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Bevo Beacon IAQ

This document details the basics of the Building EnVironment and Occupancy (BEVO) Beacon with enhanced Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring.


1. Install GIT and Clone Repository

Make sure your RPi is connected to WiFi. Then install git with

sudo apt install git

Clone this repository and cd into the newly created bevo bevo_iaq directory. Edit the file to include the correct GitHub credentials and set your timezone.

2. Install Libraries to RPi



which will install updates, upgrade, install Python3, initialize the Tailscale VPN, and create a virtual environment.

3. Install Libraries to Virtual Environment

Create a virtual environment with

source .venv/bin/activate

and then install the packages to operate the beacon's monitoring capabilities

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Enable Service Files on Boot

Finally, enable the service files by


5. Specify Device Number (Optional)

By default, the device number is 00. You can specify the number by running the fix_number shell script:

sh <label>

where <label> is any identifier you would like whether it be numeric, alphabetical, or a combination.

6. Finalize and Check

Simply restart with $ sudo reboot for a clean start to the device.

You can check if the device is working properly by examining the data in the DATA directory or on the individual services with:

sudo journalctl -u <service_name>.service