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All the necessary files to configure your development environment for a brand new React Native project.

Instructions for Setup

Because a React Native project has a lot of configuration files (for both iOS/Android), it is difficult to rename the project, its dependencies, and its package names. For that reason, it is best to start a new project from scratch, and then copy over any files needed to configure the rest of the environment.

The instructions below are tightly coupled with the assumption that you have read about Setting Up A Development Environment in the React Native official docs.

Step 1

Initialize a new React Native app with the command:
npx react-native init <app_name>

If your project is using TypeScript, then it is best to install with a community preferred TypeScript template:
npx react-native init <app_name> --template react-native-template-typescript

Step 2

Setup dependencies for the project.

  1. Delete node_modules and yarn.lock
  2. Copy the package.json from this repo into the project (be sure to update the name property in this file)
  3. Run yarn install

Step 3

Copy over the environment configuration files.

  • tsconfig.json : defines TypeScript compiler/configuration settings
  • metro.config.js : configuration for Facebook's Metro bundler
  • jest.config.js : Jest (testing library) config
  • .babelrc : Babel (JSX transpiler) config. Be sure to remove/rename the existing babel.config.js
  • .prettierrc : Prettier (code formatter) config. Be sure to remove/rename the existing prettierrc.js
  • .eslintrc : ESLint (code linter) config. Be sure to remove/rename the existing eslintrc.js
  • .prettierignore : Defines files to not be formatted by Prettier (similar to .gitignore)
  • index.js : root file for the project

If the linters/formatters are throwing red squillies even after all files have been copied over, try reloading the developer window (CTRL+SHIFT+P in VSCode)

Step 4 (for VSCode users only)

TODO - specify VSCode settings.json edits

Instructions for running the app

In order to run, debug, and test a React Native app, you will need to have an emulator running. Below are instructions for each platform.

Android/Android Studio

The React Native docs have a thorough guide to installing Android Studio and any emulators. Before trying to run the app, ensure the project is open in Android Studio.


TODO - instructions for iOS/XCode

Run the damn thing!

You will need to have Metro Bundler running first: yarn run start (which is shorthand for npx react-native start)


A bootstrap development environment for React Native






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