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Cinder Ceph Replication via Juju

Environment Setup

Deploy the bundle via:

juju deploy ./ussuri-bionic-bundle.yaml

After the deployment is finished, initialize the Vault via:


Export the necessary environment variables:

source ./

Create tenant networks:

openstack network create --external --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network external --share public
openstack subnet create --network public --subnet-range --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway --no-dhcp --ip-version 4 public_subnet

openstack router create public_router
openstack router set --external-gateway public public_router

openstack network create private
openstack subnet create --network private --subnet-range --ip-version 4 --dns-nameserver private_subnet
openstack router add subnet public_router private_subnet

Upload a Glance image to be used for testing:

curl -o /tmp/focal.img
openstack image create --public --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 --file /tmp/focal.img focal

Create VMs flavor & keypair:

openstack flavor create --vcpus 1 --ram 2048 --disk 10 --ephemeral 10 m1.small
openstack keypair create mykey --public-key ~/.ssh/

Create the Cinder volumes type for replicated & non-replicated volumes in both sites:

openstack volume type create site-a-repl
openstack volume type set site-a-repl --property volume_backend_name=site-a-cinder-ceph
openstack volume type set site-a-repl --property replication_enabled='<is> True'

openstack volume type create site-a-local
openstack volume type set site-a-local --property volume_backend_name=site-a-cinder-ceph

openstack volume type create site-b-repl
openstack volume type set site-b-repl --property volume_backend_name=site-b-cinder-ceph
openstack volume type set site-b-repl --property replication_enabled='<is> True'

openstack volume type create site-b-local
openstack volume type set site-b-local --property volume_backend_name=site-b-cinder-ceph

Cinder Ceph Replication scenarios

Before anything else, make sure your environment has the following bug-fix applied.

1. Both sites are online, and we failover site-a with replicated & non-replicated non-attached Cinder volumes

Create the testing volumes:

openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl vol-site-a-replicated
openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-local vol-site-a-local
openstack volume list
| ID                                   | Name                  | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 5e206014-bd5e-49aa-a847-8ebac7222f17 | vol-site-a-local      | available |    5 |             |
| 04b4c4e9-de5b-43ac-ae55-0898aeee87d8 | vol-site-a-replicated | available |    5 |             |

Execute the failover command:

cinder failover-host cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph

Wait until the failover is done:

cinder service-list
| Binary           | Host                                   | Zone | Status   | State | Updated_at                 | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-volume    | cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph              | nova | disabled | up    | 2021-01-13T16:38:06.000000 | -       | failed-over     | -             |

Notice the cinder-volume disabled with reason failed-over when everything is done.

Check the volumes again:

openstack volume list
| ID                                   | Name                  | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 5e206014-bd5e-49aa-a847-8ebac7222f17 | vol-site-a-local      | error     |    5 |             |
| 04b4c4e9-de5b-43ac-ae55-0898aeee87d8 | vol-site-a-replicated | available |    5 |             |

The vol-site-a-replicated volume is available since it used the volume type with replication enabled, and it survived the failover. However, the vol-site-a-local with no replication, transitioned into error state.

To failback, use the following command:

cinder failover-host cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph --backend_id default

After successful failback operation, the cinder-volume is not disabled anymore:

cinder service-list
| Binary           | Host                                   | Zone | Status  | State | Updated_at                 | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-volume    | cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph              | nova | enabled | up    | 2021-01-13T16:45:54.000000 | -       |                 | up            |

2. Both sites are online, and we failover site-a with replicated Cinder volumes used by VMs

Create a bootable volume, and start a new VM using it as the OS disk:

openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl --image focal --bootable focal-volume-site-a

Create another volume and attach it as secondary data volume to another VM:

openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl volume-site-a

Wait until both volumes are available to be used (it may take a while until the bootable volume is available):

openstack volume list
| ID                                   | Name                | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 671b9a49-d402-40a9-8412-ca7a8d04f1cb | volume-site-a       | available |    5 |             |
| 049f545f-19c7-4f36-8b4b-2efc029c9e5a | focal-volume-site-a | available |    5 |             |

Start the VMs:

openstack server create --flavor m1.small --key-name mykey --network private --image focal vm-site-a
openstack server create --flavor m1.small --key-name mykey --network private --volume focal-volume-site-a volume-vm-site-a

Wait until both of them are available:

openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name             | Status | Networks             | Image                    | Flavor   |
| 4ba2f7f1-e76f-4ece-be90-364b0d0939cd | volume-vm-site-a | ACTIVE | private= | N/A (booted from volume) | m1.small |
| 511ae520-be89-4759-aa24-67d8b18d6234 | vm-site-a        | ACTIVE | private= | focal                    | m1.small |

Attach floating IPs, and the data volume to the VM booted from image:

