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SIMILE - Monitoraggio Laghi


Cross-platform mobile application build for interreg project SIMILE to collect user generated data about the quality of the insubric lakes.

The project aims to improve the actual insubric lakes monitoring system and to create a shared policy for water management through an advanced informative system and citizen participation. The project is funded under the Interreg Italy-Switzerland Cooperation Program in order to develop strategies for the protection of lakes.

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Development setup

The application is written using:

To develop the service locally you need Node.js installed with the Ionic CLI package:

npm install -g @ionic/cli

Once you have all the dependencies in place, you can launch:

npm i

This command will install the dependencies.

Now you can go in src/environments folder and add your environment settings. Create a file called environment.ts and a file called with the structure shown in environment.example.ts.

Develop for Android

Follow this instructions.

To sign your App for production you will need to follow this instructions and create a .keystore file. Now create a file called build.json with the following content

  "android": {
    "release": {
      "keystore": "path_to_your_keystore_file",
      "storePassword": "password_to_your_keystore_file",
      "alias": "simile_app",
      "password" : "password_to_your_keystore_file",
      "keystoreType": ""

Once you have the dependencies in place, run

npm run sign:android

to sign the App.

Develop for iOS

Follow this instructions for development and the instructions for deployment.

Generate resources

Resources (icons and splash screens) are generated through capacitor-assets.

Sources are located in assets folder. To generate resources run:

npx capacitor-assets generate --ios --android


Developed by Edoardo Pessina - GitHub

A special thanks to the project partners:

  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
  • Regione Lombardia
  • Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
  • Cantone Ticino


Apache License 2.0 © SIMILE Project