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Interactive CYOA Creator 2

A successor to MeanDelay's Interactive CYOA Creator.

Comparison with MeanDelay's Creator

  • Written in TypeScript rather than JavaScript
  • Written using Vue 3 with Composition API rather than Vue 2 with Options API
  • Written using Vuetify 3 rather than Vuetify 2
  • State managed with Pinia instead of Vuex
  • Written using the latest libraries
  • Shipped with native Desktop apps (On Windows, Mac OS, and Linux) using Tauri, rather than only a web version and a Windows version using Electron
  • Open-Source, so anyone can contribute or fork
  • As this Creator has yet to reach v1.0.0, MeanDelay's Creator has more features
  • Actively maintained


  • Backwards compatible with IntCyoaCreator 1's project.json files
  • Viewer
    • View projects from file
    • View projects from URL
    • View projects from cloud storage
      • Google Drive
      • DropBox
      • OneDrive
  • Creator
    • Settings
  • About
    • Information / FAQ
      • What is a CYOA? etc
    • Help
      • How to upload online
    • Changelog


  • Image galleries (v-window)
    • A pseudo-row that serves as a gallery of images (but distinct from a Row, unless it's v1, in which case it allows only one image and is, in actuality, a Row with an image)
    • Allow uploading multiple images to Choices (not backwards-compatible)
      • Choices with the project_v2.json format (tentative name) will have the Base64 image(s) or URL stored in an array, even if there is only one of them
  • DnD style skill check with it setting a variable to true if it succeeds, and false otherwise
    • Option to make it roll only once
  • Aspect ratios
    • Can crop just like Version 1, but can also find a way to
  • Lazy loading option in the Settings
  • Project Formats
    • List of formats (asks which one to choose on load and saving for the first time):
      • Project v1 – Backwards-compatible Interactive CYOA Creator 1 files. ICC2 cannot use new features with this
      • Project v1.1 – Backwards-compatible Interactive CYOA Creator 1 and 2 files. ICC2 can use new features with this.
      • Project v2 (Recommended) – New file formats native to this Creator only
    • Option to upgrade versions (but never backwards, destructive action)
    • Validates which version it is using somehow, auto-detecting it
      • v1.1 and v2 can have a special "version" metadata tag
    • Project v1.1 and above should use JSON5. Comments would be used in the development phase, but not when "exporting", where it would minify all JSON files
  • Export menu
    • Different from ICC1 in that exporting doesn't always separate images, though that is an option in this menu. Instead it does a lot of other optimizations, such as minifying and sanitizing comments in the project.json5
    • Choice between exporting as project.json + viewer (images separated or included) or exporting the entire thing (irreversibly) to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Sub-choices
    • Like Choices within Choices
    • Perhaps limit this to prevent arbitrary nesting
  • Custom Pop-ups / Alerts
    • Two types of alerts:
      • Alerts, these fully replace the screen. They use v-alert.
      • Notifications, these are tiny little messages that pop up temporarily. They use v-snackbar with the timeout property.
    • Alert the user (briefly and non-obtrusively) whenever a selected option no longer has the requirements. This will not be a dialog but a v-snackbar
    • Allow certain alerts to be triggered
      • Can either be a one-off alert triggered when an event happens (such as when a Row has its requirements or when a choice is pressed) or Choices could have a function where it triggers a preset alert, or it could trigger an alert that is changeable
    • Allow variables to be used inside of alerts
  • Inline Markdown formatting
    • Option in Settings to turn use Markdown or HTML
      • Markdown on by default (with a rich text editor)
      • Can turn into HTML
      • Can change what is filtered
  • A rich text editor that displays Markdown
  • Style Templates
    • Gallery of pre-built templates with image previews
      • Look at common CSS Frameworks and try to emulate some of them (crediting them by using their name of course), such as sakura
    • Allow designing your own templates that can be saved as separate files and shared to other people
  • Native static background support
  • Add "Saves", which are stored in cookies or something, so that users can come back to the same website and load their previous builds
    • Based on Twine
    • Save
    • Load
    • Restart option
  • Images
    • Add ability to use an Image that was previously uploaded to the project. This helps with saving space, and in the backend just points to the same file (or web address, though it doesn't matter even matter if it's a URL)
    • Upload images
    • Use URLs
      • Option to "fetch" all images from external URLs, save them under a URL directory, rename them according to their internal name, and changing the URLs used for each applicable object to the local file instead.