VM_FIP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address public)
openstack server add floating ip vm-site-a $VM_FIP
openstack server add volume vm-site-a volume-site-a
VOLUME_VM_FIP=$(openstack floating ip create -f value -c floating_ip_address public)
openstack server add floating ip volume-vm-site-a $VOLUME_VM_FIP

Write something on the attached volumes from both VMs (make sure you add the SSH security group rule):

ssh ubuntu@$VOLUME_VM_FIP
ubuntu@volume-vm-site-a:~$ echo "See you on the other side!" > data.txt
ubuntu@volume-vm-site-a:~$ sync
ssh ubuntu@$VM_FIP
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdc
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ mkdir data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo mount /dev/vdc ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo chown ubuntu.ubuntu ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ echo "See you on the other side!" > data/data.txt
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sync

We'll do the failover now.


  • It is not recommended to do the failover when Cinder volumes are in-use.

    During the failover, Cinder will try and demote Ceph images from the primary site, and if there is an active connection to it, the operation may fail, and the volume could transition to error state.

    Thus, we'll make sure the volumes are not in-use before doing the failover:

    ssh ubuntu@$VM_FIP sudo umount ./data
    openstack server remove volume vm-site-a volume-site-a
    openstack server stop volume-vm-site-a
  • Make sure that the Ceph RBD Mirroring daemon finished its work (at least the initial replica sync), before doing the failover. Otherwise, the failover operation might not work (transitioning the volumes into error state). In this scenario, the cinder-volume service will log the following the error: [errno 16] RBD image is busy (error promoting image).

    We can check volumes' mirroring state via the status Juju action (from the ceph-rbd-mirror charm). This needs to executed against the site-b ceph-rbd-mirror unit:

    $ echo 'verbose: True' > /tmp/status-params.yaml
    $ juju run-action --wait site-b-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status --params /tmp/status-params.yaml
      UnitId: site-b-ceph-rbd-mirror/0
      id: "69"
        output: |-
          cinder-ceph-a: health: WARNING
          daemon health: OK
          image health: WARNING
          images: 2 total
              2 unknown
          service 4633:
            instance_id: 5775
            client_id: juju-489814-default-27
            hostname: juju-489814-default-27
            version: 15.2.8
            leader: true
            health: OK
            global_id:   f2842155-b3fc-40d2-920c-7bed4bd8fc3f
            state:       up+replaying
            description: replaying, {"bytes_per_second":17.5,"entries_behind_primary":0,"entries_per_second":0.2,"non_primary_position":{"entry_tid":3,"object_number":3,"tag_tid":1},"primary_position":{"entry_tid":3,"object_number":3,"tag_tid":1}}
            service:     juju-489814-default-27 on juju-489814-default-27
            last_update: 2021-04-12 15:11:17
            global_id:   6e96ab92-facd-440c-a330-44a1a6b5cb1b
            state:       up+replaying
            description: replaying, {"bytes_per_second":142336.67,"entries_behind_primary":3211,"entries_per_second":9.470000000000001,"non_primary_position":{"entry_tid":941,"object_number":1,"tag_tid":4},"primary_position":{"entry_tid":4152,"object_number":4,"tag_tid":4},"seconds_until_synced":339}
            service:     juju-489814-default-27 on juju-489814-default-27
            last_update: 2021-04-12 15:11:17
          cinder-ceph-b: health: OK
          daemon health: OK
          image health: OK
          images: 0 total
          service 4633:
            instance_id: 5818
            client_id: juju-489814-default-27
            hostname: juju-489814-default-27
            version: 15.2.8
            leader: true
            health: OK
      status: completed
        completed: 2021-04-12 15:11:42 +0000 UTC
        enqueued: 2021-04-12 15:11:39 +0000 UTC
        started: 2021-04-12 15:11:40 +0000 UTC

    The IMAGES section from the verbose status action output needs to be inspected.

    The secondary images that are already fully mirrored will report "entries_behind_primary":0 (like volume-663c7cb8-cd67-4a5f-b6a3-95e0a8af4acd above). And the images that are still being mirrored will have entries_behind_primary bigger than 0 (like "entries_behind_primary":3211 for volume-cd920cfb-2d2c-441a-9664-41d49efef6f6 above).

    We need to have "entries_behind_primary":0 given by all the secondary Ceph images.

Execute the Cinder failover:

cinder failover-host cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph

And wait until the failover is done:

| Binary           | Host                                   | Zone | Status   | State | Updated_at                 | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-volume    | cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph              | nova | disabled | up    | 2021-01-14T20:38:10.000000 | -       | failed-over     | -             |

Verify that data is up to date for the volume attached as secondary disk to the VM:

openstack server add volume vm-site-a volume-site-a

ssh ubuntu@$VM_FIP
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo mount /dev/vdc ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ cat ./data/data.txt
See you on the other side!

