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Deploying microservices to Kubernetes

This repository contains the guide documentation source. To view the guide in published form, view it on the Open Liberty website.

Explore how to deploy microservices in Open Liberty Docker containers to Kubernetes and manage them with the kubectl Kubernetes CLI.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestrator that automates many tasks involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.

Over the years, Kubernetes has become a major tool in containerized environments as containers are being more and more utilized for all steps of a continuous delivery pipeline.

Why use Kubernetes?

Managing containers on their own can be challenging. While a few containers used for development by a small team might not pose a problem, a large number of containers, all running various applications, all sharing databases, all communicating with each other, and all needing to be run and monitored every day of the week will give even a large team of experienced developers a headache. Kubernetes is a developer’s primary tool in containerized environments. It handles scheduling, deployment, as well as mass deletion and creation of containers. It provides update rollout capabilities on a large scale that would otherwise prove extremely tedious to do. Imagine that you updated a Docker image, which now needs to propagate to a dozen containers. While you could destroy and then recreate these containers, you could also issue a short one-line command and have Kubernetes do all that updating for you. Of course this is just a simple example, the iceberg that is Kubernetes has a lot more to offer.


Deploying an application to Kubernetes simply means deploying an application to a Kubernetes cluster.

A typical Kubernetes cluster is a collection of physical or virtual machines called nodes that run containerized applications. A cluster is made up of one master node that manages the cluster, and multiple worker nodes that run the actual application instances inside Kubernetes objects called Pods.

A Pod is a basic building block in a Kubernetes cluster. It represents a single running process that encapsulates a container or in some scenarios multiple closely coupled containers. Pods can be replicated to scale applications and handle more traffic. From the perspective of a cluster, a set of replicated Pods is still one application instance, although it might be made up of dozens of instances of itself. A single Pod or a group of replicated Pods are managed by Kubernetes objects called Controllers. A Controller handles replication, self-healing, rollout of updates, and general management of Pods. Some examples of Controllers include Deployments, StatefulSets, and DaemonSets. In this guide, you will work with Deployments.

A Pod or a group of replicated Pods are abstracted through Kubernetes objects called Services that define a set of rules by which the Pods can be accessed. In a basic scenario, a Kubernetes Service will expose a node port that can be used together with the cluster IP address to access the Pods encapsulated by the Service. In this guide, however, you will set up an Ingress, which is a Kubernetes object that contains a set of rules for mapping external requests to the Services inside a cluster, over protocols such as HTTP, as well as provides load-balancing and other functionality. An Ingress requires an Ingress Controller to process requests accordingly.

To learn about the various Kubernetes resources that you can configure, see the

What you’ll learn

You will learn how to deploy two microservices in Open Liberty Docker containers to a local Kubernetes cluster using the Kubernetes package manager called Helm. Helm allows you to install packages or charts, which are sets of preconfigured Kubernetes resources. Installing charts is much more convenient than creating and configuring Kubernetes resources yourself. You will then manage your deployed microservices using the kubectl command line interface for Kubernetes. The kubectl CLI is your primary tool for communicating with and managing your Kubernetes cluster.

The two microservices you will deploy are called name and ping. The name microservice simply displays a brief greeting and the name of the container that it runs in, making it easy to distinguish it from its other replicas. The ping microservice simply pings the Kubernetes Service that encapsulates the Pods running the name microservice, demonstrating how communication can be established between Pods inside a cluster.

You will use a local single-node Kubernetes cluster and employ NGINX as your Ingress controller.


Before you begin, make sure to have the following tools installed:

  • A containerization software for building containers. Kubernetes supports a variety of container types and while you’re not limited to any of them in particular, you should use Docker as it’s what this guide will focus on. For installation instructions, see

  • kubernetes - the Kubernetes orchestration platform. If you have a Docker installation that provides the Kubernetes environment then just use this. For example, in Docker for Windows a local Kubernetes environment is pre-installed and enabled through Docker for Windows settings. Otherwise you can use Minikube as a single-node Kubernetes cluster that runs locally in a virtual machine. For Minikube installation instructions see Make sure to read the "Requirements" section as different operating systems require different prerequisites to get Minikube running.

  • kubectl - a command line client interface for Kubernetes. If you have a Docker installation that provides kubectl, such as Docker for Windows then just use this. Otherwise install the client as described at

  • helm - a package manager for Kubernetes. For installation instructions see

Starting and preparing your cluster for deployment

Start up your Kubernetes cluster. If you are using Docker for Windows just start your Docker environment. If you are using Minikube then run the following command from the command line:

minikube start

Later, when you no longer need your cluster, you can stop it with minikube stop and delete it completely with minikube delete.

For any environment, validate that you have a healthy kubernetes environment by running the following command:

kubectl get nodes

This should return a Ready status for the master node.

Next, in order to setup an Ingress, you’ll need to deploy the NGINX Ingress controller. If you are using Minikube this can be done through simply enabling an optional add-on in Minikube. To enable this add-on, run the following command:

minikube addons enable ingress

If you are not using Minikube then follow the platform-specific instructions at . The Docker for Mac instructions are equally appropriate for Docker for Windows, where you should run the following two commands:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

This results in the deployment of two pods. The first Pod, called default-http-backend, is reponsible for routing invalid requests to a default HTTP backend. The second Pod, called nginx-ingress-controller, runs the actual NGINX Ingress controller. Make sure that both of these Pods are in the ready state before you proceed:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

You’ll see an output that includes the two pods and the namespace they were created under, similar to the following:

NAMESPACE       NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-nginx   default-http-backend-7c5bc89cc9-z5l29        1/1       Running   0          11m
ingress-nginx   nginx-ingress-controller-cf9ff8c96-mf94d     1/1       Running   0          11m

When both Pods are ready, the front-end load balancer is configured to use the rules defined in the ol-name-ibm-open-liberty and ol-ping-ibm-open-liberty Ingress resources to route external traffic to internal Kubernetes Services.

Next, initialize the Helm client and server by running the following command:

helm init

This command sets up helm, the Helm client, as well as Tiller, the Helm server. Tiller is installed directly into your cluster and manages your chart releases (installations).

Next, add the IBM Helm chart repository to gain access to various IBM charts. This includes the Open Liberty chart that you will use to deploy your two microservices:

helm repo add ibm-charts

A final step is required only if you are using Minikube. In this case, run the following command to configure the Docker CLI to use Minikube’s Docker daemon. By running this command, you will be able to interact with Minikube’s Docker daemon and build new images directly to it from your host machine:

# From Bash if you're on Linux or MacOS
eval $(minikube docker-env)
# From PowerShell or CMD if you're on Windows
minikube docker-env > tmp.cmd && call tmp.cmd && DEL tmp.cmd

When you no longer want to use Minikube’s Docker daemon, run the following command to point back to your host:

# From Bash if you're on Linux or MacOS
eval $(minikube docker-env -u)
# From PowerShell or CMD if you're on Windows
minikube docker-env -u > tmp.cmd && call tmp.cmd && DEL tmp.cmd

This is not required if Kubernetes is provided as part of your Docker installation (such as Docker for Windows), where the Kubernetes server uses the local Docker daemon.

Building and containerizing the microservices

The first step of deploying to Kubernetes is to build your microservices and containerize them with Docker.

The starting Java project, which you can find in the start directory, is a multi-module Maven project that’s made up of the name and ping microservices, each residing in their own directories, start/name and start/ping. Each of these directories also contains a Dockerfile, which is necessary for building Docker images. If you’re unfamiliar with Dockerfiles, check out the Using Docker containers to develop microservices guide, which covers Dockerfiles in depth.

If you’re familiar with Maven and Docker, you might be tempted to run a Maven build first and then use the .war file produced by the build to build a Docker image. While this is by no means a wrong approach, we’ve setup the projects such that you can build your microservices and Docker image simultaneously as a part of a single Maven build. This is done using the dockerfile-maven plugin, which automatically picks up the Dockerfile located in the same directory as its POM file and builds a Docker image from it. If you are using Docker for Windows ensure that, on the Docker for Windows General Setting page, the option is set to Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS. This is required by the dockerfile-maven part of the build.

Navigate to the start directory and run the following command:

mvn package

The package goal automatically invokes the dockerfile-maven:build goal, which runs during the package phase. This goal builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile located in the same directory as the POM file.