  • Time
    • Allow setting how many seconds a Row appears, setting could be used in Transitions
  • Transitions
    • Allow transitions when using Paginated mode
  • Can set layout type from "continuous" (ICCv1 default), "tabbed" (native support for a tabs menu), and "paginated" (with pages).
  • Sidebar which can be used to set up a custom navigation in Settings,
  • Calendar pick option
    • User can set the start date it shows
  • Password protect project.json files for development purposes (so that you don't leak what you're working on but still want to host it in the cloud)
    • Recommend to the user that you separate images instead of having them be inline
      • Caveat that the images can be viewed, but if they are internal then the project.json file grows larger
  • Navigation menu on right-hand side, off by default but can be toggled on
    • Option to list either all Rows or only Rows that are shown
  • Use "Sections" instead of "Rows" – More intuitive
  • Header Section that displays the title of your project in h1 or an image representing it (like a logo)
    • And actual Sections will use h2 by default
  • Dedicated Info/About page in Viewer – It would appear (by default) as an information button in the top right. Pressing it it would allow you to see:
    1. Changelog
    2. Authors
    3. Contributors / extra thanks
    4. Image credits – Can be auto-generated from Image user-inputted metadata, which includes original author and artwork link
    5. Version number
  • Choices list
  • Sections list
  • Link to another choice
  • Requirements can link to another choice, opening up any tabs and/or going to its page to allow you to select it
    • Back button appears
  • Custom tags to reference another choice or section
  • Custom tags to display values (scores, etc)
  • Ability to embed music in the background, most browser don't allow autoplay though
  • Classic CYOA style (choosing choices and progressing through a story, perhaps even looping at certain points until a condition is finished)
  • Internationalization using fluent-vue or vue-i18n
    • Mandarin Chinese
    • Spanish
    • English
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Japanese
    • French
    • Modern Standard Arabic
    • Standard German
    • Italian
    • Esperanto
    • Ido
  • Requirements can use a custom logic code that is handwritten, for advanced users
    • Maybe inline JavaScript — I'd have to make a guide on how to manually interact with Vue variables and check if an option is selected and stuff
      • Maybe by turning on Javascript it will auto-declare shortcut variables to the extremely complicated Vue process, meaning you can see if Rows exist using something like row["fjw6"].exists() and see if a choice is selected by going choice["lso9"].is_pressed().
    • A custom scripting language
      • IntScript is one I'm working on
        • Have something like or(choice1, and(choice2, choice3)) for conditionals
  • Add Dividers
  • Point Bar
    • It automatically switches on when you create your first Point Type, but it can be manually turned off
  • App intensive functions
    • Might code them in Rust and interop with them using WebAssembly
  • Add a custom menu ( for stuff like reloading, existing, and maybe links to the source as well as a tutorial for IntScript (if it is ever made)
  • Local point types – Point Types native to a Section or Page that can't be used or seen outside of it. Useful for
    • Can convert local types into global ones by moving them while preserving default value, options, and ID
  • Interop with Rust-compiled Wasm and test speed comparisons to see if it should be used for functions that target manipulating state or something
  • Switch for Points to enable fractional point types, allowing for modifying in the decimals
    • Switch to round it up to a certain point (like 2 decimal places)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts, like (c) to open up the create button down the bottom, (esc) to go back to the home menu, (r) to create a new row, and stuff like that. Have it show in the settings
  • Add New Object button down the bottom right, it opens a dropdown (dropup) menu that lists stuff like "Row", "Page" (but that should be its own setting), and "Divider".
  • Eventually have some convoluted export without JS button.
    • This will use HTML for "only select 1 item" stuff and CSS for variables (however it can do so) and it will be EXTREMELY hacky
  • Pages
    • Option to toggle whether the pagination buttons show on the top or bottom or both
    • It'll do numbers for pages by default, but you can customize it to either do default names (the name of the page set somewhere) or custom names (different from the page names)
      • The distinction is useful if the Page name is too long for the Pagination thing
    • Transitions
  • App Themes
    • Dark mode
      • Have this be separate from
    • Eventually have the capability to sync the creator theme with the loaded's CYOAs theme, changing the font colour automatically so it's always seen
