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Releases: hfg-gmuend/openmoji

OpenMoji 15.0

21 Dec 07:55
@b-g b-g
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🎄🥶 OpenMoji 15.0 - 21 Dec 2023

Many improvements, fixes and new OpenMojis:
👉 Full support of Unicode Emoji 15.0.
👉 New font build system
👉 Lots of fixes and redesigns
👉 New (open source and programming languages) logos and symbols

🙏 Special thanks to @RobertWinslow and @mavit for the epic colorfont build system!

  + OpenMoji colorfonts for desktop and web by @RobertWinslow #422
  + hyphen-minus symbol (codepoint 002D) by @RobertWinslow #93
  + rounded Chinese folk symbols Fú Lù Shòu etc. by @RobertWinslow #431
  + Element instant messaging brand logo by @SethFalco #451
  + Jellyfin brand logo by @JenTheBluePanda #452
  + glass and plastic (water) bottle by @BenediktSeidl #454 #447
  + Artstation brand logo by @SethFalco #463
  + Reddit and Discord brand logos by Allison Fister @alfister #470
  + moose and black bird by Jasmin Fassler & Linda Hartmann
  + windsurfing emoji by Mostafa Hussein Omar #469
  + new Unicode v15 emojis by Anna Schneider, Ben Engelhardt, Charlotte Beha,
    Christian Engler, Jasmin Fassler, Jennifer Zhu, Kathrin Gerold,
    Kira Lehmann, Linda Hartmann, Paul Gabriel, Paul Mang,Raluca Maniu,
    Simon Rutsch, Sonja Partheymüller, Katja Widmann
  + 18 openmoji-extras from openmoji-xk-extensions by Xavier Martínez @xavizardKnight #479
    Motorbike helmet and Guy Fawkes mask
    subdivision flags: Valencian Community ES-VC, Balearic Islands ES-IB,
    Aragon ES-AR and Murcia ES-MC
    logos: C programming language, C++ programming language, C# programming language,
    Chrome Canary, Firefox Developer, Firefox Canary, JavaScript programming language,
    TypeScript programming language, WebAssembly, SVG, Markdown, WinRAR

  * fix symbol for ionising radiation to correct orientation by @RobertWinslow #421
  * add black elements for Nepal's flag by @RobertWinslow #421
  * various improvements/alterations of svg src files by @RobertWinslow #420
  * clean up flag paths (reasonable rounding) by @samhocevar #411
  * adjusting and cleaning up openmoji meta data by @waldyrious
    #407 #406 #392 #391 #389 #388 #435 #432
  * adjust openmoji tags of nature-related emoji by @waldyrious #427
  * fix key emojis to not show color outside of the outlines by @rosseljost #448
  * redesign of 1FAD6 teapot by Andrew Luckett
  * 1F96F fix small spike on right side by @BenediktSeidl #455
  * 1F567 fix short hand to be actually twelve-thirty by @jkaving #465
  * fix regional indicators (ABC) in extras-unicode by Jasmin Fassler & Linda Hartmann
  * optimized extras-openmoji for upcoming dark mode by Jasmin Fassler & Linda Hartmann
  * optimized extras-unicode for upcoming dark mode by Jasmin Fassler & Linda Hartmann
  * fix incorrect skin tone for kiss: man, man #456
  * removed cross of coffin to make it better usable for non-Christians

  #426 by @RobertWinslow
  * Several paths have had superfluous colinear points removed (tophat and math symbols)
  * Several math symbols were centered
  * 1FAD7 (pouring liquid) was reworked to have thicker lines
  * The lines in 1F6EB and 1F6EC (airplane takeoff and landing) were likewise thickened
  * The post office symbol in 1F3E3 was made blockier and red
  * 1F691 (ambulance) was updated to have the correct symbol, the Star of Life #419 #417
  * The black version of the moon phases now has a black fill
  * 1F5C2 and 1F4C7 have made more distinct
  * 1F4C7 redesigned to be more similar to other emoji sets
  * The black flag 1F3F4 has had a path closed and reversed.
  * Lighten the background of 1F233
  * The 'E' in 1F4E7 (e-mail) has been rounded and copied into the line-supplement layer.

