to comics fandom, and to scaffold a simple tool for deciphering it, narrowly designed for personal, non-commercial use.

  • AWS Lambdas: Easy, Easier, Easiest (Apr 2021): Step-by-step serverless function setup using Amplify, Netlify, or Vercel.

    Having reached the point in my app’s development where I do need a Lambda–to chat with the Apache Cassandra database where I’ll be storing my translations–it seemed worthwhile to feature-compare my walkthroughs of the three APIs.

  • 6 Tricks for Simpler Cloud CV (Dec 2020): How AWS Amplify simplified my workflow.

    My prototype app used two custom Lambda endpoints, configured using Amazon’s Gateway API: a Node.js function to save images to S3 and a Python function to call Amazon’s Textract OCR service. With Amplify, both of these are one-liners.

  • 6 Tricks for Next-Level CRUDs (Dec 2020): How to use react-query to maximize your cached data.

    Changes on the detail page are reflected instantly–and reverted if they fail–using the Optimistic Update strategy. With React Query’s devtools drawer open, we have perfect visibility into the state of our cache.

YouTube Tutorials I Followed

Available Scripts

In the project directory, run:

npm run dev


Comics translator built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, AWS Amplify & Apache Cassandra






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