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Time Registration App

The task is to implement a simple iOS application that solves the following two user stories:

As a freelance I want to be able to:

  • Register the time I spend on my projects, so that I can create correct invoices for my customers
  • Get an overview of my time registrations, so that I can create correct invoices for my customers

This Xcode project is a simple Swift application that uses the VIPER architecture pattern, the Realm database, and the RXSwift framework. It is designed to provide a basic example of how to structure an iOS application using VIPER and how to use Realm and RXSwift to manage data and asynchronous operations.


The project uses the VIPER architecture pattern. This pattern separates the application into five distinct layers, with each layer having a specific responsibility:

  • View: Handles the user interface and user input.
  • Interactor: Handles the business logic and data operations.
  • Presenter: Handles the presentation logic and communicates with the view and interactor.
  • Entity: Contains the data models and entities used by the application.
  • Router: Handles navigation between screens.

The project also uses the Realm database, which is a mobile database that allows for easy storage and retrieval of data.

It also uses the RXSwift framework, which is a reactive programming framework that allows for declarative programming of asynchronous operations. This allows for a more concise and readable code, as well as easier management of data flows.


Implementing VIPER and Repository design patterns with RxSwift, Unit tests and Realm for Databse.






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