  * new build chain (based on Nanoemoji) with colorfont outputs for desktop and web
    by @RobertWinslow and Peter Oliver @mavit #422
  * Fix generating combined COLR/SVG fonts by @999eagle #458
  + New tests to check TTFs have expected tables by @mavit #464

  + npm run show-extras-hexcodes: shows an overview of private use hexcodes of the openmoji-extras
  * better Python code snippet in FAQ by @kolibril13 #405

OpenMoji 14.0

05 Jul 09:09
@b-g b-g
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🏖🍦 OpenMoji 14.0 - 05 Jul 2022

Emoji 14:
  * 1F91D 🤝 Handshake changed to have multiple skintones
  + 1FAD9 Jar by @fuddl #315
  + 1FAE6 biting lip by @fuddl #364
  + 1FAE7 bubbles by @fuddl #364
  + 1F6DF, 1F979, 1FAA9, 1FAE0, 1FAE2, 1FAE4, 1FAE5 by Liz Bravo @lizbravob
  + 1F6DD, 1F6DE, 1F7F0, 1F9CC, 1FA7B, 1FA7C, 1FAAA, 1FAAB, 1FAAC, 1FAB7,
    1FAB8, 1FAB9, 1FABA, 1FAC3, 1FAC4, 1FAC5, 1FAD7, 1FAD8, 1FAE1, 1FAE3,
    1FAF0, 1FAF1, 1FAF2, 1FAF3, 1FAF4, 1FAF5, 1FAF6
    by Aileen Gedrat, Alan Seng, Alena Peichl, Jana Gerspach, Jana Junk,
    Klara Schöninger, Max Isele, Natalie Siebler, Niklas Kuntz, Pia Stockhaus,
    Robin Bauer, Tim Loose

🙏 Special thanks to @stephanbogner for shiny old new website
   and @lizbravob the generous contributions!

  + E1D8 QR code OpenMoji by @loominade (try it on your mobile) #347
  + E1D9 barcode OpenMoji by @loominade
  + 1FAD9 Jar plus color by @fuddl #315
  + 25AE black vertical rectangle by @fuddl #362
  + 25C9 fisheye by @fuddl #362
  + 25C9-FE0F-200D-1F534-200D-25AE-FE0F "HAL 9000" in Hommage to
    "A Space Odyssey" movie by @fuddl #362
  + 25C9-FE0F-200D-1F534 red eye of HAL 9000 by @fuddl #362
  + More open source variants for brands in extras-openmoji/brand:
    gitlab, mastodon, peertube, pixelfed, signal by Liz Bravo @lizbravob #240
  + 1F1E6-1F1F6-1F48E true south (antarctica) flag by @SpangleLabs #366
  + New category extras-unicode/regional-indicator holding A-Z Regional Indicators by Daniel Utz #351
  + 1F3F3-1F7E6-1F7E9-1F7E8 Berber flag by Daniel Utz
  + 1F9D1-200D-1FAA9 DJ (person, man, woman) by Liz Bravo @lizbravob #47
  + E20F seven wonders of the ancient world by Niklas Kuntz

Redesign / Improvements:
  * 1F990, 1F422, 1F98B Redesign of shrimp, butterfly, and turtle by @RobertWinslow #383
  * 1F458 changed color of Kimono
  * 1FAD9 changed shape of jar and added label
  * 1FAE2 changed shape of hand covering mouth
  * 1FAE4 changed shape mouth
  * 1F5FF changed to moyai and moved moai to extras-openmoji E216 by Liz Bravo @lizbravob #396

  * 1F414 chicken: fixed white fill #359
  * 1F97A pleading face: now more consistent with other platforms by @mincerafter42 #360
  * E0A2 E0A3 E0A4 SOS, YES, NO: color shield was not correctly centered by @tmechen #367
  * Remove problematic id attributes from certain SVG elements by @RobertWinslow #373
  * E2C9 E2CA swapped polar explorer man/woman #390
  * Improved/redesigned: 🏫 1F3EB, 👒 1F452, 🖐️ 1F590, 🥚 1F95A, 🧢 1F9E2, 🧬 1F9EC
    by Jennifer Pätzold, Alan Seng, Niklas Kuntz, Aileen Gedrat

