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Release v0.5.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 04 Sep 15:18
# INBOmd 0.5.0

## Breaking changes

* Every output format has now its dedicated function using the English name.
  We no longer use prefixes.
  The YAML options are now uniform across the output formats.
  Please have a look at the documentation of the output format to find a list
  with the available options.
  Below is the list of the old output formats and their new name.
* `bookdown::pdf_book` with `INBOmd::inbo_rapport` -> `INBOmd::report`
* `bookdown::gitbook` -> `INBOmd::gitbook`
* `bookdown::epub_book` -> `INBOmd::ebook`
* `bookdown::pdf_book` with `INBOmd::inbo_slides` ->
  `INBOmd::slides` for the presentation, `INBOmd::handouts` for handouts,
  `INBOmd::report` for handouts with lots of R code and output (useful for
  R tutorials and courses)

## User visible changes

* Use pandoc to render citations with `report()` on pdf instead of natbib
  (#63, @ThierryO).
* `report()` supports custom languages when using `style = "Flanders"`
  (#64, @ThierryO).
* Update CSL style to most recent version (#63, @florisvdh).
* Add colophon to reports in pdf, gitbook and epub formats.
* Rendering the pdf reports generates a `cover.txt`.
  This files contains the required information to create the cover page.
* New function `references()` allows to define the location where to insert
  the bibliography.
  The optional appendix starts after the bibliography.
* `slides()` generates a visible table of content (#66).
* Update the `report()` RMarkdown [template](
  It contains all available options in the YAML header.
* Add a new template for a non-Dutch report with English as default language.
* Reports use Calibri as default font.
* Gitbook reports gains a thumbnail of the report on top of the table of content
  when the user provides a cover image.
* Gitbook and epub formats gain an English variant.

## Internal changes

* Setup quality assurrance using [checklist](