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Bug 🐛
Bug 🐛
A bug or security issue
Build 🏗️
Build 🏗️
Chore 🧹
Chore 🧹
Ci 🥽
Ci 🥽
Dependencies 🚀
Dependencies 🚀
PRs and Issues related to dependencies
Documentation 🗞️
Documentation 🗞️
Improvements or additions to the documentation
Duplicate ©️
Duplicate ©️
A duplicate pull request or issue
Feature 🎉
Feature 🎉
PRs and Issues related to existing/requested features
Fix ❗
Fix ❗
Merge 🚢
Merge 🚢
Let Kodiakhq know that the PR can be merged
Question ❓
Question ❓
Support or more information is requested
Refactor 📏
Refactor 📏
Revert ⬅️
Revert ⬅️
Test 🧪
Test 🧪