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Scala 2.13 Project


The goal for this project is to demonstrate how to start easily a new scala 2.13 project (using FP techniques? :) ).

Stack technologies


Domain Driven Design (DDD)

Domain driven design is all about developing a ubiquitous language, which is a language that you can use to discuss your software with business folks (who presumably do not know programming).

DDD is all about making your code expressive, making sure that how you talk about your software materializes in your code. One of the best ways to do this is to keep you domain pure. That is, allow the business concepts and entities to be real things, and keep all the other cruft out. However, HTTP, JDBC, SQL are not essential to domain, so we want to decouple those as much as possible.

Onion (or Hexagonal) Architecture

In concert with DDD, the Onion Architecture and Hexagonal Architecture from Cockburn give us patterns on how to separate our domain from the ugliness of implementation.

We fit DDD an Onion together via the following mechanisms:

The domain package The domain package constitutes the things inside our domain. It is deliberately free of the ugliness of JDBC, JSON, HTTP, and the rest. We use Services as coarse-grained interfaces to our domain. These typically represent real-world use cases. Often times, you see a 1-to-1 mapping of Services to R or HTTP API calls your application surfaces.

Inside of the domain, we see a few concepts:

  1. Service - the coarse grained use cases that work with other domain concepts to realize your use-cases
  2. Repository - ways to get data into and out of persistent storage. Important: Repositories do not have any business logic in them, they should not know about the context in which they are used, and should not leak details of their implementations into the world.
  3. payloads or models - things like Tweet, etc are all domain objects. We keep these lean (i.e. free of behavior).

The repository package The repository package is where the ugliness lives. It has JDBC things, and the like. it contains implementations of our Repositories. We may have 2 different implementations, an in-memory version as well as a doobie version.

The http package It contains the HTTP endpoints that we surface via akka-http. You will also typically see JSON things in here via circe

The util package The util package could be considered infrastructure, as it has nothing to do with the domain.

NOTE All business logic is located in domain package, every package inside is related to some domain.

Service classes contains high level logic that relate to data manipulation, that means that services MUST NOT implement storage.

For storage there are dedicated classes.





1.application.conf 1.stage.application.conf We use Pure Config to load configuration objects when the application starts up. pure config Provides a neat mapping of config file to case classes for us, so we really do not have to do any code.


To run project locally and load the corresponding secretes, it is recommended to choose one of the following alternatives.

Command line

In order to run locally on a developer machine via the command line, go to source folder and execute

~/scala213/> sbt runServer

For <command> use one of ~compile | test | run



  1. Open settings (File -> Settings or CTRL+ALT+S)
  2. Choose Plugins
  3. Open "browse repositories" window and type BashSupport
  4. Click "Install" button and wait until the installation completes
  5. Restart Intellij IDEA
  6. Open Run/Debug Configuration (Run -> Edit Configurations)
  7. Click "+" button and select "Bash" item from drop down
  8. Give a name and select sbt file from source code
  9. Enter run into "Program arguments" field
  10. Click "Apply" and "OK"
  11. Click green button on the right side at the top of the window (or Shift+F10)


Pre-Commit Hook

Pre Commit is a project on github to setup and maintain git commit hooks. The default hooks are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml

For installation on osx run

brew install pre-commit

To setup the hooks with pre-commit run:

pre-commit install -f --install-hooks

After that scalafmt checks your changed files for codestyle:

Note: Conflicts should be resolved


This section describes how to deploy scala213 to either STAGE or PROD.

Dependency Udpates

sbt dependencyUpdates

Lists newer versions of integrated dependencies from Maven/Ivy

sbt dependencyUpdates


Linting is done via scapegoat. It is a static code analyzer inspecting the code with a set of 117 rules. Certain files can be excluded, rules can be changed. Configuration is described here.

The report can be picked up by Jenkins and should be part of the deployment pipeline.


Not to be confused with Sbt's "publishing"!.

haha FIXME


haha FIXME


Known issues

Configuration via Pureconfig

Pureconfig's config file does not support uppercase and underscores. Read here


In order to use cats...

How to use sbt-coverage

Run the tests with enabled coverage:

$ sbt clean test

To generate the coverage reports run

$ sbt coverageReport

Coverage reports will be in target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html.


scala 2.13 stack with akka-http, cats, circe, pureconfig, scalatest, scapegoat







No releases published


No packages published


  • Scala 99.0%
  • Dockerfile 1.0%