  * Is completly re-write! Now is build with Astro (static site generator)
    by Stephan Bogner @stephanbogner

OpenMoji 13.1

29 Jun 13:09
@b-g b-g
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⛱🍉 OpenMoji 13.1 - 29 Jun 2021

Many improvements, fixes and new OpenMojis:
👉 Full support of Unicode Emoji 13.1. Yay!
👉 Lots of fixes and redesigns
👉 New flags and misc emojis in extras-openmoji

  + Colorful hexagons by @fuddl #278
  + Annoyed face with tongue by Barkin Simsek @woswos #287
  + Québec flag by Denis Blanchette @dblanchette #293
  + Basque, Bretagne, and anarchist flag by Sam Hocevar @samhocevar #306
  + Unicode 13.1: face in clouds, face-unwell, heart on fire, mending heart,
    "man: beard" and "woman: beard" by Nelly Nieter
  + Champignon Mushroom extras-openmoji/food-drink by Liz Bravo @lizbravob
  + Boule bread extras-openmoji/food-drink by @fuddl

  * Amphora, Pile of Books, Dagger, Teddy Bear, Caterpillar, Lady Beetle, Microscope,
    Mosquito, Cactus, Kimono, Old Man, Guardsaman, Moyai, Mosque, Train Car,
    Bowl with Spoon, Serious Face with Symbols Covering Mouth, Sad but Relieved Face,
    Fearful Face, Yawning Face, 🎄📦️🦀🦪🧇🪐 and 🍊🍎🍓🍝🍮🎎🎦🏧💐🛩️🥒✒️
    by Liz Bravo @lizbravob
  * Fog, Foggy by Nelly Nieter
  * Moved old Fog to extras-openmoji/travel-places Foggy Mountain E20E
  * Moved old 🍮 to extras-openmoji/food-drink Cake E0C7
  * Moved old ✒️ to 1F58B

  * Ferry contour on waves
  * Bagel with schmear of cream cheese
  * Fix wrong Unicode of Catalonia flag by Sam Hocevar @samhocevar #305
  * Fix South Sudan flag star orientation by Sam Hocevar @samhocevar #301
  * Fix the Tajikistan flag, it has 7 stars, not 8 by Sam Hocevar @samhocevar #302
  * Fix East Timor flag star orientation by Sam Hocevar @samhocevar #303
  * Fix crescent in Brunei flag by Sam Hocevar @samhocevar #298
  * Fix white stripe of flag Slovakia #297
  * Consistency of contours of black shapes by @fuddl #273
  * Expression in Face with Hand Over Mouth
    Colour of mouth in Exploding Head
    by Liz Bravo #285
  * Fix slightly broken carrot

  * support to display multi-skintone OpenMojis
  * new sorting and filtering

OpenMoji 13.0

13 Nov 11:17
@b-g b-g
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🥳 OpenMoji 13.0 - 13 Nov 2020

Many improvements, fixes and new OpenMojis:
👉 Full support of Unicode Emoji 13.0. Yay!
👉 New Coronavirus related emojis by Guemil Project
👉 Lots of fixes and redesigns
👉 New logos and symbols

🙏 Special thanks to @lizbravob and @fuddl for all the generous contributions!

  + Emoji 13:
    1F6D6 Hut, 1F6D7 Elevator, 1F9A3 Mammoth, 1F9A4 Dodo, 1F9AB Beaver, 1F9AC Bison,
    1F9AD Seal, 1F9D1-200D-1F37C Person Feeding Baby, 1F9D1-200D-1F384 Mx Claus,
    1F90C Pinched Fingers, 1F468-200D-1F37C Man Feeding Baby, 1F469-200D-1F37C Woman
    Feeding Baby, 1F470 Person in Veil, 1F935 Person in Tuxedo, 1F977 Ninja,
    1FA9C Ladder, 1FA96 Military Helmet, 1FAA2 Knot, 1FAA8 Rock, 1FAB2 Bettle,
    1FAB3 Cock Roach, 1FAB5 Wood, 1F935-200D-2640-FE0F Woman with Tuxedo,
    1F470-200D-2642-FE0F Man in Veil
    by Liz Bravo @lizbravob
  + New emergency and COVID related emojis by Guemil Project
    E0AC, E0AD, E0AE, E0AF, E0B0, E0B1, E0B2, E0B3, E0B4
  + E048 to E04B Logos of OpenData projects e.g. OpenStreetMap by @fuddl
  + Black hole by @fuddl
  + Horse jumping hurdles
  + Catalonia flag by Joan Montané
  + Asturies flag by Mikel González
  + Browser vendor logos by @fuddl
  + Stick figures by @fuddl
  + Unicode 11 half stars + unicode 1.1 black star by @fuddl

  * Construction
  * Animals:
    Sloth, Skunk, Hippo, Raccoon, Monkey and Kangaroo
    by @nicdiac
  * Bee by @nicdiac
  * E08B emergency exit by Guemil Project
  * E0A8 evacuate fire by Guemil Project

  * Add white stars around New Zealand Flag's stars - @jtothegriff
  * Gender of mountain bikers
  * Darkness of colours in Tomato, Garlic, Bell Pepper
  * Shading in Grapes
  * White fill in Russian Doll and Slot Machine
  * Color of Hot Face

OpenMoji 12.4.0

28 Jul 08:34
@b-g b-g
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🏝 OpenMoji 12.4 - 28 Jul 2020

Many improvements, fixes and new OpenMojis:
👉 More Emoji 13, only 20 missing
👉 New set of gardening related things
👉 Lots of fixes
👉 New Code of Conduct

  + Greta Thunberg
  + Copyleft Symbol
  + Sound Recording Copyright
  + Service Mark Symbol
  + Various gardening related things:
    gardener, lawn mower, push cart, axe, spade
  + Pigeon
  + Macaw
  + Bavaria subdivision flag by Manuel Strehl @Boldewyn
  + Bubble Tea, Coin, Window, Fondue, Accordion
    Bell Pepper, Teapot by Liz Bravo @lizbravob

  * Flags:
    Argentina, Mozambique and Taiwan by @wayne-shih
    Bahrain and New Calendonia by @carlinmack
  * Eject Symbol
  * Copyright
  * Registered
  * Trade Mark
  * Microbe/Virus to accommodate COVID, moved existing one to E011

  * number of fingers in Face with Hand Over Mouth, Yawning Face, Hugging Face
  * size of hand in Thinking Face
  * contour in Shushing Face
    by @nicdiac
  * which black used in geometric Unicode shapes
  * number of keys in Keyboard
  * colour of contour in Half Orange Fruit
  * alignment of stars on US Flag
  * Croatian flag #247
  * size of Person Walking
  * white fill in:
        Carousel Horse, Foggy, High-Speed Train, Ballot Box, Chart Increasing, Chart
  * handle in Megaphone
  * size and fill of Bookmark Tabs
  * size and fill of Roll of Paper
  * resize:
        Dove, Spider, Spider Web, Turtle, Pills, Medication, Plaster, Bagel,
        Mechanical Arm, Mouth, OK Button, SOS Button

  * NPM openmoji package: Removed "engines" property in package.json

  + Added Code of Conduct

OpenMoji 12.3.0

22 May 07:21
@b-g b-g
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🛠 OpenMoji 12.3 - 22 May 2020

Many improvements, fixes and new OpenMojis:
👉 More Emoji 13, ca. 2/3 of all new ones
👉 New logos and symbols
👉 New and consolidated animals
👉 New flags and lots of fixes
👉 New set of various coffee related things

🙏 Special thanks to @kriskowal for making the new build system happen!

  + Emoji 13:
    1FAA0 Plunger, 1FA9A Carpentary Saw, 1FA9B Screwdriver, 1FAA1 Sewing Needle,
    1FAA4 Mouse Trap, 1FAA7 Placard, 1FA9E Mirror, 1FA83 Boomerang, 1FAA3 Bucket,
    1FAB6 Feather, 1FAB4 Potted Plant, 1FA9D Hook, 1FAA6 Headstone
    by Liz Bravo @lizbravob
  + Logos:
    Android logo, Apple logo, Windows logo, Ubuntu logo by @fuddl
    LinkedIn Logo
    Creative Commons Symbols
  + Symbols:
    Web syndication/RSS, Tardis, Power symbols,
    More geometric Unicode shapes in extras-unicode/symbol-other by @loominade
    Improved face mask, no handshaking, dejected face
  + Animals:
    Narwhal, Beluga, Porpoise by @kriskowal
    Orca and Spouting Orca by Selina Bauer
  + Flags:
    Generic monochrome flags, California, Berlin, Texas, Esperanto, Nail and Gear,
    United Federation of Planets (Star Trek),
  + Various coffee related things:
    Coffee machines and appliances, Baristas, Symbols by @fuddl

