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This is the client library for the service-auth-provider api microservice. The tool provides a method to generate s2s auth token for a microservice and, optionally, caches it.

Getting started



The project uses Gradle as a build tool, but you don't have to install it locally since there is a ./gradlew wrapper script.

To build the project run the following command:

./gradlew build


The following values must be provided:

    url: http://localhost:4502
    totp_secret: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC
    microservice: ccd_gw

A spring bean:

public class ServiceTokenGeneratorConfiguration {
   public AuthTokenGenerator serviceAuthTokenGenerator(
           @Value("${idam.s2s-auth.totp_secret}") final String secret,
           @Value("${idam.s2s-auth.microservice}") final String microService,
           final ServiceAuthorisationApi serviceAuthorisationApi
   ) {
       return AuthTokenGeneratorFactory.createDefaultGenerator(secret, microService, serviceAuthorisationApi);

Configuration for Service Authentication filter

The following values must be provided to enable a ServiceAuthFilter bean:

    services: microservice1, microservice2

ServiceAuthFilter bean is a OncePerRequestFilter filter that you can add to your filter chain to authorise a service request. The filter will expect a header with 'ServiceAuthorization: Bearer <token>' as part of the request header that it will consume to approve the request. Any requests from services that are not in your authorised services list will deny access to your service and return an HTTP response status code 403 (forbidden) and for any other reasons if the token is missing, invalid or failure to verify will result in 401(unauthorized).

Running without Spring

You might want to use this client when not running in a spring context, i.e. a scheduled job possibly.

class ServiceTokenGenerator {
    private static AuthTokenGenerator getAuthTokenGenerator(String s2sURL, String clientId, String clientSecret) {
        HttpMessageConverter<?> jsonConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(new ObjectMapper());
        ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> converter = () -> new HttpMessageConverters(jsonConverter);
        ServiceAuthorisationApi serviceAuthorisationApi = Feign.builder()
                .contract(new SpringMvcContract())
                .encoder(new SpringEncoder(converter))
                .decoder(new StringDecoder())
                .target(ServiceAuthorisationApi.class, s2sURL);
        return AuthTokenGeneratorFactory
                .createDefaultGenerator(clientSecret, clientId, serviceAuthorisationApi);


Unit tests

To run all unit tests execute the following command:

./gradlew test

Coding style tests

To run all checks (including unit tests) execute the following command:

./gradlew check


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

To release a new version add a tag with the version number and push this up to the origin repository. This will then build and publish the release to maven.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.