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backend/local: Handle apply-time values for ephemeral input variables
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When the ephemeral variables experiment is active we can potentially have
input variables whose values need to be provided separately in both the
plan and apply phases, as a compromise to avoid writing those values as
part of a saved plan file and to allow the given value to vary between
the two phases if necessary.

The CLI layer must therefore re-process the given input variable values
during the apply phase whenever this experiment is active for the root
module and the plan recorded at least one apply-time variable name.

To reduce the risk of this new logic accidentally impacting
non-experimental usage, the whole call is guarded by whether the root
module is participating in the experiment. Checking just the root module
is sufficient here because only the root input variables are directly
handled by the CLI layer; input variables for descendent modules are
handled entirely within the modules runtime.
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apparentlymart committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent ee4cf64 commit f5841fc
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 1 deletion.
145 changes: 144 additions & 1 deletion internal/backend/local/backend_apply.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,15 @@ import (


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,8 +91,10 @@ func (b *Local) opApply(
stateHook.PersistInterval = 20 * time.Second // arbitrary interval that's hopefully a sweet spot

var plan *plans.Plan
combinedPlanApply := false
// If we weren't given a plan, then we refresh/plan
if op.PlanFile == nil {
combinedPlanApply = true
// Perform the plan
log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: apply calling Plan")
plan, moreDiags = lr.Core.Plan(lr.Config, lr.InputState, lr.PlanOpts)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,15 +235,41 @@ func (b *Local) opApply(
// Set up our hook for continuous state updates
stateHook.StateMgr = opState

var applyOpts *terraform.ApplyOpts
if lr.Config.Module.ActiveExperiments.Has(experiments.EphemeralValues) {
// We only try to handle apply-time input variables if the root module
// has opted into the ephemeral_values language experiment, because
// otherwise there can't possibly be any input variables required
// in the apply phase and this reduces the risk of the experimental
// code impacting non-experimental usage.
// If we stablize something like this experiment, we should find a
// less clunky way to introduce this extra step.
applyTimeValues, applyVarDiags := applyTimeInputValues(
diags = diags.Append(applyVarDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
op.ReportResult(runningOp, diags)
applyOpts = &terraform.ApplyOpts{
SetVariables: applyTimeValues,

// Start the apply in a goroutine so that we can be interrupted.
var applyState *states.State
var applyDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
doneCh := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer logging.PanicHandler()
defer close(doneCh)

log.Printf("[INFO] backend/local: apply calling Apply")
applyState, applyDiags = lr.Core.Apply(plan, lr.Config, nil)
applyState, applyDiags = lr.Core.Apply(plan, lr.Config, applyOpts)

if b.opWait(doneCh, stopCtx, cancelCtx, lr.Core, opState, op.View) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,6 +366,115 @@ func (b *Local) backupStateForError(stateFile *statefile.File, err error, view v
return diags

func applyTimeInputValues(needVars collections.Set[string], decls map[string]*configs.Variable, given map[string]backendrun.UnparsedVariableValue, ignoreExtras bool) (terraform.InputValues, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
// TEMP: This function is here to deal with the currently-experimental
// possibility of certain input variables being required during an apply
// phase because they were set during planning but declared as being
// ephemeral.
// To reduce the disruption to existing code caused by this language
// experiment the following is implemented by lightly misusing some
// existing functions that were designed for interpreting variable values
// during the planning phase. If we move forward with something like this
// design for ephemeral input variables then we should consider revisiting
// this to see if we can share the relevant parts of this logic in a less
// clunky way.

// As a way to trick the functions we built for plan-time variable
// processing into dealing with apply-time variables, we'll construct
// a copy of the variable configurations map with only the needed
// variables in it.
filteredDecls := make(map[string]*configs.Variable, len(decls))
for name, config := range decls {
if needVars.Has(name) {
filteredDecls[name] = config
ret, diags := backendrun.ParseDeclaredVariableValues(given, filteredDecls)
undeclared, _ := backendrun.ParseUndeclaredVariableValues(given, filteredDecls)
// The diagnostics returned by ParseUndeclaredVariableValues are written
// to make sense for the plan phase, so we'll ignore them and produce
// our own diagnostics here.
for name, defn := range undeclared {
// Something can get in here either by being not declared at all,
// by being a non-ephemeral variable which should therefore have been
// set during the planning phase, or by being an ephemeral value that
// wasn't set during planning and must therefore stay unset during
// apply. We'll distinguish those cases below.
decl, declared := decls[name]
if !declared {
// FIXME: Ideally we should treat this situation similarly to how
// we would during planning, raising an error if defined in an
// "explicit-ish" way but a warning if set in an ambient way such
// as an environment variable. But for now we'll just ignore
// undeclared input variables in all cases for simplicity's sake.

var rng *hcl.Range
if defn.HasSourceRange() {
rng = defn.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr()

if decl.Ephemeral {
// An ephemeral variable that appears as "undeclared" is one that
// wasn't set during planning and must therefore remain unset
// during apply.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Ephemeral variable was not set during planning",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The ephemeral input variable %q was not set during the planning phase, and so must remain unset during the apply phase.",
Subject: rng,
} else {
// TODO: We should probably actually tolerate this if the new
// value is equal to the value that was saved in the plan, since
// that'd make it possible to, for example, reuse a .tfvars file
// containing a mixture of ephemeral and non-ephemeral definitions
// during the apply phase, rather than having to split ephemeral
// and non-ephemeral definitions into separate files. For initial
// experiment we'll keep things a little simpler, though, and
// just skip this check if we're doing a combined plan/apply where
// the apply phase will therefore always have exactly the same
// inputs as the plan phase.
if !ignoreExtras {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Cannot change value for non-ephemeral variable",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"Input variable %q is non-ephemeral, so its value was decided during the planning phase and cannot be reset for the apply phase.",
Subject: rng,

// We should now have a non-null value for each of the variables in needVars
for _, name := range needVars.Elems() {
val := cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType)
if defn, ok := ret[name]; ok {
val = defn.Value
if val.IsNull() {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Ephemeral variable must be set for apply",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf(
"The ephemeral input variable %q was set during the planning phase, and so must be set again during the apply phase.",

return ret, diags

const stateWriteBackedUpError = `The error shown above has prevented Terraform from writing the updated state to the configured backend. To allow for recovery, the state has been written to the file "errored.tfstate" in the current working directory.
Running "terraform apply" again at this point will create a forked state, making it harder to recover.
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