  * Dolphin by @kriskowal
  * Whale and Spouting Whale with blue whales by @kriskowal
  * Llama
  * Cross Mark
  * Lab Coat
  * Cursor
  * Loudly Crying
  * Check Mark
  * Keyboard
  * Hot Beverage
  * Closed Umberella

  * Exploding Head by @taralynnconnelly
  * size of Record Button by @fuddl
  * signs and align Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius, Om,
    Orthodox Cross, Wheel of Dharma, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces, Ophiuchus
  * Flags:
    Portugal, Afghanistan, Laos, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Jersey, New Caledonia,
    Niger, Antarctica, Mayotte, Hong Kong, Aruba, Pirate, Isle of Man, Iraq,
    Bhutan, Czech Republic @mikiqex, Cuba
  * contour in Cat
  * contour in Victory Hand
  * structure in Classical Building
  * tongue in Hot Face
  * drool in Drooling Face
  * Question Mark, White Question Mark
  * contour in Infinity
  * all Prohibited Signs
  * bed in Bed and Person in Bed
  * skullcap in Person With Skullcap
  * rainbow in Rainbow
  * people in Restroom, Men's Room, Women's Room
  * person in Wheelchair Symbol
  * size of Oncoming Fist
  * contours in Cafeteria
  * orientation of Black Nib
  * contour in Flamingo
  * arm in Place of Worship
  * size of Syringe
  * size of Computer Mouse
  * alignment of Trackball
  * detail in Couch and Lamp
  * mask in Medical Mask
  * swirl in Lollipop
  * size of Handshake

  * Blazing fast new build system by Kris Kowal @kriskowal
  * OpenMoji Black/Colorfont scale up by 1.3 to match emoji size of other vendors
  * New cleanup script for figma svg export @fuddl
  * Add test to remove white fills from black emojis
  * Handy new overview index.html catalog
  * Improved node.js package and added docs, see

OpenMoji 12.2.0

17 Mar 13:21
@b-g b-g
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Many improvements, fixes and new OpenMojis:
👉 First batch of Emoji 13, ca. 1/3 of all new ones
👉 Unicode Emoji 12.1 complete, new gender neutral persons and person-roles
👉 New extras-openmoji: healthcare
👉 New extras-openmoji: climate-environment

+ Emoji 13:
  1FAC0 anatomical heart, 1FAC1 lungs, 1FAC2 people hugging,
  1F3F3 FE0F 200D 26A7 FE0F transgender flag, 1F43B polar bear,
  1FAD0 blueberries, 1FAD3 flatbread, 1FAD4 tamale, 1FA85 piñata,
  1FA98 long drum, 1F972 smiling face with tear, 1F978 disguised face,
  1F6FB pickup truck, 1FAB0 fly, 1FAB1 worm, 1FAD2 olive, 1FA84 magic wand,
  1F6FC roller skate, 1FA86 nesting dolls, 1FA74 thong sandal, 1FAA5 toothbrush,
  26A7 transgender symbol, 1F408 black cat
  by Liz Bravo @lizbravob and @carlinmack
+ Gender neutral persons and person-roles to fulfil Unicode Emoji 12.1:
  1F9D1-200D-1F9B0, 1F9D1-200D-1F9B1, 1F9D1-200D-1F9B3, 1F9D1-200D-1F9B2,
  1F9D1-200D-2695-FE0F, 1F9D1-200D-1F393, 1F9D1-200D-1F3EB, 1F9D1-200D-2696-FE0F,
  1F9D1-200D-1F33E, 1F9D1-200D-1F373, 1F9D1-200D-1F527, 1F9D1-200D-1F3ED,
  1F9D1-200D-1F4BC, 1F9D1-200D-1F52C, 1F9D1-200D-1F4BB, 1F9D1-200D-1F3A4,
  1F9D1-200D-1F3A8, 1F9D1-200D-2708-FE0F, 1F9D1-200D-1F680, 1F9D1-200D-1F692,
  1F9D1-200D-1F9AF, 1F9D1-200D-1F9BC, 1F9D1-200D-1F9BD
+ New extras-openmoji/healthcare emojis (41):
  E30A, E30B, E30C, E30D, E30E, E30F, E31A, E31B, E31C, E31D, E31E, E31F, E32B,
  E300, E301, E302, E303, E304, E305, E306, E307, E308, E309, E310, E311, E312,
  E313, E314, E315, E316, E318, E319, E320, E321, E322, E324, E325, E326,
  E327, E328, E329 by Tonia Reinhardt and Fanny Jung
+ New extras-openmoji/climate-environment (27):
  E2C0, E2C1, E2C2, E2C3, E2C4, E2C5, E2C6, E2C7, E2C8, E2C9, E2CA, E2CB, E2CC,
  E2CD, E2CE, E2CF, E2D0, E2D1, E2D2, E2D3, E2D4, E2D5, E2D6, E2D7, E2D8, E2D9,
  E2DA by Sina Grund, Ricarda Krejci and Robin Kurz
+ Hacker Cat 1F431-200D-1F4BB, by suggestion of @alexkadis
+ Horse Riding

  * finger height in Person Raising Hand
  * black and white Pomegranate
  * add leaf and stem in Poppy
  * racing position in Horse Racing
  * colours in Mate
  * colour in Black Heart
  * remove shadow from hearts in Kiss, Smiling Face with Hearts and Couple with Heart
  * connect lines and colours in Authority Instruction
  * remove eyebrows and change mouth in Confused Face and Confounded Face
  * number of petals in Hibiscus
  * screw thread in Lightbulb
  * body in Flamingo
  * mouth and eyes in Zany Face
  * snowman in Snowman
  * hind leg in Horse and Donkey
  * background in Radioactive
  * redesign Sari
  * stroke weight of Gem Stone
  * stroke weight of Swim Briefs
  * number of candles in Menorah
  * shape of Star of David and Dotted Six-Pointed Star
  * grid in Bar Chart
  * toppings on Burger
  * number of falafel in Falafel
  * improved shape of foot
  * Changed Rocket Ship 1F680 from American space shuttle to the iconic vision of a
  rocket ship styled imagined in SF of the 1960's, by Kris Kowal @kriskowal

* Improved formatting of all SVG files with automated attributes sorting/cleaning

OpenMoji 12.1.0

23 Dec 15:09
@b-g b-g
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Happy Holidays release! Many improvements, fixes and a few new OpenMojis!
Special thanks to Carlin Mackenzie @carlinmack for his great and plenty contributions!

+ Added Poppy (War Remembrance Day) by @carlinmack
  suggested by @inferno986return
+ Added Youtube and Github logo, contributed by Romain Bazile @gromain
+ Added pomegranate, poppy, exhausted, incredulous face to extra emojis @carlinmack

