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Base repo for running Jupyter Notebooks on the Jamsocket platform


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Add your notebook(s) to the /notebook directory.
  3. Add your notebook's python dependencies to requirements.txt (alternatively, if you prefer pipenv, add them with pipenv install and then run pipenv run freeze).
  4. Replace /notebooks/hello-jamsocket.ipynb in Dockerfile with the path to the notebook you'd like to be automatically loaded. If you want the user to see a file listing of the /notebooks directory by default, remove that line entirely.
  5. Run ./ to create a freeze.txt file from requirements.txt. This pins the version of all of the dependencies of the libraries in requirements.txt.
  6. Set your account name as the JAMSOCKET_ACCOUNT value in your GitHub secrets.
  7. Generate an access token at and set it as the JAMSOCKET_TOKEN value in your GitHub secrets. (Sign up for a Jamsocket account if you don’t already have one.)
  8. Push your repo to your GitHub account, and your Jupyter Notebook container will be automatically built and pushed to Jamsocket.
  9. Get a Spawn URL from us. (Open this URL in a browser to start a new notebook instance.)

To run the jupyter-notebook locally for testing:

docker build -t jupyter-notebook .
docker run -p 8080:8080 --env PORT=8080 -it jupyter-notebook
open localhost:8080

Jupyter Lab

By default, this runs the jupyter notebook command. If you want to run the jupyter lab command instead, you can set the JUPYTER_SUBCOMMAND environment variable to lab.


Scaffold for setting up a hosted jupyter notebook on the Jamsocket platform







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