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Mycorrhizae are a symbiotic association between plant roots and fungi. Their major role is to enhance nutrient and water uptake by the host plant by exploiting a larger volume of soil than roots alone can do. Mycorrhizae come in a number of forms, dependent upon both host plant and fungal taxonomy.

-- J. Dighton, in Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Third Edition), 2009

Mycoriza React Typescript Swagger


Mycoriza is a typescript library / code generator for integrating Rest API to react applications.

  • Painless: Mycoriza makes the Rest API integration ridiculously easy by providing a toolset to generate more react-ish, well documented network layer boilerplate. This helps the developers to spend there valuable time on more important problems than network integration.

  • Explicit: In react applications, classic way of handling the asynchronous behavior is often confusing and requires more effort in maintaining. Mycoriza incorporates more explicit approach by modeling the promises as states, and provides the necessary tools to mine information in typesafe manner.

  • Safe: Mycoriza ensures the type-safety through strong typescript support and integration-safety through easy and typesafe API client generation.

Getting Started

A new Mycoriza project can be created easily using create-react-app.

npx create-react-app <project-name> --template mycoriza

To generate the network layer, go to project directory and run following command.

cd <project-name> & npm run updateApi

Necessary configurations will be requested during the first code generation.


To learn more, please refer documentation and guides