During the build, you’ll see various Docker messages describing what images are being downloaded and built. If the build is successful, run the following command to list all local Docker images:

docker images

Verify that the name:1.0-SNAPSHOT and ping:1.0-SNAPSHOT images are listed among them, for example:

REPOSITORY                                                       TAG
ping                                                             1.0-SNAPSHOT
name                                                             1.0-SNAPSHOT
open-liberty                                                     latest                                    v2.9.0                                      v1.10.0                         v1.10.0                                  v1.10.0                                  v1.10.0   0.12.0                                            3.1.12                                    v8.6                           1.14.8                                 1.14.8                                1.14.8                                           3.1                            v1.8.1                                    v6.5                          v1.8.0                          v1.8.1                                        1.4                                 1.14.4                                1.14.4                           1.14.4                                            3.0.17                                           3.0

If you don’t see the name:1.0-SNAPSHOT and ping:1.0-SNAPSHOT images, then check the Maven build log for any potential errors. In addiiton, if you are using Minikube, make sure that your Docker CLI is configured to use Minikube’s Docker daemon and not your host’s as described in the previous section.

Installing a Helm chart release

Now that your Docker images are built, deploy them using the Open Liberty Helm chart.

As mentioned previously, charts are sets of Kubernetes resources, such as Deployments, Services, Ingresses, and so on, all configured conveniently for some purpose. In this case, that purpose is to run microservices in Open Liberty. All resources that are installed through a chart are configurable just like any other Kubernetes resources, allowing you to tweak them to your liking. All chart resources are also deleted whenever the chart release is purged, allowing you to easily deploy a set of resources to your cluster, configure them, and then tear them all down simultaneously when they are no longer needed.

To install a chart release, use the helm install --name [RELEASE-NAME] [CHART] [FLAGS] command.

First, install the Open Liberty chart for the name microservice:

helm install --name ol-name --set image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set image.repository=name --set image.tag=1.0-SNAPSHOT --set ssl.enabled=false --set service.port=9080 --set service.targetPort=9080 --set ingress.enabled=true --set ingress.rewriteTarget=/api/name --set ingress.path=/name ibm-charts/ibm-open-liberty

Then, for the ping microservice:

helm install --name ol-ping --set image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set image.repository=ping --set image.tag=1.0-SNAPSHOT --set ssl.enabled=false --set service.port=9080 --set service.targetPort=9080 --set ingress.enabled=true --set ingress.rewriteTarget=/api/ping --set ingress.path=/ping ibm-charts/ibm-open-liberty

Both of these chart releases will create three Kubernetes resources each: a Deployment for managing Pods, a Service for defining how Pods are accessed, and an Ingress for defining how external traffic is routed to the Service. All resources are prefixed with ol-name-ibm-open-liberty and ol-ping-ibm-open-liberty respectively.

Each command is long and has a lot of flags, so let’s break them down:

Flag Description


Name for the chart release.


Overrides a configuration value in the chart.

Next, let’s break down the parameters:

Qualifier Argument Description



Image pull policy. In this case, you’re using IfNotPresent for both microservices to have Kubernetes pick up the local name and ping images rather than attempting to pull them from a public registry.


Image name.


Image tag. In this case, you’re using 1.0-SNAPSHOT for both microservices since it’s the version of your Maven project.



Specifies whether to use SSL. In this case, you’re disabling it since both microservices are not secured. As a result, you are also using the 9080 HTTP port for the port and targetPort parameters.



The port exposed by the container.


The port that will be exposed externally by the Pod.



Specifies whether to create an Ingress. An Ingress is a collection of rules that enable inbound requests to reach the internal Kubernetes Services.


The endpoint where the traffic will be redirected. In this case, you’re using the endpoints where your microservices are served.


A path to which the Ingress will map a particular backend service.

If you need to use additional parameters or if you would like more information on the existing parameters, visit the official IBM Helm chart repository.

When the charts are installed, run the following command to check the status of your Pods:

kubectl get pods

You’ll see an output similar to the following if all the Pods are healthy and running:

NAME                                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ol-name-ibm-open-liberty-84fcb9475d-mgzjk   1/1       Running   0          55m
ol-ping-ibm-open-liberty-6cb6ffd7b6-5pp7w   1/1       Running   0          4m

You can also inspect individual Pods in more detail by running the following command:

kubectl describe pods

You can also issue the kubectl get and kubectl describe commands on other Kubernetes resources, so feel free to inspect all other resources created by the chart.

