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online-service Build Status Greenkeeper badge


  • A MongoDB database or API compatible (Azure Cosmos DB)
  • Azure service bus


git clone
cd online-service
npm install
npm run build


You need to configure the following env variables in order to run the service

  • database: The connection string for the database
  • queue: The connection string for Azure service bus
  • port: The port where the job manager will be listening

Quick start user guide

Run the Job manager

npm run online-service -- --microservice job-manager

Run the Config manager

npm run online-service -- --microservice config-manager --name new-config-name --file path/to/you/config-file.json --cache 120 --run 120

NOTE: use npm run online-service -- --help to get more information about what each argument means

Run the Worker service

npm run online-service -- --microservice worker

Run the Sync service

npm run online-service -- --microservice sync

Run everything at the same time (except the config manager)

npm run online-service -- --microservice all

NOTE: You need to set up the following environment variables before continue: NODE_ENV=production, database=YourConnectionStringToTheDatabase and queue=YourConnectionStringToServiceBus


Local environment

If you want to run the online-service in you local machine, you just need to run:

docker-compose -file compose/online-service.yml -d


We are assuming that you are in the folder compose before running docker-compose. If you are in another folder, replace the file with your path to the file online-service.yml.

Remember you need to replace the enviroment variables values in compose/online-service.yml with your own values before run docker-compose.

Azure environment

First of all we need to deploy docker in Azure. To do so, follow this documentation. (see note below)

Using private network

If you need to enable https with NGINX, then you need to make some changes in the template to keep the online service in a private network.

To do that, remove the public IP in the template, and replace the properties for the frontendIPConfigurations in the load balancer.

"frontendIPConfigurations": [
        "name": "default",
        "properties": {
            "privateIPAddress": "",
            "privateIPAllocationMethod": "Static",
            "subnet": {
                "id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets', variable('virtualNetworksName'), variable('subnetName'))]"

Build images

To build all the images at the same time you need to run the script

To do so, first you need to go to the folder scripts.

cd scripts

Make the file executable.

chmod +x

Run with the name of your repository as a parameter.

./ webhint

Upload the images to your docker repository

To upload all the images at the same time you need to run the script

To do so, first you need to go to the folder scripts.

cd scripts

Make the file executable.

chmod +x

Run with the name of you repository as a parameter.

./ webhint

Build and upload

To build and upload everything with just one script, use the script

cd scripts

Make the file executable.

chmod +x

Run with the name of your repository as a parameter.

./ webhint

Deploy Online Service

To deploy the online service we need to use ssh.

First of all we are going to add the ssh key into the bash.

Check if the key is stored.

ssh-add -L

Add it if it isn't.

ssh-add my-key.pem

Now we have two options to deploy the online service:

Copy the compose file into the machine where we want to deploy:

  1. Copy the file online-service.yml:

    scp online-service.yml docker@your.ip:path/in/the/remote/machine/online-service.yml
  2. Go into the machine:

    ssh -p your.port docker@your.ip
  3. Now deploy using:

    docker stack deploy online-service -c path/in/the/remote/machine/online-service.yml

Create a tunnel to the remote machine where we want to deploy:

  1. Create a tunnel to the remote machine:

    ssh -fNL localhost:2374:/var/run/docker.sock docker@your.ip
  2. Map docker to use the remote server:

    export DOCKER_HOST=localhost:2374
  3. Now deploy using:

    docker stack deploy online-service -c online-service.yml


We are assuming that you are in the folder compose before scp or docker stack. If you are in another folder, replace the file with your path to the file online-service.yml.

Remember you need to replace the enviroment variables values in compose/online-service.yml with your own values before scp and docker stack.

Deploy NGINX

To deploy NGINX add to the resource group you previously create a Docker for Azure CE VM.

As with the online service you need to connect via ssh to the server using the IP to the VM and have 2 options to do it:

Copy the compose file into the machine where we want to deploy:

  1. Copy the file nginx.yml:

    scp nginx.yml docker@your.ip:path/in/the/remote/machine/nginx.yml
  2. Go into the machine:

    ssh -p your.port docker@your.ip
  3. Now deploy using:

    docker stack deploy online-service-nginx -c path/in/the/remote/machine/nginx.yml

Create a tunnel to the remote machine where we want to deploy:\

  1. Create a tunnel to the remote machine:

    ssh -fNL localhost:2373:/var/run/docker.sock docker@your.ip
  2. Map docker to use the remote server:

    export DOCKER_HOST=localhost:2373
  3. Now deploy using:

    docker stack deploy online-service-nginx -c nginx.yml


We are assuming that you are in the folder compose before scp or docker stack. If you are in another folder, replace the file with your path to the file nginx.yml.

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the JS Foundation's code of conduct.

By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


The code is available under the Apache 2.0 license.


🔬 Online version of webhint



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