  • Proper handling for tabs instead of using choices, to make a distinction between structure and content
  • Multiple row types to allow for content other than choices like lore without having to use choices for that
    • Essentially a "Block" or "Row" type that is just a block/div/container of text
  • Make multiple choice selection actually good
  • Global/local custom difficulty multiplier
    • Can change things so that, for example, you can make this:
      • Easy Difficulty = Multiply all Gain Points in sections X, Y, Z by 150%
      • Cheap Items = Multiply all Cost Points in section X by 50%
    • But it's really just arbitrary
    • Can do it globally, for a list of sections, and locally (for just one list)
  • Optimized images, lazy loading and / or resized versions of images to be displayed when needed.
    • Global option to automatically set all images to a pre-set aspect ratio
    • Ability to view a full version of an image (with a link to the creator / source if author provided one).
    • Ability to hide/blur/warn about NSFW images.
      • Create can set to these options (these are two separate options that can be mixed and matched):
        • Warn in advance, once user confirms they are over 18, show CYOA (off by default) – Option name could be "Contains NSFW content or images?"
        • Blur images by default, unblur on hover (off by default)
  • Choices preserved between page loads (plus an option to restart if needed). LocalStorage?
  • Ability to download the CYOA for offline use. This can be a separate version the author can upload as a zip somewhere.
    • This will be an actual icon or button in the viewer
  • Markdown in text fields
  • Multiple point systems with an ability to make some of them hidden from the player.
    • The Point Types/Systems should have two tabs: Public and Private, and you can easily move Point Types between them
  • Point Types should have a clear border between them.
  • Multiple ways of displaying groups of choices or sub-choices: standard grid of boxes, table, list, link to a subpage.
  • Backgrounds that change (and transition) depending on which section is in focus (like I made manually)
  • "Disabled" and "hidden" properties, both as conditionals.
    • Disabled options can stay "selected" (to remember their state in case they become enabled again) but do not count toward points total and are not displayed in the summary.
    • Hidden options are not displayed but count towards point totals if selected (this can be useful for some additional conditions).
  • Ability to add custom properties to options. They can be then used in calculating properties of other options.
    • Can select different types, an identifier, and a value
    • An example of a choice using this is doing a calculation such as multiplying points, and you get the number based on the "mValue" of an option
  • Options with sliders (to, for example, select gender ratios in your world)
  • Groups of options, each with a slider for choosing its weight. They are then converted into ratios and displayed as a pie chart.
  • Give players an ability to create multiple instances of an option and then customize each one. For example you could add any number of custom companions and then name them and add skills for each of them.
  • The ability to automatically generate random picks when the CYOA calls for it without having to use outside dice rollers would be nice
    • Better RNG support, basically
    • Ability to generate a random integer within a stated range, to help with random encounters between main story plot points
  • Built-in progress loading indicator, with ability to choose a custom background until it is loaded
    • With a nice looking loading thing too
  • Buttons, with a whole lot more features, including the functions that were present in the original Creator
  • Points Bar in the footer
    • Button to show/hide points in the footer
    • Sub-menu in the footer that shows more Point Types (for smaller screens)
    • Maybe make this all according to the project options
  • Automatically rename IDs to be readable
    • By default it will be {object_type}_{object_title_snakecase}, where it will automatically rename the ID when the title is changed, though it will be snakecase-ified.
  • Conditionally show pages. E.g.:
    • Only show pages when X option is selected
    • Hide page when Y option is selected
  • Add way to include point total inside the text. Using variables perhaps?
  • Variables list
  • In the option to hide certain sections, enable the option (on by default) to hide all "child" sections, i.e. all sections that are dependent on that section being visible to be shown
    • A setting (off by default) to deselect the options of child elements. By default it remembers the previous options, unless the sub-option below is toggled off
      • A sub-option to remember (on by default) what options were chosen previously, such that if the parent is re-shown it re-selects the options