Wait for the Pods to be in the ready state, then access them from the Ingress that you created earlier. You can get the Ingress hostname and port by running

kubectl get ingress

The default Ingress hostname for minikube is The default Ingress hostname for Docker for Windows is localhost. Then curl -k or visit the following URLs to access your microservices, substituting the Ingress hostname for [ingress-ip]:

  • https://[ingress-ip]/name/

  • https://[ingress-ip]/ping/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty

The first URL will return a brief greeting followed by the name of the Pod that the name microservice runs in. The second URL will return pong if it received a good response from the ol-name-ibm-open-liberty Kubernetes Service. Visiting https://[ingress-ip]/ping/{kube-service} in general will return either a good or a bad response depending on whether kube-service is a valid Kubernetes Service that can be accessed.

There is a lot going when you send a request, so let’s break it down. When you issue a request to either URL, the NGINX Ingress controller sees the request arrive at the apiserver’s /ingresses endpoint and re-routes this request appropriately using the set of rules defined in the appropriate Ingress resource. This set of rules states that all requests made to the https://[ingress-ip]/name/ URL are to be mapped to the /api/name endpoint of the Kubernetes Service running name Pods, and similarly for the https://[ingress-ip]/ping/ URL. When a request arrives at a Kubernetes Service, the Service uses its own set of rules to map this request to a Pod, which then sends back a response, which the Service passes back to the client.

Scaling a deployment

To make use of load balancing and session persistence that comes with your Ingress, you need to scale your deployments. When you scale a Deployment, you replicate its Pods, creating more running instances of your applications. Scaling is one of the primary advantages of Kubernetes because it allows to accommodate more traffic, and descale them to free up resources when the traffic decreases.

As an example, scale the name Deployment to 3 Pods by running the following command:

kubectl scale deployment/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty --replicas=3

Wait for your two new Pods to be in the ready state, then curl -k or visit the https://[ingress-ip]/name/ URL. Each unique session that you open to this URL will display a different Pod name, one for each of your three running Pods. Also notice that no matter how many unique sessions you open to this URL, your Ingress controller balances your traffic evenly among the three Pods.

Opening a non-unique session results in you connecting to the same Pod each time. This behavior is called session persistence, meaning that requests from non-unique HTTP/HTTPs sessions are routed to the same backend services each time in order to persist any data that might have been created during the first session. Session persistence is provided by your Ingress controller and can be configured and disabled from your Ingress resource.

The Open Liberty helm chart also supports automatic scaling that you can enable by setting the autoscaling.enabled parameter to true when installing the chart. See the official IBM Helm chart repository for more information on this parameter.

Rolling out Deployment updates

Whenever you make code changes and rebuild your Docker images, you need to update your Kubernetes Deployments with the new image versions for the new code changes to be picked up.

As an example, make a small change to the name microservice and then update the ol-name-ibm-open-liberty Deployment that’s already installed in your cluster.

First, navigate to the start directory if you haven’t yet and change the greeting message in name/src/main/java/io/openliberty/guides/name/ file from "Hello!" to "Greetings!" :


import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;

public class NameResource {

    public String getContainerName() {
        return "Greetings! I'm container " + System.getenv("HOSTNAME");


Next, specify a new version for your Maven project. This way, when your microservice rebuilds, a Docker image with a new tag will be built alongside it. To change the Maven project version, run the following command:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT

This command will upgrade the parent project version from 1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.1-SNAPSHOT and propagate this change automatically to the child projects:

[INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.5:set (default-cli) @ kube-demo ---
[INFO] Searching for local aggregator root...
[INFO] Local aggregation root: /Users/foo/Documents/repos/guides/wip/draft-guide-kubernetes/finish
[INFO] Processing change of io.openliberty.guides:kube-demo:1.0-SNAPSHOT -> 1.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Processing io.openliberty.guides:kube-demo
[INFO]     Updating project io.openliberty.guides:kube-demo
[INFO]         from version 1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Processing io.openliberty.guides:name
[INFO]     Updating parent io.openliberty.guides:kube-demo
[INFO]         from version 1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Processing io.openliberty.guides:ping
[INFO]     Updating parent io.openliberty.guides:kube-demo
[INFO]         from version 1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.1-SNAPSHOT

Next, navigate to the name directory within the start directory and run the mvn clean package command to rebuild the name microservice, then verify that a new name:1.1-SNAPSHOT image was created:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                                       TAG
name                                                             1.1-SNAPSHOT
ping                                                             1.0-SNAPSHOT
name                                                             1.0-SNAPSHOT

To deploy this new image into your cluster, you can either install a new chart release, specifying the new image version in the image.tag parameter, or you can upgrade the existing ol-name-ibm-open-liberty Deployment that’s part of your ol-name release.

