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@akcryptoguy akcryptoguy released this 24 May 00:27
· 3 commits to master since this release

This release includes a new tab in the wallet for proposal voting. Helium masternode owners can click the Yes, No, or Abstain buttons to cast their vote with all of their masternodes for the proposal they select in the list.

You can double-click on a proposal to launch the proposal description URL for each proposal. This tab will also display the current votes for each proposal, including the number of votes still needed to reach the minimum 10% threshold of the masternode population for a proposal to be considered valid.

This release also includes a bug fix that makes staking more reliable, especially when staking over longer timeframes with the helium-qt wallet.

Updated the snapshot to February 2020 to help sync wallets faster. It is somewhat less secure than fully syncing the blockchain from peers. Extract the file into your data directory to install. This will sync the blockchain through block 862699 with blockhash 70df64ba8d656f028ac11e9c4a17f26e3d935bea3cfa09f1caac53617cb9d2e3.


This release has been preserved for historical significance. Helium is being rebranded as sQuorum in May/June 2020 and 0.16.0 will be the final release for Helium.