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🎍 Provides a universal way of formatting file-paths in Unix-like and Windows operating systems as an alternative to the built-in path.normalize(). 🧬


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🎍 Provides a universal way of formatting file-paths in Unix-like and Windows operating systems as an alternative to the built-in path.normalize(). 🧬

Why uPath? Simple. Working with file paths inside Strings in Windows + JavaScript is a hassle. By calling u(), the file path you provided is converted to your OS-preferred file path format, i.e. you can get away with writing "C:/Users/JohnDoe/" without having to worry about those backslashes that Windows uses. On the other hand, UNIX-like slashes in file paths are left as-is. An extra feature that uPath provides is redundant trailing slash removal.

✨Since version 2.0.0 upath is a hybrid module that supports both CommonJS (legacy) and ES modules, thanks to Modern Module.

✨Since version 1.2.0 support for UNC paths has been added, thanks to unc-path.


Install it first by doing

npm i @igor.dvlpr/upath

and call require in your code, i.e.:

// for CommonJS
const upath = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')
// or for ESM
import * as upath from '@igor.dvlpr/upath'

// or destructure the object and import only needed function(s)
// e.g.
// for CommonJS
const { u } = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')
// or for ESM
import { u } from '@igor.dvlpr/upath'

// do something cool with it


upath() => returns a proper file path depending on the host OS.

✨Note: upath() has an alias, named u() for your convenience.


upath(fsPath: string, addTrailingSlash: boolean = false): string
u(fsPath: string, addTrailingSlash: boolean = false): string


fsPath: string // a string that represents the path to process,

addTrailingSlash: boolean = false
// a boolean that represents whether a trailing slash should be added to the fsPath or not

Example - Any OS

const { u } = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')

console.log(u()) // returns ''
console.log(u('')) // returns ''
console.log(u(null)) // returns ''

Example - Windows OS

const { u } = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')

console.log(u('C:/')) // returns 'C:\\'
console.log(u('C:/WINDOWS//////')) // returns 'C:\\WINDOWS\\'
console.log(u('C:/Users', true)) // returns 'C:\\Users\\'
console.log(u('\\\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder')) // returns '\\\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder'
console.log(u('//ComputerName/SharedFolder')) // returns '\\\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder'

Example - UNIX-like OS

const { u } = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')

console.log(u('/mnt/')) // returns '/mnt/'
console.log(u('/usr/bin/////////')) // returns '/usr/bin/'
console.log(u('/usr/bin', true)) // returns '/usr/bin/'
console.log(u('//ComputerName/SharedFolder')) // returns '//ComputerName/SharedFolder'
console.log(u('\\\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder')) // returns '//ComputerName/SharedFolder'

uw() => returns a proper file path for Windows operating system.


uw(fsPath: string, addTrailingSlash: boolean = false): string


fsPath: string // a string that represents the path to process,

addTrailingSlash: boolean = false
// a boolean that represents whether a trailing slash should be added to the fsPath or not

Example - Any OS

const { uw } = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')

console.log(uw('C:/WINDOWS/System32')) // returns 'C:\\WINDOWS\\System32'
console.log(uw('//ComputerName/SharedFolder')) // returns '\\\\ComputerName\\SharedFolder'

ux() => returns a proper file path for UNIX-like operating systems.


ux(fsPath: string, addTrailingSlash: boolean = false): string


fsPath: string // a string that represents the path to process,

addTrailingSlash: boolean = false
// a boolean that represents whether a trailing slash should be added to the fsPath or not

Example - Any OS

const { ux } = require('@igor.dvlpr/upath')

console.log(ux('/usr/local')) // returns '/usr/local'
// returns '//ComputerName/SharedFolder'

✨ Since v.1.0.3 a string property named slash is exposed as well, provides an easy way to access file path OS-specific delimiter.

On Windows slash = '\\'.

On UNIX-like slash = '/'.


🎍 Provides a universal way of formatting file-paths in Unix-like and Windows operating systems as an alternative to the built-in path.normalize(). 🧬





