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Release v4.39.0

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@ArthurZucker ArthurZucker released this 21 Mar 01:18
· 670 commits to main since this release


🚨 VRAM consumption 🚨

The Llama, Cohere and the Gemma model both no longer cache the triangular causal mask unless static cache is used. This was reverted by #29753, which fixes the BC issues w.r.t speed , and memory consumption, while still supporting compile and static cache. Small note, fx is not supported for both models, a patch will be brought very soon!

New model addition

Cohere open-source model

Command-R is a generative model optimized for long context tasks such as retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and using external APIs and tools. It is designed to work in concert with Cohere's industry-leading Embed and Rerank models to provide best-in-class integration for RAG applications and excel at enterprise use cases. As a model built for companies to implement at scale, Command-R boasts:

  • Strong accuracy on RAG and Tool Use
  • Low latency, and high throughput
  • Longer 128k context and lower pricing
  • Strong capabilities across 10 key languages
  • Model weights available on HuggingFace for research and evaluation

LLaVA-NeXT (llava v1.6)

Llava next is the next version of Llava, which includes better support for non padded images, improved reasoning, OCR, and world knowledge. LLaVA-NeXT even exceeds Gemini Pro on several benchmarks.

Compared with LLaVA-1.5, LLaVA-NeXT has several improvements:

  • Increasing the input image resolution to 4x more pixels. This allows it to grasp more visual details. It supports three aspect ratios, up to 672x672, 336x1344, 1344x336 resolution.
  • Better visual reasoning and OCR capability with an improved visual instruction tuning data mixture.
  • Better visual conversation for more scenarios, covering different applications.
  • Better world knowledge and logical reasoning.
  • Along with performance improvements, LLaVA-NeXT maintains the minimalist design and data efficiency of LLaVA-1.5. It re-uses the pretrained connector of LLaVA-1.5, and still uses less than 1M visual instruction tuning samples. The largest 34B variant finishes training in ~1 day with 32 A100s.*


LLaVa-NeXT incorporates a higher input resolution by encoding various patches of the input image. Taken from the original paper.

MusicGen Melody

The MusicGen Melody model was proposed in Simple and Controllable Music Generation by Jade Copet, Felix Kreuk, Itai Gat, Tal Remez, David Kant, Gabriel Synnaeve, Yossi Adi and Alexandre Défossez.

MusicGen Melody is a single stage auto-regressive Transformer model capable of generating high-quality music samples conditioned on text descriptions or audio prompts. The text descriptions are passed through a frozen text encoder model to obtain a sequence of hidden-state representations. MusicGen is then trained to predict discrete audio tokens, or audio codes, conditioned on these hidden-states. These audio tokens are then decoded using an audio compression model, such as EnCodec, to recover the audio waveform.

Through an efficient token interleaving pattern, MusicGen does not require a self-supervised semantic representation of the text/audio prompts, thus eliminating the need to cascade multiple models to predict a set of codebooks (e.g. hierarchically or upsampling). Instead, it is able to generate all the codebooks in a single forward pass.


The PVTv2 model was proposed in PVT v2: Improved Baselines with Pyramid Vision Transformer by Wenhai Wang, Enze Xie, Xiang Li, Deng-Ping Fan, Kaitao Song, Ding Liang, Tong Lu, Ping Luo, and Ling Shao. As an improved variant of PVT, it eschews position embeddings, relying instead on positional information encoded through zero-padding and overlapping patch embeddings. This lack of reliance on position embeddings simplifies the architecture, and enables running inference at any resolution without needing to interpolate them.


The UDOP model was proposed in Unifying Vision, Text, and Layout for Universal Document Processing by Zineng Tang, Ziyi Yang, Guoxin Wang, Yuwei Fang, Yang Liu, Chenguang Zhu, Michael Zeng, Cha Zhang, Mohit Bansal. UDOP adopts an encoder-decoder Transformer architecture based on T5 for document AI tasks like document image classification, document parsing and document visual question answering.


UDOP architecture. Taken from the original paper.


This model is a new paradigm architecture based on state-space-models, rather than attention like transformer models.
The checkpoints are compatible with the original ones


StarCoder2 is a family of open LLMs for code and comes in 3 different sizes with 3B, 7B and 15B parameters. The flagship StarCoder2-15B model is trained on over 4 trillion tokens and 600+ programming languages from The Stack v2. All models use Grouped Query Attention, a context window of 16,384 tokens with a sliding window attention of 4,096 tokens, and were trained using the Fill-in-the-Middle objective.


The SegGPT model was proposed in SegGPT: Segmenting Everything In Context by Xinlong Wang, Xiaosong Zhang, Yue Cao, Wen Wang, Chunhua Shen, Tiejun Huang. SegGPT employs a decoder-only Transformer that can generate a segmentation mask given an input image, a prompt image and its corresponding prompt mask. The model achieves remarkable one-shot results with 56.1 mIoU on COCO-20 and 85.6 mIoU on FSS-1000.

Galore optimizer


With Galore, you can pre-train large models on consumer-type hardwares, making LLM pre-training much more accessible to anyone from the community.

Our approach reduces memory usage by up to 65.5% in optimizer states while maintaining both efficiency and performance for pre-training on LLaMA 1B and 7B architectures with C4 dataset with up to 19.7B tokens, and on fine-tuning RoBERTa on GLUE tasks. Our 8-bit GaLore further reduces optimizer memory by up to 82.5% and total training memory by 63.3%, compared to a BF16 baseline. Notably, we demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of pre-training a 7B model on consumer GPUs with 24GB memory (e.g., NVIDIA RTX 4090) without model parallel, checkpointing, or offloading strategies.

Galore is based on low rank approximation of the gradients and can be used out of the box for any model.

Below is a simple snippet that demonstrates how to pre-train mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 on imdb:

import torch
import datasets
from transformers import TrainingArguments, AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
import trl

train_dataset = datasets.load_dataset('imdb', split='train')

args = TrainingArguments(
    optim_target_modules=["attn", "mlp"]

model_id = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1"

config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_id)

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config).to(0)

trainer = trl.SFTTrainer(



Quanto integration

Quanto has been integrated with transformers ! You can apply simple quantization algorithms with few lines of code with tiny changes. Quanto is also compatible with torch.compile

Check out the announcement blogpost for more details

Exllama 🤝 AWQ

Exllama and AWQ combined together for faster AWQ inference - check out the relevant documentation section for more details on how to use Exllama + AWQ.

MLX Support

Allow models saved or fine-tuned with Apple’s MLX framework to be loaded in transformers (as long as the model parameters use the same names), and improve tensor interoperability. This leverages MLX's adoption of safetensors as their checkpoint format.

Highligted improvements

Notable memory reduction in Gemma/LLaMa by changing the causal mask buffer type from int64 to boolean.

  • Use torch.bool instead of torch.int64 for non-persistant causal mask buffer by @fxmarty in #29241

Remote code improvements

Breaking changes

The PRs below introduced slightly breaking changes that we believed was necessary for the repository; if these seem to impact your usage of transformers, we recommend checking out the PR description to get more insights in how to leverage the new behavior.

  • 🚨🚨[Whisper Tok] Update integration test by @sanchit-gandhi in #29368
  • 🚨 Fully revert atomic checkpointing 🚨 by @muellerzr in #29370
  • [BC 4.37 -> 4.38] for Llama family, memory and speed #29753 (causal mask is no longer a registered buffer)

Fixes and improvements

Significant community contributions

The following contributors have made significant changes to the library over the last release: