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Releases: hyriver/pygeohydro


25 Apr 03:21
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Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • In nlcd_helper function the roughness value for class 82 was set to 0.16 instead of 0.037.

New Features

  • Converted all methods of NWIS class to classmethod so the class can be used without instantiating it. This change makes the class more flexible and easier to use.
  • In NID class, the stage_nid_inventory method now checks if the remote NID database has been modified since the last download and only downloads the new data if it has been modified. This change makes the method more efficient and reduces the network traffic while ensuring that the local database is always up-to-date.


03 Jan 23:00
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • Bump the minimum supported version of shapely to 2.

Internal Changes

  • Update the link to NWIS error codes tables in the nwis_errors function.
  • Update NWIS class based on the latest changes to the NWIS web service.
  • Use the default tiles for the interactive_map function.


22 Sep 14:27
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a new attribute to EHydro class called survey_grid. It's a geopandas.GeoDataFrame that includes the survey grid of the eHydro dataset which is a 35-km hexagonal grid.
  • Add support for getting point cloud and survey outline data from eHydro. You can set data_type in EHydro to bathymetry, points, outlines, or contours to get the corresponding data. The default is points since this is the recommended data type by USACE.
  • Add NFHL class within nfhl module to access FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) using six different ArcGISRESTFul services. Contributed by Fernando Aristizabal. (108{.interpreted-text role="pull_hydro"})

Internal Changes

  • Remove dependency on dask.
  • Move all NLCD related functions to a separate module called nlcd. This doesn't affect the API since the functions are still available under pygeohydro namespace.


02 Sep 13:25
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Release Notes

This release provides access to three new datasets:

  • USACE Hydrographic Surveys (eHydro) and
  • USGS Short-Term Network (STN) Flood Event Data (contributed by Fernando Aristizabal)
  • NLCD 2021

New Features

  • Add support for getting topobathymetry data from USACE Hydrographic Surveys (eHydro). The new class is called EHydro and gives users the ability to subset the eHydro dataset by geometry, ID, or SQL queries.
  • Add new stnfloodevents module with STNFloodEventData class for retrieving flood event data from the USGS Short-Term Network (STN) RESTful Service. This Python API abstracts away RESTful principles and produces analysis ready data in geo-referenced GeoDataFrames, DataFrames, lists, or dictionaries as desired. The core class methods available are data_dictionary, get_all_data, and get_filtered_data. These class methods retrieve the data dictionaries by type, get all the available data by type, and make filtered requests for data by type as well, respectively. The four types of data include instruments, peaks, hwms, and sites. Contributed by Fernando Aristizabal.
  • Add a wrapper function for the STNFloodEventData class called stn_flood_event.
  • Add support for the new NLCD data (2021) for the three supported layers.


07 May 22:56
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Release Notes

From release 0.15 onward, all minor versions of HyRiver packages will be pinned. This ensures that previous minor versions of HyRiver packages cannot be installed with later minor releases. For example, if you have py3dep==0.14.x installed, you cannot install pydaymet==0.15.x. This is to ensure that the API is consistent across all minor versions.

New Features

  • Add a new option to NWIS.get_info, called nhd_info, for retrieving NHDPlus related info on the sites. This will two new service calls that might slow down the function, so it's disabled by default.
  • Update links in NID to the latest CSV and GPKG versions of the NID dataset.
  • Add two new properties to NID to access the entire NID dataset. You can use NID.df to access the CSV version as a pandas.DataFrame and NID.gdf to access the GPKG version as a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. Installing pyogrio is highly recommended for much faster reading of the GPKG version.
  • Refactor NID.bygeom to use the new NID.gdf property for spatial querying of the dataset. This change should make the query much faster.
  • For now, retain compatibility with shapely<2 while supporting shapley>=2.


