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Data accessors fror Fetch, File, Heap, MySQL, Redis, Request


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An error class for data source that extends RuntimeError from @jamashita/anden.

Fetch classes

Fetch<T extends FetchResponseType>

This class provides a simple interface for making API requests to the server. FetchResponseType represents the type of data that you can retrieve from the server. It can be one of the following values: 'arrayBuffer', 'blob', 'json', or 'text'.

new Fetch<T extends FetchResponseType>(type: T)

This is a constructor for a class that always returns a response of the given type.

Fetch.prototype.delete(url: string): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a DELETE request to the server at the specified url. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.

Fetch.prototype.get(url: string): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a GET request to the server at the specified url. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.

Fetch.prototype.head(url: string): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a HEAD request to the server at the specified url. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type. string, payload?: ObjectLiteral): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a POST request to the server at the specified url with an optional body payload. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.

Fetch.prototype.put(url: string, payload: ObjectLiteral): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a PUT request to the server at the specified url with an optional body payload. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.


FetchError is an error type for Fetch. It extends the DataSourceError class.

File classes


This class provides a simple interface for interacting with files on the file system.

File.exists(path: string): Promise<boolean>

Checks whether a file with the given path exists. Returns a promise that resolves to true if the file exists, or false if it does not exist. string): Promise<Buffer>

Reads the contents of a file with the given path. Returns a promise that resolves to a Buffer object containing the file's data.

File.write(path: string, data: Buffer | string): Promise<void>

Writes the given data to the file with the given path. data can be either a Buffer object or a string. Returns a promise that resolves when the write operation is complete.


FileError is an error type for File. It extends the DataSourceError class.

Heap classes


This class provides a simple interface for storing data in memory.

new Heap(seconds: number = Infinity)

This is a constructor for a class that retains data for a specified number of seconds. If you set the seconds to Infinity, the data will be retained forever.

Heap.prototype.get<H>(identifier: symbol): H

Retrieves the value associated with the given identifier. The type of the returned value is specified by the generic type H.

Heap.prototype.set(identifier: symbol, value: unknown): void

Stores the given value with the given identifier. The stored value can be retrieved using the get method with the same identifier.


HeapError is an error type for Heap. It extends the DataSourceError class.

This class provides a simple interface for storing data into MySQL.

MySQL classes


Connection.prototype.commit(): Promise<void>

Commits the pending transactions.

Connection.prototype.execute<R>(sql: string, value?: ObjectLiteral): Promise<R>

Executes the SQL statement. The result R will be returned. The value is assigned to the prepared statement before execution.

Connection.prototype.release(): void

Terminates the current connection to the resource.

Connection.prototype.rollback(): Promise<void>

Rollbacks the current transactions.

(interface) ISQL

SQL.prototype.execute<R>(sql: string, value?: ObjectLiteral): Promise<R>

Executes the sql statement. The result R will be returned. The value is assigned to the prepared statement before execution.

(interface) ITransaction<R>

Transaction.prototype.with(sql: ISQL): Promise<R>

This method handles a single transaction, with R indicating the returned value. The ISQL instance is used to execute SQL statements within the transaction.


MySQL.prototype.execute<R>(sql: string, value?: ObjectLiteral): Promise<R>

Executes the SQL statement. The result R will be returned. The value is assigned to the prepared statement before execution.

MySQL.prototype.getConnection(): Promise<Connection>

Returns the Connection.

MySQL.prototype.transact<R>(transaction: ITransaction<R>): Promise<R>

Executes the given transaction. If successful, commit the changes and release the connection. If not, roll back the transaction and release the connection.


MySQLError is an error type for MySQL. It extends the DataSourceError class.

Redis classes


Redis.prototype.delete(...keys: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<boolean>

Deletes the values associated with the keys specified in the keys list. Returns true if all keys were successfully deleted.

Redis.prototype.exists(...keys: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<boolean>

Checks if the specified keys in the keys list exist and return true if all of them do, otherwise return false.

Redis.prototype.exipires(key: string, seconds: number): Promise<boolean>

Assigns an expiration time of seconds to the key specified in key. Returns true if the operation was successful.

Redis.prototype.getHash(): RedisHash

Returns RedisHash.

Redis.prototype.getList(): RedisList

Returns RedisList.

Redis.prototype.getSet(): RedisSet

Returns RedisSet.

Redis.prototype.getString(): RedisString

Returns RedisString.

Redis.prototype.on(callback: BinaryConsumer<string, string>): void

Adds the event listener.

