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Inventaire wiki

Based on manual but with repository url as: git clone --branch REL1_35 html


Quick start

  • Create a directory for images and set permissions to what will be the www-data user (33) inside the container: mkdir ./images && sudo chown 33:33 ./images
  • /!\ Do not skip that step /!\ in docker-compose.yml, comment out LocalSettings.php volume line (so that knows it has to run the installation steps)
  • cp dot_mw_env .mw_env && cp dot_db_env .db_env && chmod 600 .*env
  • Start compose docker-compose up
  • Once started corectly, you may re-comment LocalSettings.php volume line

In case of database not found error, start the maintenance script update.php (for example with docker exec -it container_name php /var/www/html/maintenance/update.php)


Manually change page language

see Special:PageLanguage

more details at:

Regarding translations administration

One can see current status of translated pages through the special page Special:PageTranslation


Install new extensions by updating the Dockerfile, then docker-compose up --build.

System Administration


Backup MySQL

Export db to .sql


To run it daily, to you a cron job in /etc/cron.daily/ that could look like this:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
/home/admin/inventaire-mediawiki/scripts/ /home/admin/inventaire-mediawiki >> /home/admin/inventaire-mediawiki/backups/logs 2>&1

Make sure to turn that file into an executable:

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/backup_mediawiki

To restore

# Requires to have the 'database' service up
docker cp ./wikidb_dump.sql inventaire-mediawiki_database_1:/wikidb_dump.sql
docker exec inventaire-mediawiki_database_1 sh -c 'mysql -u$MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD < /wikidb_dump.sql'
# Requires to have the 'web' service up
docker exec inventaire-mediawiki_web_1 sh -c 'php /var/www/html/maintenance/update.php'

Backup images

As the images volume is mounted from ./images, the easiest way to backup images is to rsync that folder from where you want to keep the backup:

mkdir -p ./backups/images
rsync -ahz server_name:~/inventaire-mediawiki/images/ ./backups/images

Alternatively, you could also create an archive file:

tar -zcf images.tar.gz ./images/

To restore

# Will recreate the image folder that is then mounted as volume by in docker-compose.yml
tar xzf images.tar.gz

Backup wiki

Dump pages in an xml file:

docker exec inventaire-mediawiki_web_1 sh -c 'php /var/www/html/maintenance/dumpBackup.php --full --dbuser $MYSQL_USER --dbpass $MYSQL_PASSWORD' > wiki_backup.xml

If you are already running MySQL backup, this would be redundant, but it can sometimes be useful to access this kind of backup as it's easier to manipulate as text (ex: to run grep on it)