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An exploration game written in ruby, rails and node. Made to run on a raspberry.


User a version bundler to load proper Ruby and Node versions. Until we will support devcontainers, that's all you need to do to run the project locally.

Suggestion: if you still don't have any tool version manager, you can install asdf

asdf plugin add ruby
asdf plugin add nodejs

Restart your shell

asdf install ruby
asdf install nodejs

Restart your shell again. Make sure you're using ruby 3.2.1 and nodejs 18.4.0. Use ruby -v and node -v to double check.

Install dependencies


gem install -g

NPM packages

npm install

Ruby Gems

bundle install

rake db:setup
rake db:migrate

Open a Rails console

rails console
require 'active_record/fixtures'
ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(Rails.root.join('test', 'fixtures'), 'zones')
ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(Rails.root.join('test', 'fixtures'), 'climates')

Run the dev environment

rails server

Then, you could head to the two main urls:

  • List of zones You can click on links to move on the map and see the distribution changes
  • List of climates to add more outside the main bounds. If you add a very different one outside bounds, moving on the map will slowly fade the zone tiles from one to the other.