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resources/ephemeral: A place to track ephemeral resource instances
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apparentlymart committed May 3, 2024
1 parent 2ab8071 commit 59ea75b
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Showing 2 changed files with 260 additions and 0 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions internal/resources/ephemeral/ephemeral_resource_instance.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1

package ephemeral

import (


// ResourceInstance is an interface that must be implemented for each
// active ephemeral resource instance to determine how it should be renewed
// and eventually closed.
type ResourceInstance interface {
// Renew attempts to extend the life of the remote object associated with
// this resource instance, optionally returning a new renewal request to be
// passed to a subsequent call to this method.
// If the object's life is not extended successfully then Renew returns
// error diagnostics explaining why not, and future requests that might
// have made use of the object will fail.
Renew(ctx context.Context, req providers.EphemeralRenew) (nextRenew *providers.EphemeralRenew, diags tfdiags.Diagnostics)

// Close proactively ends the life of the remote object associated with
// this resource instance, if possible. For example, if the remote object
// is a temporary lease for a dynamically-generated secret then this
// might end that lease and thus cause the secret to be promptly revoked.
Close(ctx context.Context) tfdiags.Diagnostics
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions internal/resources/ephemeral/ephemeral_resources.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1

package ephemeral

import (



// Resources is a tracking structure for active instances of ephemeral
// resources.
// The lifecycle of an ephemeral resource instance is quite different than
// other resource modes because it's live for at most the duration of a single
// graph walk, and because it might need periodic "renewing" in order to
// remain live for the necessary duration.
type Resources struct {
active addrs.Map[addrs.ConfigResource, addrs.Map[addrs.AbsResourceInstance, *resourceInstanceInternal]]
mu sync.Mutex

func NewResources() *Resources {
return &Resources{
active: addrs.MakeMap[addrs.ConfigResource, addrs.Map[addrs.AbsResourceInstance, *resourceInstanceInternal]](),

type ResourceInstanceRegistration struct {
Value cty.Value
ConfigBody hcl.Body
Impl ResourceInstance
FirstRenewal *providers.EphemeralRenew

func (r *Resources) RegisterInstance(ctx context.Context, addr addrs.AbsResourceInstance, reg ResourceInstanceRegistration) {
if addr.Resource.Resource.Mode != addrs.EphemeralResourceMode {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't register %s as an ephemeral resource instance", addr))

configAddr := addr.ConfigResource()
if ! {, addrs.MakeMap[addrs.AbsResourceInstance, *resourceInstanceInternal]())
ri := &resourceInstanceInternal{
value: reg.Value,
configBody: reg.ConfigBody,
impl: reg.Impl,
renewCancel: noopCancel,
if reg.FirstRenewal != nil {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
ri.renewCancel = cancel
go ri.handleRenewal(ctx, reg.FirstRenewal)
}, ri)

func (r *Resources) InstanceValue(addr addrs.AbsResourceInstance) (val cty.Value, live bool) {

configAddr := addr.ConfigResource()
insts, ok :=
if !ok {
return cty.DynamicVal, false
inst, ok := insts.GetOk(addr)
if !ok {
return cty.DynamicVal, false
// If renewal has failed then we can't assume that the object is still
// live, but we can still return the original value regardless.
return inst.value, !inst.renewDiags.HasErrors()

// CloseInstances shuts down any live ephemeral resource instances that are
// associated with the given resource address.
// This is the "happy path" way to shut down ephemeral resource instances,
// intended to be called during the visit to a graph node that depends on
// all other nodes that might make use of the instances of this ephemeral
// resource.
// The runtime should also eventually call [Resources.Close] once the graph
// walk is complete, to catch any stragglers that we didn't reach for
// piecemeal shutdown, e.g. due to errors during the graph walk.
func (r *Resources) CloseInstances(ctx context.Context, configAddr addrs.ConfigResource) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
// TODO: Can we somehow avoid holding the lock for the entire duration?
// Closing an instance is likely to perform a network request, so this
// could potentially take a while and block other work from starting.

var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
for _, elem := range {
moreDiags := elem.Value.close(ctx)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags.InConfigBody(elem.Value.configBody, elem.Key.String()))

// Stop tracking the objects we've just closed, so that we know we don't
// still need to close them.

return diags

// Close shuts down any ephemeral resource instances that are still running
// at the time of the call.
// This is intended to catch any "stragglers" that we weren't able to clean
// up during the graph walk, such as if an error prevents us from reaching
// the cleanup node.
func (r *Resources) Close(ctx context.Context) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
// FIXME: The following really ought to take into account dependency
// relationships between what's still running, because it's possible
// that one ephemeral resource depends on another ephemeral resource
// to operate correctly, such as if the HashiCorp Vault provider is
// accessing a secret lease through an SSH tunnel: closing the SSH tunnel
// before closing the Vault secret lease will make the Vault API
// unreachable.
// We'll just ignore that for now since this is just a prototype anyway.

// We might be closing due to a context cancellation, but we still need
// to be able to make non-canceled Close requests.
ctx = context.WithoutCancel(ctx)

var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
for _, elem := range {
for _, elem := range elem.Value.Elems {
moreDiags := elem.Value.close(ctx)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags.InConfigBody(elem.Value.configBody, elem.Key.String()))
} = addrs.MakeMap[addrs.ConfigResource, addrs.Map[addrs.AbsResourceInstance, *resourceInstanceInternal]]()
return diags

type resourceInstanceInternal struct {
value cty.Value
configBody hcl.Body
impl ResourceInstance

renewCancel func()
renewDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
renewMu sync.Mutex // hold when accessing renewCancel/renewDiags, and while actually renewing

// close halts this instance's asynchronous renewal loop, if any, and then
// calls Close on the resource instance's implementation object.
// The returned diagnostics are contextual diagnostics that should have
// [tfdiags.Diagnostics.WithConfigBody] called on them before returning to
// a context-unaware caller.
func (r *resourceInstanceInternal) close(ctx context.Context) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics

// Stop renewing, if indeed we are. If we previously saw any errors during
// renewing then they finally get returned here, to be reported along with
// any errors during close.
diags = diags.Append(r.renewDiags)
r.renewDiags = nil // just to avoid any risk of double-reporting

// FIXME: If renewal failed earlier then it's pretty likely that closing
// would fail too. For now this is assuming that it's the provider's
// own responsibility to remember that it previously failed a renewal
// and to avoid returning redundant errors from close, but perhaps we'll
// revisit that in later work.
diags = diags.Append(r.impl.Close(context.WithoutCancel(ctx)))

return diags

func (r *resourceInstanceInternal) handleRenewal(ctx context.Context, firstRenewal *providers.EphemeralRenew) {
t := time.NewTimer(time.Until(firstRenewal.ExpireTime.Add(-60 * time.Second)))
nextRenew := firstRenewal
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
// It's time to renew
anotherRenew, diags := r.impl.Renew(ctx, *nextRenew)
if diags.HasErrors() {
// If renewal fails then we'll stop trying to renew.
r.renewCancel = noopCancel
if anotherRenew == nil {
// If we don't have another round of renew to do then we'll stop.
r.renewCancel = noopCancel
nextRenew = anotherRenew
t.Reset(time.Until(anotherRenew.ExpireTime.Add(-60 * time.Second)))
case <-ctx.Done():
// If we're cancelled then we'll halt renewing immediately.
r.renewCancel = noopCancel
return // we don't need to run this loop anymore

func noopCancel() {}

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