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The Rivet collapsible is deprecated. Please use the Rivet 2 disclosure or accordion components instead.


An accessible expand-and-collapse widget for Rivet

Download Rivet collapsible | View the demo

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Getting started

The Rivet collapsible add-on requires the use of the core Rivet CSS. You can find out more about how to get started in the Rivet documentation. Once you are using Rivet, you can download the Rivet collapsible source files and include them in your project.

Note: closest() polyfill

The Rivet Collapsible uses the .closest() JavaScript method which works in all modern web browsers, but requires a small polyfill to add support for Internet Explorer 11. The main Rivet JavaScript file (rivet.js) already includes the closest() polyfill so if you are using it on your page there is no need to add it.

 * Element.closest() polyfill
if (!Element.prototype.closest) {
  if (!Element.prototype.matches) {
    Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;

  Element.prototype.closest = function (s) {
    var el = this;
    var ancestor = this;
    if (!document.documentElement.contains(el)) return null;
    do {
      if (ancestor.matches(s)) return ancestor;
      ancestor = ancestor.parentElement;
    } while (ancestor !== null);
    return null;

1. Include the CCS and JavaScript in your page

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/rivet-collapsible.min.css">
<script src="dist/js/rivet-collapsible.min.js"></script>

2. Add the markup to your HTML

It is possible to either show or hide the collapsible content by default. To hide the the content by default set the aria-expanded attribute on the <button> element inside the .rvt-collapsible__title element to false, then set the aria-hidden attribute on the .rvt-collapsible__content element to "true". You can show the collapsible content by default by doing the opposite and setting aria-expanded to a value of true and aria-hidden to a value of false.

Lastly, you need to make sure to add the [data-collapsible] to the button toggle element with a value that matches the id attribute of the content that yo uwant to exapand/collapse.

<!-- Hidden by default -->

<div class="rvt-collapsible">
  <h1 class="rvt-collapsible__title">
    <button data-collapsible="users" aria-expanded="false">
      <svg role="img" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
        <path fill="currentColor" d="M5.5,15a1,1,0,0,1-.77-1.64L9.2,8,4.73,2.64A1,1,0,0,1,6.27,1.36L11.13,7.2a1.25,1.25,0,0,1,0,1.61L6.27,14.64A1,1,0,0,1,5.5,15ZM9.6,8.48h0Zm0-1h0Z"/>
      <span>Default Rivet collapsible</span>
  <div class="rvt-collapsible__content" id="users" aria-hidden="true">
    <p class="rvt-m-all-remove">Nostrum fugit a natus. Corporis voluptates ut odio omnis nobis voluptas. Est dolor et eum quis deleniti explicabo autem est magnam. Unde expedita ab quia maxime quia. Qui voluptas distinctio ipsa laborum laboriosam.</p>

3. Initialize the add-on

Lastly, you'll need to initialize somewhere right before the closing </body> tag of you page.


Installing with NPM

(Coming soon...)

Contolling the collapsible in your own scripts

The Rivet collapsible component exposes a handful of methods you can use to programmatically control the component. The .init() method must be called somewhere in your document after the rivet-collapsible.js script is included. The init() method attaches and event listener to the document that listens for clicks on buttons with the data-collapsible attribute. With that in mind you should be able to dynamically add collapsibles to the DOM without having the re-initialize the component.


Method Description
Collapsible.init() Initializes the collapsible component, callback) Accepts a collapsible toggle button element [data-collapsible] and an optional callback function that is run after the collapsible is toggled opened.
Collapsible.close(collapsibleButton, callback) Accepts a collapsible toggle button element [data-collapsible] and an optional callback function that is run after the collapsible is toggled closed.
Collapsible.destroy() Destroys the current initialization of the collapsible component and removes it's event listener.


We're using Cypress for integration testing. To run the tests:

Testing with the Cypress GUI

  1. First you need to start the development server by typing npm run start in your terminal.
  2. Type npm run cypress:open in your terminal. This will open the Cypress automation client/GUI.
  3. Select the test you want to run from the list of test, usually called componentname_spec.js where componentname is the name of the component you're testing.
  4. The test will start runing in a new chrome window.
  5. Refer to the Cypress documentation for more info.

Testing on the command line only

Alternatively, you can run the Cypress integration tests on the command line only.

  1. First you need to start the development server by typing npm run start in your terminal.
  2. Then type npm run test.
  3. This will run the test and report any failures in the terminal output. It will also record a video session of the tests and save it to cypress/videos.


  • Add docs for testing with Cypress
  • Create NPM package and documentation for including in a project
  • Add implementation docs to README
  • Test UMD implementation e.g. const Collapsible = require('rivet-collapsible.js')
  • Add Github pages demo
  • Add minnification step to build process for CSS and JS
  • Add Version banner to files in dist folder