  • Dropdown / v-select menus, where you (optionally) have to select a choice. Each option has its own ID.
  • Cut down file size of Project V2 by not copying ALL styles for private styling, and instead just the ones that need to be overwritten.
    • When turning on private styling, offer two choices. "Shallow" private styling, which will simply overwrite the parts you change, and "deep" private styling, which will completely copy the global styling, and can't easily be changed once done.
      • Deep copy is basically useful in cases where you plan to full-proof the styling against global changes
  • Optional (opt in) button in settings to credit the ICC2
  • CSS Styling
    • Allow embedding custom CSS (maybe even SCSS? probably not) into the CYOA itself
  • A plugin system for extensibility
  • Save stuff in the browser localStorage to avoid an impromptu reload of the page losing word, and the ability to save builds as well
  • Counters
    • With "Groups", any choices you add to Groups you can use comparison methods on those groups, such as "more than 5 group choices selected", "no group choices selected", "less than 9 group choices selected", etc.
    • Not just a "currently selected counter" but an "overall selected counter". This is an absolute counter that never decrements, only increasing, so it counts total mutations regardless of unselecting stuff, which could be useful
  • Ripple for choices
    • A "Change Ripple Colour" option
  • Ability to SET a Point to a certain value, rather than simply mutating it
  • Settings option to auto-close toolbar. This is stored in LocalStorage or Cookies, never into a project
    • Maybe separate the settings menu into "Project Settings" and "Site Settings"
  • Date picker (it's in Vuetify's labs, so it may not be stable)
  • Data tables (vuetify labs)
  • Option to overflow the Point Bar (thus making it bigger; not great for MASSIVE amounts of Point Types) or having a separate button that appears that, when pressed, will open up a popup displaying the other Point Types
  • Choice Function to immediately change the page
    • Maybe even one to GOTO a Choice… somehow
  • A visible flag on pages (or something) that allows pages to hide from the Viewer.
    • Allow pages to have requirements that when not met, will hide the page from view automatically
  • Mobile-support
    • At least enough support for the view creatorMode, so people can do CYOAs from their phone
  • Read-only metadata in the view: the name of the CYOA's project, description, author(s), contributors, links, etc
    • Would display at the top
    • Opt-in probably
  • Styling Rows and Choices and stuff, have a Preview mode off to the right hand side
    • It will show how it appears through Global, Page, Section, and Private (Choice) styling.
    • You can eventually just see how the Global one looks, then just the Page one, then both together (possibly using a dropdown menu that supports multi-selection, then just chaining the results of those styles, giving precedence to lower level ones. if there exists no private styling, just add an empty list).
  • In the allIds field in the store, also store which page it is apart of (if it's not already a page), either through number or Id or both
    • This way, any future attempt to get an object can skip straight to the page, get the index, and get the object, rather than having to iterate through all pages
  • A button/function that users can input that allows jumping to and from sections, like a GOTO command or something
    • First, it checks which page it is on, and then switches to that page (if the user is currently on a different page), and then it scrolls down
  • Have ability to export a project's project level settings (not overrides, but those can be export from the overridden object's menu, where you can do a shallow copy (only the overwritten settings) or a deep copy (all settings))
    • All exported settings can be imported elsewhere, but the scope may need to be overwritten when importing
    • Then again, the scope is mostly useless isn't it?
  • Viewer may display a menu thing at the start?
    • Maybe only if an option is pressed
    • It'll show author(s), contributors, extra credits, licence, name of the CYOA, Summary, whether the project can be verified, if it has requested more permission out of sanitization (such as links, images, or even DANGEROUS scripts!), stuff like that
    • Also shows (and these need to be new settings too) the version it was created in, as well as the latest version to update it (which code in SaveLoad will need to change)
    • This means that when loading the creator, if the latest edited version is a major version down, it warns that it may be incompatible
      • If both start with 0: if it's a minor or patch version difference, it warns that it may be incompatible
      • It doesn't need to change with major version 1 or up, since we already covered major version changes
    • It will have a little "Made with IntCyoaCreator2", even linking to it. This can optionally be turned off in the settings.