For the VM booted from a volume, we need to rebuild the VM, because Cinder needs to give the updated Ceph connection credentials to Nova:

openstack server delete volume-vm-site-a
openstack server create --flavor m1.small --key-name mykey --network private --volume focal-volume-site-a volume-vm-site-a
openstack server add floating ip volume-vm-site-a $VOLUME_VM_FIP

ssh ubuntu@$VOLUME_VM_FIP
ubuntu@volume-vm-site-a:~$ cat data.txt
See you on the other side!

3. Failover replicated Cinder volumes from offline site-a to online site-b

Basically, this is the DR (Disaster Recovery) scenario.

Create a testing volume:

openstack volume create --size 5 --type site-a-repl vol-site-a-replicated

Simulate a failure to the site-a Ceph cluster by shutting down the site-a Ceph monitor:

juju ssh site-a-ceph-mon/0 sudo poweroff

We'll do the failover now.

But before anything else, we need to temporarily adjust some timeouts to the Cinder Ceph backend. Without setting these, the failover takes an unreasonably amount of time to finish (or it may not even finish):

juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo apt install crudini -y
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph rados_connect_timeout 1
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph rados_connection_retries 1
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph rados_connection_interval 0
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph replication_connect_timeout 1
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo systemctl restart cinder-volume

Execute the Cinder failover:

cinder failover-host cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph

and wait until it's done:

cinder service-list
| Binary           | Host                                   | Zone | Status   | State | Updated_at                 | Cluster | Disabled Reason | Backend State |
| cinder-volume    | cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph              | nova | disabled | up    | 2021-01-14T21:19:15.000000 | -       | failed-over     | -             |

Verify that the volume is available, and the cinder-volume log has the successful failover message:

openstack volume list
| ID                                   | Name                  | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915 | vol-site-a-replicated | available |    5 |             |
2021-01-14 21:19:14.801 83270 INFO cinder.volume.drivers.rbd [req-f8913345-4518-4d96-a3d8-c2515deaf5a9 56b2814e6e9e4a1faf988ecd204ed547 87c75e65969f4e4980af8965f611a6d7 - be8b88fbb3944cdb931f6555c2a3771c be8b88fbb3944cdb931f6555c2a3771c] RBD driver failover completion started.
2021-01-14 21:19:14.801 83270 INFO cinder.volume.drivers.rbd [req-f8913345-4518-4d96-a3d8-c2515deaf5a9 56b2814e6e9e4a1faf988ecd204ed547 87c75e65969f4e4980af8965f611a6d7 - be8b88fbb3944cdb931f6555c2a3771c be8b88fbb3944cdb931f6555c2a3771c] RBD driver failover completion completed.
2021-01-14 21:19:14.818 83270 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-f8913345-4518-4d96-a3d8-c2515deaf5a9 56b2814e6e9e4a1faf988ecd204ed547 87c75e65969f4e4980af8965f611a6d7 - be8b88fbb3944cdb931f6555c2a3771c be8b88fbb3944cdb931f6555c2a3771c] Failed over to replication target successfully.

Remove the timeouts from the Cinder Ceph backend, since these are not recommended for production use:

juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --del /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph rados_connect_timeout
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --del /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph rados_connection_retries
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --del /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph rados_connection_interval
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo crudini --del /etc/cinder/cinder.conf site-a-cinder-ceph replication_connect_timeout
juju ssh site-a-cinder-ceph/0 sudo systemctl restart cinder-volume

The failover is finished right now, and we can use the volume as usual.

I will attach it to an existing VM, write some data on it, and detach it:

openstack server add volume vm-site-a vol-site-a-replicated

ssh ubuntu@$VM_FIP
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdc
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ mkdir data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo mount /dev/vdc ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo chown ubuntu.ubuntu ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ echo "Some data!" > data/data.txt
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sync
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo umount ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ exit

openstack server remove volume vm-site-a vol-site-a-replicated

Data integrity before failback

When site-a is fixed, and it's online again, we will have two primary Ceph images for the testing Cinder volume, in site-a and site-b (split-brain scenario).

The Ceph RBD mirror will not sync the volume until the split-brain scenario is fixed manually.

There are two methods to solve the split-brain scenario:

  1. Using Ceph rbd cli commands.
  2. Using Juju actions.

The method #2 is more user friendly, since the problem is solved via Juju commands only. So, it is the preferred method.

On the other hand, method #1 needs: SSH-ing into the ceph-rbd-mirror unit, identifying each volume with replication enabled, and running the appropriate rbd cli call for it.

