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Releases: inbo/niche_vlaanderen

Release niche vlaanderen 1.3

02 May 15:38
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  • Fix compatibility with recent Numpy/Pandas versions, update tests to pytest (#370)
  • Add support for float data type soil code rasters (#371)
  • Make sure package build process correctly includes the system tables (#372)
  • Provide user feedback when trying to plot a non-existing raster (#373)
  • Update and improve sphinx documentation version (#374)

Release niche vlaanderen 1.2

14 Mar 08:18
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  • Add validation module, allowing the user to compare the result of a niche model with an actual vegetation map.
  • Improved speed of zonal statistics.
  • Detailed plot splitting up unsuitable types to soil unsuitable/mxw unsuitable+ other conditions.
  • Add support for recent Python versions (3.10 and 3.11).
  • Important notice:
    • Python 2 is no longer supported. Python 3.7 is the minimum version required. >=3.9 recommended.

niche_vlaanderen 1.1

17 Sep 14:49
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Changes in version 1.1:

  • Work with asymmetrical cells (#204)
  • Add check for new versions of niche_vlaanderen (#180)
  • Fix a number of warnings for newer versions of Affine and Numpy (#207)
  • New install instructions for Windows (#260)
  • Important notice:
    • This is the last version supporting Python 2. Switching to Python 3 is highly recommended.

niche_vlaanderen 1.0 stable release

05 Jun 15:32
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NICHE Vlaanderen (Nature Impact Assessment of Changes in Hydro-Ecological Systems) is a hydro-ecological model that predicts the potential occurrence of (ground)water-dependent vegetation types in an area based on information about the (abiotic) site conditions. NICHE Vlaanderen can be used to evaluate the impact of changes in the water management to groundwater-dependent vegetation.

The model is based on a number of location factors that are important for the vegetation: soil type, hydrology, nutrient availability and acidity. Based on calculated abiotic properties of the location NICHE Vlaanderen determines whether certain vegetation types can develop. An additional flooding module allows the user to test whether the predicted vegetations are compatible with a particular flooding regime.

This project is a redevelopment of an existing ArcGIS plugin in Python, without external non-open source dependencies.


NICHE Vlaanderen (Nature Impact Assessment of Changes in Hydro-Ecological Systems) is een hydro-ecologisch model dat de potenties voor (grond)waterafhankelijke vegetatietypes in een gebied berekent op basis van informatie over de (abiotische) standplaatscondities. NICHE Vlaanderen kan ingezet worden om de effecten van ingrepen in de waterhuishouding op grondwaterafhankelijke vegetaties te evalueren.

Het model is gebaseerd op een aantal voor de vegetatie bepalende standplaatsfactoren: bodemtype, hydrologie, voedselrijkdom en zuurgraad. Op grond van de berekende abiotische kenmerken van de standplaats bepaalt NICHE Vlaanderen of bepaalde vegetatietypes zich al dan niet kunnen ontwikkelen. Met een bijkomende overstromingsmodule kunnen de potenties verder getoetst worden aan de compatibiliteit met een bepaald overstromingsregime.

Dit project is een herontwikkeling van een bestaande ArcGIS plugin in Python, zonder externe non-open source dependencies.

Niche Vlaanderen - Third beta release

07 Mar 11:54
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NICHE Vlaanderen is a hydro-ecological model for valley-ecosystems in Flanders. It is based on the Dutch model NICHE (Nature Impact Assessment of Changes in Hydro-Ecological System) of Kiwa Water Research, the Netherlands.

NICHE Vlaanderen can be used to evaluate the impact of changes in the water management to groundwater dependant vegetation.

The model is based on a number of location factors that are important for the vegetation: soil type, hydrology, nutrient availability and acidity. Based on calculated abiotic properties of the location NICHE determines whether certain vegetation types can develop.

This project is a redevelopment of an existing ArcGIS plugin in Python, without external non-open source dependencies.

This is planned to be the last beta before the 1.0 release, so please test!

niche_vlaanderen first beta release

27 Feb 22:56
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This is the first beta release of niche_vlaanderen, ready for testing.

If no blocking issues are found in this release, I will upgrade it to final release.