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MovieListr Backend with NodeJS


This project was a test for me to see how far JS has come along to be actually used for a backend. A few years ago I also created a backend for a small application in NodeJS with regular old javascript (I did not have a lot of experience with javascript then), but I really hated it. Now with typescript, I wanted to give it another chance.

Technologies used:

For the application

For testing

I also make a lot of use of the new async/await syntax.

To get it up and running:

  1. Run yarn install
  2. Run docker-compose up, this will run the container for the mysql db.
  3. Run docker ps to find the name of the docker container.
  4. Run docker exec -i -t <docker-container-name> /bin/bash to open a bash in the container.
  5. Run mysql -u root -p and fill in the password 'root'.
  6. Run the sql scripts in the db-scripts folder to create the correct tables and fill them with dummy data.
  7. Run npm run build to compile the typescript into the dist folder.
  8. Run node dist/index.js to run the application.

You can now use postman to do requests to http://localhost:3000. For full URL's, check the classes in the src/routes folder.


The same movielistr backend in nodejs, but for dependency injection I used typescript-ioc lib instead of awilix.






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