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ROS Distro Support

Indigo Jade Kinetic
Branch indigo_dev --- indigo_dev
Status supported not supported supported
Version version --- version

Travis - Continuous Integration

Status: Build Status

ROS Buildfarm

Indigo Source Indigo Debian Jade Source Jade Debian Kinetic Source Kinetic Debian
cob_object_perception not released not released not released not released not released not released

Installation Prerequisites

Please download all other dependent packages from source using:

cd /path/to/catkin_workspace/src && git clone
cd /path/to/catkin_workspace/src && wstool init
cd /path/to/catkin_workspace/src && wstool merge /path/to/catkin_workspace/src/cob_object_perception/.travis.rosinstall
cd /path/to/catkin_workspace/src && wstool update

And then install all released dependencies:

cd /path/to/catkin_workspace && rosdep install --from-path src/ -y -i