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Releases: itsrainingdata/sparsebn


12 Sep 13:34
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  • Output now compatible and exportable to Cytoscape (see openCytoscape)
  • Full support for black and white lists to incorporate prior knowledge
  • New generics added for sparsebnPath, sparsebnFit, sparsebnData, and
    edgeList objects
  • Lots of bug fixes


16 Mar 13:06
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Minor release to update package metadata, no features added or code changes.


11 Mar 19:24
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  • Added new random.graph() method to generate random edgeLists
  • Conversion to and from sparse matrices using as.sparse() is now significantly faster and supports Matrix input
  • New generate_mvn_data() method to generate multivariate normal data from a DAG.
  • New generate_discrete_data() method to generate categorical data from a discrete multi-logit DAG.
  • Added data_gen() method to generate a list of coefficients. And calls generate_discrete_data() to generate a categorical data set from multi-logit model from a DAG.
  • Lots of bug fixes and documentation improvements

Still under active development!


29 Nov 14:38
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Minor release for compatibility with recent updates to ccdrAlgorithm, discretecdAlgorithm, and sparsebnUtils. Still under active development.

Initial CRAN release

22 Aug 19:06
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First published version of sparsebn on CRAN. Still under active dev; adding new features and tests.