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Documentation updates #19

Documentation updates

Documentation updates #19

Re-run triggered May 13, 2023 20:26
Status Failure
Total duration 7m 53s
Artifacts 1


on: push
Matrix: R-CMD-check
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4 errors and 15 warnings
macOS-latest (release)
Failed to get R 4.3.0: Failed to get R 4.3.0: Failed to download version 4.3.0: Error: Unexpected HTTP response: 404
windows-latest (release)
Test failures
windows-latest (release)
R CMD check found ERRORs
windows-latest (release)
Process completed with exit code 1.
ubuntu-20.04 (devel)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1, r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1, actions/cache@v2. For more information see:
r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version.
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version. Also look at the examples at because '@v2' workflows are much simpler than 'v1' workflows.
ubuntu-20.04 (devel)
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see:
ubuntu-20.04 (release)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1, r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1, actions/cache@v2. For more information see:
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version. Also look at the examples at because '@v2' workflows are much simpler than 'v1' workflows.
ubuntu-20.04 (release)
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see:
r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version.
macOS-latest (release)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1. For more information see:
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version. Also look at the examples at because '@v2' workflows are much simpler than 'v1' workflows.
macOS-latest (release)
No files were found with the provided path: check. No artifacts will be uploaded.
windows-latest (release)
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1, r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1. For more information see:
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version. Also look at the examples at because '@v2' workflows are much simpler than 'v1' workflows.
windows-latest (release)
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see:
r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1 is deprecated.
r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v1 is deprecated. Please update your workflow to use the 'v2' version.


Produced during runtime
Name Size
Windows-rrelease-results Expired
224 KB