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Releases: ishaanbedi/swiflicense

v1.0.0 Initial Release

15 Dec 12:40
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Swiflicense is a command line tool for generating a license for a software, right from your command line interface (CLI). To use Swiflicense, you need to have Swift installed on your system. To install Swiflicense, clone the repository and then run the swift build -c release command to compile and install the tool. Once the tool is installed, you can use the swiflicense command to generate a license. To generate a license, use the swiflicense -n NAME -y YEAR -t TYPE command, where NAME is the name to include in the license, YEAR is the year to include in the license, and TYPE is the type of license to generate. Available license types include unlicense, boost, MIT, Apache, Mozilla, and GPL.

This project is licensed under the MIT license.