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Loopplate - Production ready Node.js boilerplate. Loopback, Typescript, Angular.js

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Quick start

Build, launch server and watch for changes

gulp app:watch

Running tests

npm test

Image of Loopback


Detailed Description

NOTE: Boilerplate in active developing process.

I. Codebase

Apps codebase contains both backend and frontend parts.

  • Backend with its settings is located inside /app directory,
  • /build directory is transpiled version of typescript running with node.js
  • /data directory for backend assets, like the list of available countries used by the app.
  • /public is where AnguarJS SPA located with needed assets and stylesheets.

II. Dependencies

Backend dependencies controlled by NPM, bower used for the frontend, package.json and bower.json are the corresponding files with all needed dependencies, npm install and bower install - common commands to install them.

III. Config

Running environments: production, development and test. A setting file for each environment located in app/server directory. An official documentation technical aspects with needed details, see

IV. Backing services

MongoDb is a storage of choice, app can be converted to SQL based database since it's based on Looback's DAO. For more info, see Outbound emails are sent using mailgun that connected as a datasource and listed in datasources.json file. Logs and errors are sent to saas storage.

V. Build, release, run

Builds done with - it is simple, does the jobs and written on js. Commands shipit production deploy and shipit staging deploy deploy production and staging accordingly.

On deployment git repo, and runs the commands in the following steps:

  1. npm install - installs backend node dependencies on remote server.
  2. npm rebuild node-sass - rebuilding node-sass vendor otherwise node-sass is broken and can't be used.
  3. bower install --allow-root - frontend dependencies using bower.
  4. gulp app:build- the actual build of the app, once the required vendors are in place.
  5. pm2 delete all - kills/removes the actual node app and workers from the list, no mater if there any or not.
  6. pm2 start pm2.json - start the app and workers based on settings from pm2.json file.
  7. node build/command/sitemap.js - generates sitemap.xml file.
  8. Update slack on successful deployment.

VI. Processes

Commands needed both for dev and deployment made with gulp, see gulpfile.js.

  • gulp app:build - build the app.
  • gulp app:watch - watch for changes both in frontend and backend codebase, compile, run "server:watch".
  • gulp server:watch - launch server.js in background and restarts if changes were done in "/build" directory.


  • gulp frontend:sass - compile sass.
  • gulp frontend:sass - compile sass + watch for changes.
  • gulp frontend:loopback - generate Angular $resource services based on backend code, see
  • gulp frontend:rjs - compiles javascript into a single file using RequireJS.
  • gulp frontend:templatecache - concatenate and register AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.
  • gulp frontend:clean - concatenate and register AngularJS templates in the $templateCache.


  • gulp backend:symlink - symlink /node_modules/app with /node_modules, needed for absolute paths.
  • gulp backend:build - clean and rebuild.
  • gulp backend:watch - watch for changes and recompile.


  • - shell script to restore db from remote production to local development environment.

VII. Port binding

  • Development: 8080
  • Production: 80

VIII. Concurrency

Due the nature of Node event-loop repeatedly takes a one single event at the time, no JavaScript code is executed in parallel. Parallelism can be achieved by starting several workers(server/server.js), see

IX. Disposability

shipit production pm2-start & shipit production pm2-stop

X. Dev/prod parity

Manifest recommends have identical production, development and environments. Backup production database to your local frequently manually or with,

XI. Logs

On production logs go to, development sends logs to console, test environment do not output any logs(mock). winston npm library is used for logs transportation,

XII. Admin processes

  • node build/command/sitemap.js - generate sitemap.xml file.
  • node build/command/sendSummary.js - send summary email with a list of new users.
  • node build/db/updateDataSources.js - migration command to detect difference between DB and schema, alter DB schema to match schema.
  • node build/db/cleanup.js - truncate database and populate demo data.