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This repository explains how to build a simulation for viscoelastic material deformation using team-pancho/FEM3D MATLAB package. Note that this package has not yet been released, but will be available under team-pancho GitHub page soon. The script viscoelastic_deformation_hand_press.m is the main file that handles building the simulation, and the animation it produces is available here .


We want to compute a FEM approximation of the deformation of a viscoelastic material with isotropic fractional Zener model (See [Section 4, 1]). Numerical solver is based on FEM for space and Convolution Quadrature (CQ) [2] for time discretization. The animation produced by viscoelastic_deformation_hand_press is available here.

Desiging the MATLAB script

Space and time discretization

We start with setting the polynomial degree for the FEM solver.

k = 3;

We choose a final simulation time. It is know that the error of the CQ solver accumulates in time [3]. Therefore, for large simulation time, one needs to choose small time stepping.

M = 40; dt = 0.04;

Generating the mesh for space and time

Because of the implementation of meshRectPrism, to mark the bottom faces of the prism, we set

DBC = 1

We want to create the initial prism [0,8] x [0,8] x [0,2] with 2 refinements,

ref = 2;
ztop = 2; ytop = 8; xtop = 8;
T = meshRectPrism(xtop,ytop,ztop,ref,DBC);

and then scale the prism in x and y directions by 0.5.

scale = 0.5; 
T.coordinates(1:2,:) = scale*T.coordinates(1:2,:);

Create enhanced properties of the mesh T,

T = edgesAndFaces(T); T = enhanceGrid3D(T);

and get the list of Neumann faces.

neuList = {find(T.faces(4,:)==2)};

Generate the temporal mesh using the given time-step and final time.

time = 0:dt:M; nt = length(time);

Viscoelastic parameters

Define the mass density function,

rho_c = 0.01;
rho =@(x,y,z) rho_c+0*x;

and fractional zener parameters.

m_muc = 0.2; a_muc = 0.6; b_muc = 2.0; nu_muc = 0.7; 
m_mu = @(x,y,z) m_muc+0*x; a_mu = @(x,y,z) a_muc+0*x; b_mu = @(x,y,z) b_muc+0*x;
nu_mu = @(x,y,z) nu_muc+0*x;
m_lamc = 0.9; a_lamc = 0.3; b_lamc = 3.0; nu_lamc = 0.7;
m_lam = @(x,y,z) m_lamc+0*x; a_lam = @(x,y,z) a_lamc+0*x; b_lam = @(x,y,z) b_lamc+0*x;
nu_lam = @(x,y,z) nu_lamc+0*x;

See Section 1.1 in the documentation for what these parameters correspond in the matematical formulation of the viscoelastic problem.

Boundary conditions and forcing term

We define a function for producing vectorized 0-values.

zero = @(x,y,z,t) 0*x;

Dirichlet condition: Fixes bottom faces of the solid

uD{1} = zero; uD{2} = zero; uD{3} = zero;

Hand press as Neumann condition

Hand press will be activated in the time interval [tA,tB]. We define the time interval as a certain proportion of the final time (M) of the simulation. The rate of the proportion is controlled by wP.

wP = 10; tA = M/wP; tB = 2*M/wP;

Because of the stability issues, the hand press effect should be smooth in the interval [tA,tB]. We achieve this with the window function.

punchwf = window(tA,tA+2*dt,tB-2*dt,tB);

Import the function hand which is an indicator function for a human hand in [0,0]x[1,1]


Set the hand press area and magnitude of this press.

punchArea = @(x,y,z) hand(0.5*(x-1),0.5*(y+0.5));
punchMagnitude = -2.8;
punch = @(x,y,z,t) 0*x + punchMagnitude.*punchwf(t).*punchArea(x,y,z);

Using punch function define the Neumann data.

sig{1,1} = zero; sig{1,2} = zero; sig{1,3} = zero;
sig{2,1} = zero; sig{2,2} = zero; sig{2,3} = zero; 
sig{3,1} = zero; sig{3,2} = zero; sig{3,3} = @(x,y,z,t) 0*x+punch(x,y,z,t);
Sig = {sig};

Gravity as a forcing term

gravitywf = window(3*dt,3.1*dt,M+1,M+2);
gravity = 9.8;
f{1} = zero; f{2} = zero; 
f{3} = @(x,y,z,t) 0*x - gravity.*gravitywf(t).*rho(x,y,z);


We compute uh, vh, wh as x,y,z components of the displacement, and sxxh,syyh,szzh,syzh,sxzh,sxyh as the components of the symmetric stress tensor. These quantities are FEM coefficient matrices for each DOF and each time-step.

[uh,vh,wh,sxxh,syyh,szzh,syzh,sxzh,sxyh] = ...

Creating an animation

Our FEM solver for this simualtion is based on k=3 degree polynomials. To obtain a smooth simulation we interpolate our FEM solution at high order quadrature points. We only compute the deformation at the surface of the solid, and create a surface mesh at these quadrature points.

kinterp = 9;
uhtotSurf = interpolateFEM3D([uh;vh;wh],T,k,kinterp);
Tsurf = interpolateMesh(T,kinterp);

We also create a hand mesh and an approproate movement for it.

handmovewf = window(0.5*tA,tA+13*dt,tB-2*dt,tB);
hand_top_lev = 4; hand_bottom_lev = 1.9;
surfLevel = min(wh);
zmove = -0.2 + hand_top_lev - (hand_top_lev - hand_bottom_lev - 0.55*surfLevel).*handmovewf(time);
Nvhand = length(Thand.Z);
whhand = zeros(Nvhand,nt) + zmove;
uhtotHand = [zeros(Nvhand,nt);zeros(Nvhand,nt)-0.9;whhand];

Finally we construct the animation with a choice of a pair of colors for the solid and the hand.

movie_fn =@() axis('off');
color = {[151,190,162]/256,[175, 110, 81]/256};


[1]: T.S. Brown, S. Du, H. Eruslu, and F.-J. Sayas. Analysis of models for viscoelastic wave propagation. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 2018. (DOI:10.21042/AMNS.2018.1.00006)

[2] M. Hassell, and F.-J. Sayas. Convolution Quadrature for Wave Simulations. Numerical simulation in physics and engineering. SEMA SIMAI Springer Ser.(9) pp 71-159, 2016. (Chapter)

[3]: H. Eruslu, and F.-J. Sayas. Brushing up a theorem by Lehel Banjai on the convergence of Trapezoidal Rule Convolution Quadrature, 2019 (arxiv:1903.09031)


Simulations of viscoelastic material deformation






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