Installing a new chart release is done using the same helm install command as before. To update an existing release, you need to update the image tag in the Deployment in order for it to point to your new image version. To do this, run the following command:

kubectl set image deployment/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty ibm-open-liberty=name:1.1-SNAPSHOT --record

When you change the image tag, Kubernetes automatically creates new Pods that run this new image. Kubernetes also keeps some of the old Pods alive until enough of the new Pods are running:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                        READY     STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
ol-name-ibm-open-liberty-84fcb9475d-hgvg2   1/1       Terminating   1          19h
ol-name-ibm-open-liberty-84fcb9475d-rctgp   1/1       Running       1          19h
ol-name-ibm-open-liberty-9db5b8b65-5ncgt    1/1       Running       0          28s
ol-name-ibm-open-liberty-9db5b8b65-88psh    0/1       Running       0          28s
ol-name-ibm-open-liberty-9db5b8b65-cxn5q    0/1       Running       0          1s
ol-ping-ibm-open-liberty-6cb6ffd7b6-fhchz   1/1       Running       1          19h

When all of the new Pods are in the ready state and all of the old Pods terminate, curl -k or visit the https://[ingress-ip]/name/ URL and verify that the greeting has changed.

Automating with Maven

To make the rollout of updates easier, we’ve created an update-deployment profile in the pom.xml files of each microservice. This profile uses the Maven exec plugin to automatically run the kubectl set image command and update the Deployments.

To have Maven update the Deployments after it rebuilds your microservices, update the Maven project version to a new version and then run a Maven build, specifying the profile name after the -P flag:

mvn clean package -P update-deployment

If new updates were made to a Deployment, you will see a brief message in the Maven build log, like so:

[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:exec (update-kubernetes-deployment) @ name ---
deployment.apps "ol-name-ibm-open-liberty" image updated

If no updates were made to a Deployment, then no special messages will show. If you did make code changes, yet the deployment didn’t update, then make sure that you updated your image tag since Kubernetes will not update a deployment that’s already using the same image version.

Rolling back Deployments to previous revisions

If you rolled out an unstable Deployment update, then you can revert the Deployment back to a older revision by viewing its revision history. To do this, run the following command:

kubectl rollout history deployment/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty

You see the following revision history for the ol-name-ibm-open-liberty Deployment:

deployments "ol-name-ibm-open-liberty"
1         <none>
2         kubectl set image deployment/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty ibm-open-liberty=name:1.1-SNAPSHOT --record=true

To undo the greeting messages changes that you made in the current rollout and revert the Deployment back to its previous version, run the following command:

kubectl rollout undo deployment/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty

Kubernetes will terminate any existing Pods that run this image version of the Deployment and create new ones from the previous revision.

If you need to revert back to a specific revision, use the --to-revision flag followed by the revision number:

kubectl rollout undo deployment/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty --to-revision=1

Testing microservices that are running on Kubernetes

A few tests are included for you to test the basic functionality of the microservices. If a test failure occurs, then you might have introduced a bug into the code. To run the tests, wait for all Pods to be in the ready state, then run the mvn verify command. The default properties defined in the pom.xml are:

Property Description


IP address of your Igress, by default, which is appropriate when using Minikube.


Ingress path of the name microservice, /name by default.


Ingress path of the ping microservice, /ping by default.


Name of the Kubernetes Service wrapping the name Pods, ol-name-ibm-open-liberty by default.

To run integration tests against a cluster running at the default Minikube IP address:

mvn verify -Ddockerfile.skip=true

To run integration tests against a cluster running with an Ingress IP address of

mvn verify -Ddockerfile.skip=true -Dcluster.ip=

To run integration tests against a cluster running with an Ingress IP address of localhost:

mvn verify -Ddockerfile.skip=true -Dcluster.ip=localhost

The dockerfile.skip parameter is set to true in order to skip building a new Docker image.

If the tests pass, you’ll see an output similar to the following for each service respectively:

 T E S T S
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.673 sec - in

Results :

Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
 T E S T S
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.222 sec - in

Results :

Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Tearing down chart releases

When you no longer need your deployed microservices, you can delete all Kubernetes resource associated with your chart releases by running the helm del command:

helm del --purge ol-name
helm del --purge ol-ping

By deleting a chart release, Helm deletes all Kubernetes resource created by that chart.

