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First, download the latest version of Docker and Docker-Compose from:

To run both the front-end React app and the Python flask server, execute the following command:

docker-compose up

To shut down the applications:

docker-compose down

If you make changes to the Dockerfile or any other elements of the build config, you may need to rebuild the containers:

docker-compose build

Alternatively, you can both build and launch the containers in one command:

docker-compose up --build

More information on how to use docker commands can be found on the Docker website:

Note: this containerization is configured for development only. We still need to write some build files for the production build.

Predictions (Surgeo + ZRP) Endpoint

Picklefiles: - need the "zrp_fe_pkl.obj" and "clf_fl.obj" picklefiles in the picklefiles/ directory to run predictions

Required Parameters: - first name - last name - middle name - zipcode - precinct split - gender - county code - congressional district - senate district - house district - birth date

The goal is to eventually reduce the number of required fields needed to run predictions (perhaps calling a census API that can retrieve the required parameters).