05 Mar 16:51
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a new function, called nlcd_area_percent, for computing the percentages or natural, developed, and impervious areas within geometries of a given GeoDataFrame. This function uses imperviousness and land use/land cover data from NLCD to compute the area percentages of the natural, developed, and impervious areas. For more information please refer to the function's documentation.
  • Add a new column to the dataframe returned by NWIS.get_info, called nhd_comid, and rename drain_sqkm to nhd_areasqkm. The new drainage area is the best available estimates of stations' drainage area that have been extracted from the NHDPlus. The new nhd_comid column makes it easier to link stations to NHDPlus.
  • In get_camels, return qobs with negatives values set to NaN. Also, Add a new variable called Newman_2017 to both datasets for identifying the 531 stations that were used in Newman et al. (2017).
  • Add a new function, called streamflow_fillna, for filling missing streamflow values (NAN) with day-of-year average values.

Breaking Changes

  • Bump the minimum required version of shapely to 2.0, and use its new API.

Internal Changes

  • Sync all minor versions of HyRiver packages to 0.14.0.
  • Improve performance of all NLCD functions by merging two methods of the NLCD and also reducing the memory footprint of the functions.


10 Feb 16:20
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add initial support for SensorThings API Currently, the SensorThings class only supports Things endpoint. Users need to provide a valid Odata filter. The class has a odata_helper function that can be used to generate and validate Odata filters. Additionally, using sensor_info and sensor_property functions users can request for information about sensors themselves or their properties.

Internal Changes

  • Simplify geometry validation by using pygeoutils.geo2polygon function in ssebopeta_bygeom.
  • Fully migrate setup.cfg and to pyproject.toml.
  • Convert relative imports to absolute with absolufy-imports.
  • Sync all patch versions of HyRiver packages to x.x.12.


09 Jan 16:58
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Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  • The NID service has changed some of its endpoints to use Federal ID instead of Dam ID. This change affect the NID.inventory_byid function. This function now accepts Federal IDs instead of dam IDs.

New Features

  • Refactor the show_versions function to improve performance and print the output in a nicer table-like format.

Internal Changes

  • Use the new pygeoogc.streaming_download function in huc_wb_full to improve performance and reduce code complexity.
  • Skip 0.13.9 version so the minor version of all HyRiver packages become the same.
  • Modify the codebase based on the latest changes in geopandas related to empty dataframes.
  • Use pyright for static type checking instead of mypy and address all typing issues that it raised.


09 Dec 23:06
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a function called huc_wb_full that returns the full watershed boundary GeoDataFrame of a given HUC level. If only a subset of HUCs is needed the pygeohydro.WBD class should be used. The full dataset is downloaded from the National Maps' WBD staged products.
  • Add a new function called irrigation_withdrawals for retrieving estimated monthly water use for irrigation by 12-digit hydrologic unit in the CONUS for 2015 from ScienceBase.
  • Add a new property to NID, called data_units for indicating the units of NID dataset variables.
  • The get_us_states now accepts conus as a subset_key which is equivalent to contiguous.

Internal Changes

  • Add get_us_states to __init__ file, so it can be loaded directly, e.g., gh.get_us_states("TX").
  • Modify the codebase based on Refurb suggestions.
  • Significant performance improvements in NWIS.get_streamflow especially for large requests by refactoring the timezone handling.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the dam types and purposes mapping dictionaries in NID class.


05 Nov 01:04
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Release Notes

New Features

  • Add a two new function for retrieving soil properties across the US:
    • soil_properties: Porosity, available water capacity, and field capacity,
    • soil_gnatsgo: Soil properties from the gNATSGO database.
  • Add a new help function called state_lookup_table for getting a lookup table of US states and their counties. This can be particularly useful for mapping the digit state_cd and county_cd that NWIS returns to state names/codes.
  • Add support for getting individual state geometries using get_us_states function by passing their two letter state code. Also, use TIGER 2022 data for the US states and counties instead of TIGER 2021.

Internal Changes

  • Remove proplot as a dependency and use matplotlib instead.