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poor man's pattern matching 🚥

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Edit @housinganywhere/match

import * as React from 'react';
import match from '@housinganywhere/match';

type Status = 'loading' | 'error' | 'success';

enum Status {
  loading = 'loading',
  error = 'error',
  success = 'success',

const StatusMsg: React.SFC<{ status: Status }> = ({ status }) =>
  match<Status, React.ReactNode>({
    loading: () => <Spinner />,
    error: () => <Alert type="danger">There was an error</Alert>,
    success: () => <Alert type="success">Yay! It worked</Alert>,

For matching several cases together use wildMatch. All the missing cases will be handled by case _.

import { wildMatch } from '@housinganywhere/match';

type Vowels = 'a' | 'e' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u';

const isA = wildMatch<Vowels, string>({
  a: () => 'Yay!',
  _: (v) => `Nope, "${v}" is not "a"`,

isA('a'); // 'Yay!'
isA('e'); // 'Nope, "e" is not "a"'
isA('i'); // 'Nope, "i" is not "a"'
isA('o'); // 'Nope, "o" is not "a"'
isA('u'); // 'Nope, "u" is not "a"'


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