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Repository files navigation

Environment variables

Name Default Value ** Description **
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_FILES_URL Should contain the base URL where to fetch the source code. Useful to redirect the user to method definitions.
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_FILES_TYPE gitlab Type of files provider.
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_POSTMAN_KEY false Postman API key. Used to manage postman collections. You can generate a new one from here
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_CLEAN_ON_BOOT 'true' Set this environment variable to 'false' if you want to remove the documentation collection on server startup.
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_TRANSLATE_ENGINE 'google' Set this environment variable to change the translation engine. Supported engines: [yandex]( [google](
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_TRANSLATE_KEY null Contains translation engine key.
DEVTOOLS_MODULE_TRANSLATE_BASE_LANGUAGE 'en' Set this environment variable to change the base language.

Supported HTTP methods