* Improved "red hair" color of 1F9B0, 1F468-200D-1F9B0, 1F469-200D-1F9B0
  to better distinct from other hair colors.
* Fix OpenMojis with blond, red or white hair by @sourgift
* Fix 1F471 'person: blond hair' to resemble '1F9D1 person' by @sourgift
* Fix 1F1F2-1F1F7 flag Mauritania added red stripes by @jonpdixon
* Fix 1F1F5-1F1FC flag Palau, increased size of yellow circle by @jonpdixon
* Removed shadows from spade, heart, diamond and club suit (2660, 2663, 2665, 2666)
* Removed shadows from all hearts in smileys-emotion/emotion/ (2764, 2763, 1F499,
  1F498, 1F497, 1F496, 1F495, 1F494, 1F493, 1F90E, 1F90D, 1F49F, 1F49E, 1F49D, 1F49C,
  1F49B, 1F49A, 1F48C, 1F9E1, 1F5A4)
* Redesign pleading, flushed, tired and weary, dumpling emoji, face screaming with fear,
  foot emoji by Carlin MacKenzie @carlinmack
* Fix smirking, frowning with open mouth and unamused face, melon colours,
  right speech bubble, thought balloon and speech ballon Seychelles flag,
  bikini, banana by Carlin MacKenzie @carlinmack
* Fix face and expression of 1F62C grimacing face
* Improved wings of 1F47C baby angel
* Fix 1F237 Japanese "monthly amount" added missing horizontal stroke
* Improved 1F004 to better resemble a Mahjong Red Dragon tile by @sourgift
  Change tile from square to rectangle
* Fix 1F31A 1F31D moon emojis by Carlin Mackenzie @carlinmack
  Same smile and face for both moon emojis
  Change colour of full moon shadow
* Fix 1F1E9-1F1F2 Dominica flag by @pyfisch
* Fix 1F1FB-1F1EA by Jonathan Dixon @jonpdixon
  Correct colour order and number of stars on Venezuelan flag
* Fix 1F3F4-E0067-E0062-E0073-E0063-E0074-E007F by Carlin Mackenzie @carlinmack
  Correct diagonal line on Scottish flag
* Fix 1F473-200D-2640-FE0F Women wearing turban should not show hair #20
  Thanks Gurmukh Panesar @gurmukhp
* Fix 1F3F3-FE0F-200D-1F308 Rainbow flag now shows the right colors and
  display as a country flag. By Romain Bazile @gromain, suggestion by
  Pascal Eckmann @p4cx.
* Small fixes for 1F4A9, 1F9B0, 1F9B1, 1F9B2, 1F9B3, 1F9B8, 1F9B9,
  1F9CF-200D-2642-FE0F, 1F9D6, 1F9D9, 1F9DA, 1F9DB, 1F62C, 1F473-200D-2642-FE0F,
  1F473, 1F534, 1F535, 1F601, 1F624, 26AA, 26AB.
  Thanks Rifat Can Erdogan & Selina Lange

OpenMoji 12.0

15 May 06:37
@b-g b-g
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Full support for all emojis of Unicode 12.0/Emoji 12.0 and 3030 new emojis,
skin tones support, refactoring all source files from .ai to .svg, better
quality assurance with ca. 17000+ automated unit test ...

+ Added 377 new emojis.
  Contributions of the OpenMoji course at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd by
  Benedikt Groß and Daniel Utz with Antonia Wagner, Evelyn Soos, Fanny Jung,
  Florian Nagel, Jonas Dunkel, Laura Dworatschek, Laura Schießer, Nadine Bartel,
  Ricarda Krejci, Rifat Erdogan, Sam Eckert, Selina Lange, Tonia Reinhardt
  and Yasmin Abdullahi.

+ Added basic support for multiple skintone modifiers
  e.g. 1F9D1-1F3FF-200D-1F91D-200D-1F9D1-1F3FB

+ Added 25A1 "missing glyph"

+ Added 261 flags from Andorra to Zimbabwe

+ Added 47 "emergency" related emojis contributed by the Guemil Project

+ Added 136 new emojis.
  Contributions of the OpenMoji Workshop at the HfG Laborwoche 2018 by
  Abby Esquivel, Aileen Gedrat, Anne Frauendorf, Daniel Quiros, Hend Hourani,
  Lois Proksch, Louisa Mantsch, Marleen Heine, Nadja Grün, Sarah Mager,
  Sina Chlod, Vincent Seitz

+ Added ca. 17000+ unit tests to ensure automated quality assurance

* Refactored source files to follow Emoji v12 categories

* Normalised "beautified" all svg source and production files

* Updated 13 standard emojis with Guemil Project revisions

* Fixed flags 1F3C1, 1F3F3, 1F3F3-FE0F-200D-1F308, 1F3F4 to ensure consistency

* Converted source files from .ai to .svg

* Refactored source files to follow new mandatory layer structure

* Analysed, fixed and simplified all shape types for every emoji (e.g. removed mask shapes)

* Fixed every emoji to follow the OpenMoji color palette

* Added property contribution date (hfg_date) to the openmoji json/csv "data" files

* Fixed hour glasses to obey the laws of gravity

- Ditched .ai source files in favour of .svg! Yay!

OpenMoji 1.0

18 Apr 07:22
@b-g b-g
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Initial release with 1045 emojis