Redis.prototype.publish(channel: string, message: string): Promise<number>

Broadcasts a message to the specified channel. Returns the number of clients that received the message.

Redis.prototype.subscribe(channel: string, callback: BinaryConsumer<string, string>): Promise<void>

Begins listening for events on the specified channel.

Redis.prototype.unsubscribe(...channels: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<void>

Stops listening for events on the specified channels.


RedisError is an error type for Redis. It extends the DataSourceError class.


Redis methods for hash.

RedisHash.prototype.delete(key: string, field: string): Promise<number>

Removes the field specified in field from the Hash stored at the key specified in key. Returns the number of fields that were removed.

RedisHash.prototype.get(key: string, field: string): Promise<Nullable<string>>

Gets the value of the given field from the Hash stored at the key specified in key. Return null if the value does not exist.

RedisHash.prototype.has(key: string, field: string): Promise<boolean>

Returns true if the given field exists in the Hash stored at the key specified in key.

RedisHash.prototype.length(key: string): Promise<number>

Retrieves the number of fields in the Hash stored at the given key.

RedisHash.prototype.set(key: string, field: string, value: string): Promise<boolean>

Sets the value of field in the Hash stored at the key specified key to the given value. Returns true if the field is new, false if it was updated.


Redis methods for list.

RedisList.prototype.dump(key: string): Promise<Array<string>>

Retrieves all elements stored under the given key as an Array.

RedisList.prototype.length(key: string): Promise<number>

Retrieves the length of the list stored at the given key.

RedisList.prototype.pop(key: string): Promise<Nullable<string>>

Returns the last element of the list stored in the given key and remove it from the list. May return null if it has no elements.

RedisList.prototype.push(key: string, value: string): Promise<number>

Adds the given value to the end of the list stored in the given key. Then return the current length of the list.

RedisList.prototype.remove(key: string, value: string): Promise<number>

Removes the given value from the the list stored in the given key. Return the current length of the list. string, offset: number, limit: number): Promise<Array<string>>

Retrieves a subset of elements from the list stored in key, starting at offset index and ending at offset + limit index.

RedisList.prototype.shift(key: string): Promise<Nullable<string>>

Returns the first element of the list stored in the given key and remove it from the list. May return null if it has no elements.


Redis methods for set.

RedisSet.prototype.add(key: string, ...values: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<number>

Adds the given values to the Set stored in specified key. Returns the number of elements added to the set, not including already existing elements.

RedisSet.prototype.dump(key: string)

Retrieves all values stored under the given key as a Set.

RedisSet.prototype.has(key: string, value: string): Promise<boolean>

Returns true if the given value exists in the Set stored at the key specified in key.

RedisSet.prototype.length(key: string): Promise<number>

Retrieves the length of the Set stored at the given key.

RedisSet.prototype.pop(key: string): Promise<Nullable<string>>

Removes and returns a random element from the Set stored in the given key. May return null if it has no elements.

RedisSet.prototype.random(key: string): Promise<Array<number> | Nullable<string>>

Retrieves a random element from the Set stored at the specified key.

RedisSet.prototype.remove(key: string, ...values: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<number>

Removes the given values from the the Set stored in the given key. Returns the current size of the Set.


Redis methods for string.

RedisString.prototype.get(key: string): Promise<Nullable<string>>

Retrieves the value stored at the given key as a string. May return null if the key does not exist or the value stored at the key is not a string.

RedisString.prototype.set(key: string, value: string): Promise<boolean>

Store the given value at the given key. Return true if the operation was successful.

Request classes

Request<T extends RequestResponseType>

This class provides a simple interface for sending requests to the server and receiving a response. RequestResponseType represents the type of data that can be retrieved from the server, and it can be one of the following values: 'buffer', 'json', or 'text'.

new Request<T extends RequestResponseType>(type: T)

This is a constructor for a class that returns a response of the specified type for every request.

Request.prototype.delete(url: string): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a DELETE request to the server at the specified url. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.

Request.prototype.get(url: string): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a GET request to the server at the specified url. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.

Request.prototype.head(url: string): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a HEAD request to the server at the specified url. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type. string, payload?: ObjectLiteral): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a POST request to the server at the specified url with an optional body payload. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.

Request.prototype.put(url: string, payload?: ObjectLiteral): Promise<FetchResponseType<T>>

Sends a PUT request to the server at the specified url with an optional body payload. Returns a promise that resolves to the server's response with the specified data type.


RequestError is an error type for Request. It extends the DataSourceError class.
