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Project Envato by Team Avengers - Gym/Fitness Website

Collaboration Instructions:

1. Clone this repository to your local PC.
2. Your assets such as images, CSS file, JavaScript file should be placed in the Images, CSS, Javascript folders respectively in the assets folder.
3. Use 90% botstrap for your styling.
4. Ensure responsiveness in your designs. **Important** .
5. Create a new branch locally name it according to the the instruction on the user story
6. Once you are done working run "git pull" locally.
7. Push your code to the repository.
8. Make a Pull request for the master branch. 



The application was deployed to netlify.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap



This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Project-Setup Instructions.

  1. git clone using the following links.


  2. Naviagte to the NEW-AVENGERS-VARIATION-1-GYM-FITNESS directory.

  3. Open the file index.html to view the app on your browser.


Behaviour Output
On loading the app you see the services page showing services available Not Applicable.
Clicking Home link on the navigation bar You are redirected to the home page.
Clicking Services link on the navigation bar You are redirected to the services page where you view the services the gym has to offer.
Clicking Products link on the navigation bar You are redirected to the products page where you view the facilities the gym has to offer.
Clicking Plans link on the navigation bar You are redirected to a page where you view various plans the gym has to offer at various prices.
Clicking BMI link on the navigation bar You are redirected to a page where you can be able to calculate your BMI.
Clicking Our team link on the navigation bar You are redirected to a page where you can view the members of the gym and trainers.
Clicking About Us link on the navigation bar. You are redirected to a page where you view the story of the gym and so much more.
Clicking Contact link on the navigation bar. You are redirected to a page written various ways you can use to contact the gym.

Sample Screenshot of a Part of the website