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Releases: ipvalverde/EPPlus.DataExtractor

2.2.0: Merge pull request #23 from ipvalverde/fix-observable-collection-bug

03 Nov 16:55
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Breaking change

WithCollectionProperty accepting ICollection as the expression property for the model are now obsolete. If your collection property does not fit any of the other overloads (it is not a List<T>, HashSet<T> or Collection<T>), ensure that the property is already initialized and use the method WithInitializedCollectionProperty instead.

Other changes

  • The WithCollectionProperty methods now ensure that the collection property is of the exact same type of the expected collection. So if you're using the WithCollectionProperty overload that expects a collection property of Collection<T>, your model must have its collection property as a Collection<T>. If the property is of type ObservableCollection<T>, for example, which inherits from Collection<T>, an error will be thrown at runtime. For such cases, the WithInitializedCollectionProperty must be used instead.

Adding to support to ICollection properties

26 Oct 11:04
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  • WithCollectionProperty overloads were added to support ICollection properties. These properties must be already initialized in the model, otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
  • Existing WithCollectionProperty methods were changed, now if the collection property is already initialized, the extraction process will only add new instances of extracted data to it rather than always creating a new instance of the collection property.

New minor version

09 Jan 22:13
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Downgraded .NET framework dependency to .Net 4.0.