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Andreas Scharf edited this page Aug 20, 2013 · 9 revisions

###Install Sponge

  1. Download the latest release and extract the contents.
  2. Run lib\install.ps1 with PowerShell (with the most-privileged account possible) on your SP Server(s).
  3. Browser will open and take you directly to Sponge.
  4. Read the Wiki and FAQ on how to interact with Sponge.

###Install Mode Sponge will automatically install itself in the Central Administration and can only be accessed by SharePoint admins. That means, that only admins can change values in the configuration or add loggers to Sponge. In some cases, this is very cumbersome and time-consuming (besides, what admin likes doing things like this?!), so Sponge provides an "relative" install which can be installed in your Site Collection.

Simply enable the Sponge Logging & Configuration Component Feature in your Site Collection and Sponge will install itself in the Rootweb (http://mysitecollection/Sponge). Now, non-admins can use Sponge as well! The Logging & Configuration API is designed that support both install types (central or relative). See the Logging or the Configuration wiki pages for more info!

###Install Sponge Logging Db

  1. Download the latest release and extract the contents.
  2. Change DB User in lib\db\create_db.sql and DB Host Name in lib\create_db.ps1 before continuing to the next step.
  3. Run lib\create_db.ps1 with PowerShell (with the most-privileged account possible) on your SQL Server(s).
  4. That's it. Now you can use the Sponge Logging Database Target in the Logging Component.
  5. Go to the Sponge Administration Site (http://centraladmin/Sponge) --> Log Targets --> Sponge Logging Database --> edit the XML to match your connection string!

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