Finally, if you are using minikube, you can perform the following two steps to return your environment to a clean state. Firstly, stop your Minikube cluster:

minikube stop

Secondly, point the Docker daemon back to your local machine:

# From Bash if you're on Linux or MacOS
eval $(minikube docker-env -u)
# From PowerShell or CMD if you're on Windows
minikube docker-env -u > tmp.cmd && call tmp.cmd && DEL tmp.cmd

Optional: Editing Kubernetes resources

While you don’t need to edit any of the Kubernetes resources in this guide, it might be helpful for you to know how editing is done for any future projects that you have in mind.

To make changes to a Kubernetes resource, you can either edit that resource’s whole YAML file in a text editor or update particular parts of the YAML with the kubectl command.

Direct editing

Resource YAML files can be directly edited from the Kubernetes dashboard or a text editor of your choice.

To use the Kubernetes dashboard to edit a resources you first need to install and start the dashboard. If you are using minikube then simply run the minikube dashboard command to open the dashboard. Otherwise install the Kubernetes dashboard as described at . Once you have accessed the dashboard in a browser, use the left navigational panel to select which resources to edit.

To open and edit a resource in a text editor, run the kubectl edit (RESOURCE/NAME | -f FILENAME) [options] command, specifying the resource type and its name. When you save your changes, they will be automatically picked up and applied to your resource.

If you didn’t create resources through charts, but rather implemented and created them yourself from YAML files by using the kubectl create command, then you can edit these YAMLs directly and then reapply them by running the kubectl apply -f [FILENAME] options command.

To familiarize yourself with resource editing, edit the ol-name-ibm-open-liberty Ingress and change the path field in the spec object from /name to /myname. Use any editing method you prefer:

  "kind": "Ingress",
  "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "ol-name-ibm-open-liberty",
    "namespace": "default",
    "selfLink": "/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty",
    "uid": "18353cff-5fc5-11e8-af4d-08002784f87f",
    "resourceVersion": "64202",
    "generation": 1,
    "creationTimestamp": "2018-05-25T02:41:15Z",
    "labels": {
      "app": "ol-name-ibm-open-liberty",
      "chart": "ibm-open-liberty-1.2.0",
      "heritage": "Tiller",
      "release": "ol-name"
    "annotations": {
      "": "nginx",
      "": "cookie",
      "": "/api/name",
      "": "sha1",
      "": "route"
  "spec": {
    "rules": [
        "http": {
          "paths": [
              "path": "/myname",
              "backend": {
                "serviceName": "ol-name-ibm-open-liberty",
                "servicePort": 9080
  "status": {
    "loadBalancer": {
      "ingress": [
          "ip": ""

When you’re done editing, visit the new Ingress endpoint to verify that your changes have been applied.

Indirect editing

Indirect editing of resources can be done by using various kubectl commands. If you recall, you’ve already done this when you ran kubectl set image to update the image used by your Deployment to a newer version. kubectl set is convenient, but it’s limited to a small set of fields that you can change. Sometimes you might need to change parts of a resource that the kubectl set command simply doesn’t cover. In those cases and as an alternative to the kubectl set command, you can use the kubectl patch (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME) -p PATCH [options] command to make updates using strategic merging. The kubectl patch command works by supplying a piece of config in a form of a JSON or a YAML that matches another piece of similar config in the resource and overrides the fields that don’t match. For example, to change the Ingress path from /name to /myname as in the previous section, run the following command:

# From Bash if you're on Linux or MacOS
kubectl patch ingress/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty -p '{"spec": {"rules": [{"http": {"paths": [{"path": "/myname", "backend": {"serviceName": "ol-name-ibm-open-liberty", "servicePort": 9080}}]}}]}}'
# From PowerShell or CMD if you're on Windows
kubectl patch ingress/ol-name-ibm-open-liberty -p "{\"spec\": {\"rules\": [{\"http\": {\"paths\": [{\"path\": \"/myname\", \"backend\": {\"serviceName\": \"ol-name-ibm-open-liberty\", \"servicePort\": 9080}}]}}]}}"

Kubernetes will match your config pattern against the spec object defined in the ol-name-ibm-open-liberty Ingress and override the path field.

Great work! You’re done!

You have just deployed two microservices to Kubernetes using Helm charts. You then scaled a microservice, rolled out deployment updates, ran integration tests against miroservices that are running in a Kubernetes cluster, and learned how to edit Kubernetes resources.


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