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Use GitHub App Token

Use GitHub App Token Action

This action is intended to be used to create and return a GitHub installation access token given a GitHub Apps app_id and RSA private_key. Either the installation_id or repository must be provided to identify the GitHub app installation. If neither is provided, the GitHub App installation will be inferred from the repository where the action is running. If both are provided, the installation_id will be used.


- uses: heroku/use-app-token-action@main
    # GitHub App ID
    # required: true
    app_id: ""
    # GitHub App private key
    # required: true
    private_key: ""
    # GitHub App installation id
    # required: false
    installation_id: ""
    # GitHub repository where the app is installed, e.g. heroku/use-app-token-action
    # required: false
    # default: Current repository where the action is running
    repository: ""

Returns: steps.<step_id>.outputs.app_token

In your workflow YAML file, include this action similar to the following:

  name: My Job
  runs_on: sfdc_hk_ubuntu_latest
   - name: Generate access token
     id: generate_access_token
     uses: heroku/use-app-token-action@main
        app_id: ${{ env.GH_APP_ID }}
        private_key: ${{ secrets.GH_APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
        installation_id: ${{ env.GH_APP_INSTALLATION_ID }}
   - name: Task that needs a token
     uses: actions/checkout@v3
       token: ${{ steps.generate_access_token.outputs.app_token }}

Use GitHub App Token