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Calculate Average Points using MapReduce + MPI

Group Members

Student Name Student ID
Kieu Huy Hai BI12-149
Vu Duc Hieu BI12-162
Bui Cong Hoang BI12-169
Ngo Quang Hung BI12-191
Pham Khuong Cuong BI12-070
Hoang The Duy BI12-129

Installation and Run

  • Install openjdk-17-jre and openjdk-17-jdk using apt: sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jre openjdk-17-jdk -y
  • Download the source code (.tar.gz file) of the OpenMPI at the homepage.
  • In the source code folder after extracting, configure the source code: ./configure --enable-mpi-java and install MPI: make && make install
  • Add environment variable: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
  • Run this project using make

System Architecture

Our system will use 5 Docker containers to connect and communicate via a Docker network. Each container uses MPI to communicate in the network and uses the MapReduce model to achieve the goal: calculate the average point of each different subject from a large amount of input.

System Architecture

In this context, the MapReduce task would be distributed across the Docker containers, with each handling a portion of the data processing, and the MPI processes within the containers would communicate with each other to do the MapReduce tasks, ensuring that data is correctly processed and aggregated.


Our system will use 2 phases of MapReduce:

  • Phase 1: Map from SIDPts to SID, List(pts) and reduce to an array of triplet [SID, numPtsTillNow,totalPtsTillNow]: MapReduce Phase 1
  • Phase 2: Map from the array [SID, numPtsTillNow,totalPtsTillNow] to SID, List(numPtsTillNow,totalPtsTillNow) and reduce to [SID, avgPts]: MapReduce Phase 2

Scenario and Demonstration


Calculate the average point for 4 subjects: Math, English, French and Literature in the National High School Graduation Examination (We will use the points from the CSV file here)




Calculate Average Points using MapReduce + MPI







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