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Melody is a visually pleasing and easy to use discord music bot. Using slash commands, buttons and selection-menus, Melody offers playing and searching for song's and playlist's in youtube and spotify. To use melody you can host the bot yourself.

Table of Contents

Core features

  • Visually pleasing and clean interface
  • Simple yet functional commands
  • Easy to run
  • Thanks to Lavaplayer, Melody supports all your necessary music functionality
  • Search for music with either Youtube or Spotify.
  • Play music directly from Youtube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp and many more
  • Create clips of your Voicechannel

Command List

{} optional argument
[] required argument
! disabled command


Command Description
/info Displays infos, including an invite link and more
/ping Displays the latency, in a fitting color
/help Displays a interactive help dialog
/settings Change settings here. You can change your Music Searcher, the music search type and whether Melody automatically records in Voicechannels
/join Joins/Moves bot into members voice channel
/disconnect Disconnects bot from the voice channel and resets player


Command Description
/play {song/playlist/user} [song name/url] Searches for a song/playlist/user or directly plays a link
/player Shows a player to play/pause, skip and stop. tltr: Control the music
!/stop Stops the player and clears queue
!/pause Pauses the player
!/resume Resumes the player
/skip {amount} Skips one or more songs
/volume {amount} Displays or changes the player volume
/queue Displays the current queue
/mixer Modify the player mixer


Command Description
/record Starts recording of the Voicechannel
/clip [time] {filename} Creates a clip of the last seconds and sends it to you


Melody is written in Java

From Java's Wikipedia Article:

Java ist eine objektorientierte Programmiersprache und eine eingetragene Marke des Unternehmens Sun Microsystems, welches 2010 von Oracle aufgekauft wurde.

Melody uses SQLite as a backend database

From SQLites Homepage:

SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day.

Melody wouldn't work without the following API's:



1. Installation of Java:

You must have a valid installation of java on your system. The supported Java version is java-15 and above. The recent version of java can be installed with:

sudo apt install openjdk-15-jdk

You can check for your java version with:

java --version

2. Installation of Gradle:

Gradle is currently required to run Melody. Learn here how to install gradle. You can check for your gradle version with:

gradle version

3. Clone this repository:

Clone this repository to your desired location with https:

git clone

If you want to remove git from the clone, run:

rm .git -r

4. Create your discord bot:

Head over to the Discord applications page. You may have to log in with your discord account. Create a new application and activate the bot feature. Copy the bot key and paste it into the properties.json.

Optional: Generate Spotify api keys:


5. Add the bot to the emote server: You can try to run the bot with:

sudo bash

If everything is correct to this point there should appear something like following two messages:

Please join the Emote server with the invite: Head to the following url to register the bot for the required Emote-Server:

Copy the first link to the browser to join the emote guild. Afterwards copy the second link to the browser and connect your melody to the server. You can leave the server afterwards.

6. Execution:

To run Melody execute:

sudo bash

To run Melody in the background execute:

sudo nohup bash


1. Installation of Java:

You must have a valid installation of java on your system. The supported Java version is java-15 and above. Learn here how to install java. You can check for your java version with:

java --version

2. Installation of Gradle:

Gradle is currently required to run Melody. Learn here how to install gradle. You can check for your gradle version with:

gradle version

3. Clone this repository:

Clone this repository to your desired location with https:

git clone

4. Create your discord bot:

Head over to the Discord applications page. You may have to log in with your discord account. Create a new application and activate the bot feature. Copy the bot key and paste it into the properties.json.

Optional: Generate Spotify api keys:


5. Add the bot to the emote server: You can try to run the bot with:


If everything is correct to this point there should appear something like following two messages:

Please join the Emote server with the invite: Head to the following url to register the bot for the required Emote-Server:

Copy the first link to the browser to join the emote guild. Afterwards copy the second link to the browser and connect your melody to the server. You can leave the server afterwards.

6. Execution:

To run Melody execute:


To run Melody in the background execute:




Java doc: TBA