1. Using Ceph rbd cli commands

Bring back site-a by starting the Ceph Mon there:

juju ssh 0

$ sudo lxc start juju-6fb684-0-lxd-5  # Identify the stopped LXD container via `sudo lxc list`

SSH into the site-a-rbd-mirror charm unit and switch to the root user:

juju ssh site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0
$ sudo su

Identify the RBD id:

ls /etc/ceph/
ceph.client.rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5.keyring  ceph.conf  rbdmap  remote.client.rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5.keyring  remote.conf

In the this example, the RBD id is rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5.

Demote the old site-a image:

rbd --id rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 mirror image demote site-a-cinder-ceph/volume-4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915
Image demoted to non-primary

where 4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915 is Cinder volume id.

Re-sync the site-a image. This will bring the latest data from site-b back to site-a:

rbd --id rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 mirror image resync site-a-cinder-ceph/volume-4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915
Flagged image for resync from primary

As noted in the official documentation, and even in the output of the image resync command, the rbd command only flags the image to be resynced. And the Ceph RBD mirror daemon will be doing this in the background.

Wait until the resync is complete by fetching the mirror image status. We can query the image status via image status rbd command:

rbd --id rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 mirror image status site-a-cinder-ceph/volume-4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915
  global_id:   3a4aa755-c9ee-4319-8ba4-fc494d20d783
  state:       up+syncing
  description: bootstrapping, IMAGE_SYNC/CREATE_SYNC_POINT
  service:     juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 on juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5
  last_update: 2021-01-14 22:20:49

As long as the state is still up+syncing, we have to wait for the resync to be complete. When the resync is complete, the state will be up+replaying:

rbd --id rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 mirror image status site-a-cinder-ceph/volume-4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915
  global_id:   3a4aa755-c9ee-4319-8ba4-fc494d20d783
  state:       up+replaying
  description: replaying, {"bytes_per_second":3805440.87,"entries_behind_primary":2,"entries_per_second":234.8,"non_primary_position":{"entry_tid":1,"object_number":9,"tag_tid":4},"primary_position":{"entry_tid":3,"object_number":11,"tag_tid":4},"seconds_until_synced":0}
  service:     juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 on juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5
  last_update: 2021-01-14 22:21:49

If there are more replicated volumes, you need to do the same procedure for all of them.

2. Using Juju actions

Demote the Ceph images from site-a using:

juju run-action --wait site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 demote --string-args pools="site-a-cinder-ceph"

Re-sync the site-a images via:

juju run-action --wait site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 resync-pools --string-args pools="site-a-cinder-ceph"

Keep in mind that this only flags the site-a images to be re-synced against the primary images from site-b, and the Ceph RBD mirror daemon does this in the background.

We need to wait until the operation is complete for all the volumes. The operation can be monitored using the status Juju action with verbose flag:

echo 'verbose: True' > /tmp/status-params.yaml
juju run-action --wait site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status --params /tmp/status-params.yaml

The IMAGES section from the action output needs to be inspected.

As long as there are images reporting state up+syncing, the re-sync operation is not complete. Keep in mind that only images marked with replication enabled are re-synced.

When the resync operation is complete, all the replicated volumes will report state: up+replaying and "entries_behind_primary":0. We are ready to failback at this point.


Once all the volumes are properly demoted + resynced, we can do the actual failback via the cinder cli:

cinder failover-host cinder@site-a-cinder-ceph --backend_id default

When the failback operation ends, re-attach the cinder volume to the VM, SSH into it and check data from it:

openstack server add volume vm-site-a vol-site-a-replicated

ssh ubuntu@$VM_FIP
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ sudo mount /dev/vdc ./data
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ ls -l ./data/
total 20
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    11 Jan 14 21:31 data.txt
drwx------ 2 root   root   16384 Jan 14 21:30 lost+found
ubuntu@vm-site-a:~$ cat ./data/data.txt
Some data!

Everything went smooth, and we properly did the failback, after recovering site-a.

Just as a double check, we can go back to the LXD container with rbd-mirror and validate that the site-a image is primary now:

juju ssh site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0

sudo rbd --id rbd-mirror.juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 mirror image status site-a-cinder-ceph/volume-4aa0db0d-cc8b-450a-afda-d06501cdd915
  global_id:   3a4aa755-c9ee-4319-8ba4-fc494d20d783
  state:       up+stopped
  description: local image is primary
  service:     juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5 on juju-6fb684-1-lxd-5
  last_update: 2021-01-14 22:28:19

Or you can use the Juju action to do that:

echo 'verbose: True' > /tmp/status-params.yaml
juju run-action --wait site-a-ceph-rbd-mirror/0 status --params /tmp/status-params.yaml

You may notice images with state: up+stopped and description: local image is primary.


Cinder Ceph Replication







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