Immediate TODO

  • Support for decimals in Point Types, perhaps requiring a different type. Whole type vs Decimal type, for example.
    • Option to switch between native floating point integers, accurate (but slow ones), or native + rounding
  • Change Tauri icon to actual web icon
  • Plus sign on the bottom right for adding Rows and Dividers and stuff
  • Change changelog.json5 file to support arbitrary nesting of list items. Perhaps achieve this by using Markdown and converting it on-demand into list items
  • Stats for amount of pages, amount of words, amount of sections, amount of choices, etc
  • Have the Sidebar permanently extend if, and only if, the screen is massive enough (probably more than 1920px)
  • Change Tauri config so that Desktop apps (at least Linux) don't start so small. In fact, it would be best if they started maximized.
  • Combined Project Version select with the Save/Load Menu
  • All created IDs are also copied to an array in the store, which will then be checked against in case duplicates are made
    • There will also be an idLength number that starts at 4 (can be user-configured in the future). If all possible IDs are taken (calculate the max by multiplying the amount of characters–hex or alphanumeric presumably–with the length, and if the array is over that number, then increment the idLength by one)
  • Change Changelog from loading from JSON5 to rendering markdown.
  • Add an edit section for dividers to be able to change their IDs
  • Allow adding Sections / Dividers / other stuff to the START of the page using unshift().
  • Swap objects such as Sections and Dividers
  • Duplicate Sections and Dividers
  • A button to the left of the Page Options button that shows a list of all Pages next to their names, and there are buttons to the right that allow you to jump to them, so CYOAs with a massive amount of Pages can jump quickly. This can be shown in the viewer too.
    • Show delete buttons too
    • Allow reordering pages in the pages list
  • Make any and all deletes show a confirmation Dialog first
  • Change overflow of title text in App.vue
  • Try to put all the pagination stuff inside of a button group
  • Put the Section Text and Preview in some sort of scrollable container. Or otherwise have a maximum height.
  • When deleting:
    • If it's not the first Page, go to the page before the page you just deleted
    • If it's the first Page, you shouldn't need to change considering any later pages will replace it
  • Choice needs a isSelected boolean, and a helper function that loops for all requirements and calls other private functions
    • Maybe public? Since I do also want a public API of sorts that could be used for a plugin system
  • Consider moving the "changeSection*" functions in Section.vue to the Page.vue file and turning them into emits
  • Maybe add a bar up the top of the Viewer to display the Page name
  • Add a section option where it computes the maximum height of the choices, and if (as it is by default, by applying it to the project-level default section setting) the setting normalizeChoiceHeight is set to true, then every row will have their min-height bound to the largest height.
  • Get rid of a lot of the v-container uses, as they apply uncontrollable margin and padding, and instead use <div>s.
  • Move Choice Title and ID above Choice Text (contrary to the first creator)
  • Choices don't need access to project level defaults for pages and sections (how would they affect them?), but pages have access to section and choice defaults And sections have access to choice defaults

Issues / Errors / Bugs

  • About/Information Page on Linux AND Mobile trails off the edge with large URLs
  • Fix About page not working with lists properly – overflow?
  • Fix Viewer centring instead of beginning from the top
  • Viewer looks bad on devices with less than 500px width. See if I can make it permanent when above 500px, but collapsible when not.
  • Points Bar position is bugged, until the Page is changed. Changing Pages also makes a massive error fest, which means something's happening there
  • Preview doesn't have padding below each paragraph. Figure out how to do that
  • If you've chosen "Edit Section" (and presumably Edit Divider) and switch to the Viewer, it will still be in Edit Mode
    • Fixed fairly easily
    • Same thing happens with dividers
  • When typing a Page Name from Page settings, it expands until finally reaching the maximum width. It should be static at all times.
  • Choices clash together when the screen is small but not small enough that it moves to a single column
  • Duplicating sections (and thus pages) should scramble all children's IDs
  • Save Project to file doesn't work on Tauri Linux
  • Creating a new section will instantiate it with choices that already exist across the other ones (or the previous one)
    • Not only that, but the other ones are still linked via reference
      • The only thing that isn't is the section text
    • Duplicating pages AND sections needs to make a deep copy

Possible TODOs

Will have to reconsider these later.

