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Server Setup README

0.Thank you for using ypv.

You need to think of a name that represent your project. And it is not optional :)
For example, I worked on SalesForce project, then I named my project as SFDC.
so please name yours now, and remember this name.

1.RUBY installation.

Download RUBY 1.9.3 32 bit version(not the latest 2.0 version) from the site:

2.Ruby development package installation

Download the 32 bit version of the development kit from

once download completed, please following site to config your development kit

3.Download ypv server from

Unzip it to the location of your choice.
Open a command prompt and navigate to this folder

4.Install Rails

Under the folder. run the following commands in the listed order:

4.1 ruby -v

It should display something like the following
        => ruby 1.9.3p545 (2014-02-24) [i386-mingw32]

4.2 gem install bundle

4.3 bundle install

If you see no error then you have your rails ready to use.
Don't close this command prompt window yet, we will need it later :)

5.Now this step is very tricky

Since we need to connect to SPIRA using SOAP, RUBY has a very old lib for it.
Certain modification need to be done manually.

5.1 Go to your ruby installation folder, the default location should be in C:Ruby193

5.2 Under it, navigate to librubygems1.9.1gems

5.3 Locate the folder soap4r-1.5.8

5.4 Under it, go to lib/xsd and find a file xmlparser.rb

5.4.1 Open it with your favourite text editor and search for the line c.downcase

5.4.2 Changed it to c.to_s.downcase

5.5.1 Back to lib folder of soap4r main folder, find a folder soap

5.5.2 Go in and find a file property.rb

5.5.3 Search for # for ruby/1.6. And yes you guessed right, since we are in Ruby 1.9.3 we won’t need all the code after this line.

Comment out all the code comes after this line, in the end it should looks exactly like the following:
# for ruby/1.6.
#unless Enumerable.instance_methods.include?('inject')
#  module Enumerable
#    def inject(init)
#      result = init
#      each do |item|
#	result = yield(result, item)
#      end
#      result
#    end
#  end
This is All for the tricky modification. I promise that you have just finished the most difficult setup in this readme. It will be straightforward after it

6.Now you need to setup your database. It is not mandatory that the DB has to be on the same machine of the server, but it is better this way.

If you want to set the DB on different machine, still follow this instruction, but special settings might have to be changed accordingly after.

6.1 Download the Postresql from

6.2 Follow the Windows installer steps to install your DB

During the installation, you need to give a admin password. 
Remember the password you give as it will helpful later

*Note: If you have trouble installing Postresql, for example getting the error: Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path. The following link will help you solve the issue:

7.Once you finish installing your DB

7.1 Go to the ypv main directory and find the config folder and go into it. You will find a database.yml file. Open it with your favourite test editor.

At line 7:
  default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  pool: 5
  username: postgres
  password: YOUR_PASSWORD
Change the password to the password you give in step 6.2 and save the changes

8.Go back to ypv main directory and find the folder called db

8.1 Go into the db folder and locate a file seed.rb

8.2 Open it with your favourite text editor.

8.3 Once it opened you will see a line like the following:

Project.create(name: 'SFDC', spira_id: 71)
  • name is the project name you created in step 0 (I hope you still remember it)

  • spira_id is the ID that your project on SPIRA. This id will never changed unless they wipe out data on SPIRA.

And it is very easy to find.

Try to open SPIRA and go to your project main page. 
On the URL, you should see something like the following:
Yes, you are right, 71 is the id, only in your case it will be a different number :)

8.4 Change the value accordingly to your project name and ID and save the changes

9.I hope you still have the cmd winodw that we use in step 4 opened. If so, type the following command:

9.1 $rake db:create:all
9.1 $rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
9.2 $rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=production

10.Following from step 9, type command line: $rails server -e production

Congratulation, your server should be started after few minutes

(It is slow because it needs to grab the data from SPIRA for the first time)
You can now open your bowser and navigate to: http://localhost:3000/home/index


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