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IRCinch - The IRC Bot Building Framework


IRCinch is an IRC Bot Building Framework for quickly creating IRC bots in Ruby with minimal effort. It provides a simple interface based on plugins and rules. It's as easy as creating a plugin, defining a rule, and watching your profits flourish.

IRCinch will do all of the hard work for you, so you can spend time creating cool plugins and extensions to wow your internet peers.

IRCinch a fork of the brilliant Cinch project by Dominik Honnef, Lee Jarvis, and contributors. The IRCinch fork focuses on compatibility with supported versions of CRuby.



You can install the latest IRCinch gem using RubyGems:

gem install ircinch


Or, you can install the latest IRCinch gem using Bundler:

bundle add ircinch
bundle install


You can also check out the latest code directly from Github:

git clone


Your typical Hello, World application in Cinch would go something like this:

require "ircinch"

bot = do
  configure do |c|
    c.server = ""
    c.channels = ["#ircinch-bots"]

  on :message, "hello" do |m|
    m.reply "Hello, #{m.user.nick}"


More examples can be found in the examples directory.



Cinch provides a documented API, which is online for your viewing pleasure here.

Object Oriented

Many IRC bots (and there are, so many) are great, but we see so little of them take advantage of the awesome Object Oriented Interface which most Ruby programmers will have become accustomed to and grown to love.

Well, IRCinch uses this functionality to its advantage. Rather than having to pass around a reference to a channel or a user, to another method, which then passes it to another method (by which time you're confused about what's going on). IRCinch provides an OOP interface for even the simpliest of tasks, making your code simple and easy to comprehend.


Unlike a lot of popular IRC frameworks, IRCinch is threaded. But wait, don't let that scare you. It's totally easy to grasp.

Each of IRCinch's plugins and handlers are executed in their own personal thread. This means the main thread can stay focused on what it does best, providing non-blocking reading and writing to an IRC server. This will prevent your bot from locking up when one of your plugins starts doing some intense operations. Damn that's handy.


That's right folks, IRCinch provides a modular based plugin system. This is a feature many people have bugged us about for a long time. It's finally here, and it's as awesome as you had hoped!

This system allows you to create feature packed plugins without interfering with any of the Cinch internals. Everything in your plugin is self contained, meaning you can share your favorite plugins among your friends and release a ton of your own plugins for others to use.

Want to see the same Hello, World application in plugin form? Sure you do!

require "ircinch"

class Hello
  include Cinch::Plugin

  match "hello"

  def execute(m)
    m.reply "Hello, #{m.user.nick}"

bot = do
  configure do |c|
    c.server = ""
    c.channels = ["#cinch-bots"]
    c.plugins.plugins = [Hello]


Note: Plugins take a default prefix of /^!/ which means the actual match is !hello.

More information can be found in the {Cinch::Plugin} documentation.

Numeric Replies

Do you know what IRC code 401 represents? How about 376? or perhaps 502? Sure you don't (and if you do, you're as geeky as us!). IRCinch doesn't expect you to store the entire IRC RFC code set in your head, and rightfully so!

That's exactly why IRCinch has a ton of constants representing these numbers so you don't have to remember them. We're so nice.

Pretty Output

Ever get fed up of watching those boring, frankly unreadable lines flicker down your terminal screen whilst your bot is online? Help is at hand! By default, IRCinch will colorize all text it sends to a terminal, meaning you get some pretty damn awesome readable coloured text. IRCinch also provides a way for your plugins to log custom messages:

on :message, /hello/ do |m|
  debug "Someone said hello"

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the IRCinch project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Love IRCinch? Love Ruby? Love helping? Of course you do! If you feel like IRCinch is missing that awesome jaw-dropping feature and you want to be the one to make this magic happen, you can!

Please note that we intend for IRCinch to be fully compatible with all supported CRuby versions.

Fork the project, implement your awesome feature in its own branch, and send a pull request to one of the IRCinch collaborators. We'll be more than happy to check it out.


After forking/checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in lib/cinch/version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.