  • Hierarchical structure of choices with ability to browse them in multiple subpages. For example to be able to open cyoa/companions and cyoa/companions/saber as their own subpages.
    • This would have to use the router like I haven't bothered
  • This might be a bit hard to explain, and might not be worth implementing, but a way to add options to a 'group' of sorts, of which logic can be made using it. For example, you can make it so that in regards to all choices apart of the group, only 2 may be selected, but you could also add a requirement to an individual choice that says no choices apart of the 'illegal' group must be pressed in order for the individual choice to be selectable.
    • My own suggestion from 2 years ago lol
  • An option near the "Required: {Choices}" field that allows the user to auto-select any requirements, and any requirements they might have, and so on (might implement this using recursion)
  • A section in the Creator where you can check for the contrast of your styling, and it lists all occurrences of bad contrast
  • The Points Bar is glitching in the Creator, as the main content doesn't realize that it's there
  • Gpg sign the file using an npm package
    • Change the "hash" or whatever project string to , so that it doesn't reference itself, and is reproducible ID
    • Then, it JSON stringify's the projectV2 object, signs it with a given private key (that isn't saved into the project, maybe LocalStorage), checks that with a given public key (that is saved and displayed by the viewer, just in case it changes suddenly), and then replaces "hash" with the resulting thing
    • Then the viewer repeats the process, checking it (but only if a specific project setting is turned on), and displaying if it's verified or not


To work with Global, Row, and Private settings and styling, we could have an array attached to each object called like "settings" or "styling" or something. Then, I create a function that will "resolve" a settings or styling, by going down the list until it reaches the lowest override or up the list until it encounters its first variable, and then returning that value.

Useful links

Frameworks and stuff

  • JS Framework
    • Vue
      • Vuetify
      • Quasar
    • SvelteKit – Supposedly faster and lighter than Vue
  • CSS Framework – If not using a Vue component framework
    • TailwindCSS
      • DaisyUI

Project setup


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

# Web
yarn dev

# Desktop app
yarn tauri dev

Compiles and minifies for production

# Web
yarn build

# Desktop app
yarn tauri build

# Build for 64 bit Windows
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
yarn tauri build --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
# Build for 32 bit Windows
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc
yarn tauri build --target i686-pc-windows-msvc
# Build for ARM64
# Install `C++ ARM64 build tools` from the `Visual Studio Installer`
rustup target add aarch64-pc-windows-msvc
yarn tauri build --target aarch64-pc-windows-msvc

# Build for Windows on Linux
yay -S nsis
sudo pacman -S lld llvm
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
cargo install xwin
xwin splat --output ~/.xwin
# If that fails with an error message like this:
# Error: failed to splat Microsoft.VC.
# you can try adding the --disable-symlinks flag to the command:
# xwin splat --output ~/.xwin --disable-symlinks
# ---
# Add this to your project's .cargo/config.toml:
# [target.x86_64-pc-windows-msvc]
# linker = "lld"
# rustflags = [
#   "-Lnative=/home/username/.xwin/crt/lib/x86_64",
#   "-Lnative=/home/username/.xwin/sdk/lib/um/x86_64",
#   "-Lnative=/home/username/.xwin/sdk/lib/ucrt/x86_64"
# ]
# ---
# then:
yarn tauri build --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

# Build for Windows on Linux (doesn't work)
sudo pacman -S mingw-w64
sudo apt install mingw-w64
# in ~/.cargo/config write:
# [target.x86_64-pc-windows-gnu]
# linker = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
# ar = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar"
rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
yarn tauri build --target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

# Supporting Windows 7:

# MacOS
# targets Apple silicon machines.
rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin
yarn tauri build --target aarch64-apple-darwin
# targets Intel-based machines.
rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
yarn tauri build --target x86_64-apple-darwin
# produces a universal macOS binary that runs on both Apple silicon and
# Intel-based Macs.
rustup target add universal-apple-darwin
yarn tauri build --target universal-apple-darwin

# Linux

Building using GitHub Actions:

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


As of writing this and starting the project, I barely know any JavaScript (let alone TypeScript), CSS, and Vue 3. The fact that it's actually working is a miracle on its own lol.

If I've made some code that could be done more elegantly and efficiently, please make a PR and I'll get right on that.